Does the Holy Spirit "convict" born-again persons of sin?
When you receive the Holy Spirit he wants nothing else than to make you stay on the path of following Jesus and doing the stuff that is honoring to God. So...
When you receive the Holy Spirit he wants nothing else than to make you stay on the path of following Jesus and doing the stuff that is honoring to God. So...
It is referring to the lustful desire and acts. That's why we are admonished to, "abstain from all 'appearance' of evil." As this kind of attraction can lead...
I would say no. Homosexuality is sin. Romans 1:24-27 calls homosexuality sexual impurity and the degrading of ones body with another. Leviticus 20:13 and...
This is a fallen world handed over to Satan by Adam. Satan is the god of this fallen world (Jn 14:30). God is a God of justice and will not violate His...
This article takes a very cautious view of the Alpha Course. We do recognize, however, that the Alpha Course has been a tremendous help to many Christians....
The bible calls us the light of the world a city set on a hill cannot be hidden and no one lights a lamp to put it under a basket but to put it were everyone...
Most assuredly the Holy Spirit convicts a believer of sin. It is He who quickens or makes a spiritually dead person alive and aware of his lost condition...
During the forty years between the time the Israelites left Egypt and entered the Promised Land, they faced harsh conditions, including a scarcity of food....
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What does the Bible mean when it says I should cut off my hand if it causes me to sin?
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Does the Bible say anything about Russia in relation to the end times?
This is a very deep question. But we have to start with a premise - God created everything that isn't him. Did God create the heavens? Yes. Did God create...
Today we modern Christians take sin very lightly, and at times even joke about it. Jesus didn't. He wasn't very politically correct, I'm afraid. In fact, He...
I'm going to a camp led by him this Summer, and I'm just wandering how one should view him. He is supposed to be a very reputable charismatic, and I am certa...
First let me thank you for the way that you worded the question. And here is why I am thanking you. 1) It is the job of the Holy Spirit to "guide us to all...
As Michael said above a new covenant believer is under no obligation to tithe. The husband is the spiritual leader in the home and the wife should follow her...
It seems you are looking for a reason to marry the person you were having an affair with. If you have not yet divorced you need to break up the relationship...
Yes and no. Here is the yes, perhaps you are not born again and you think that if you go this will increase your going to heaven. God has placed a desire in...
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How do Jews explain the resurrection of Jesus?
From what I have found the answer is no. In the book of John as you referenced this is the only place I have seen that Jesus talks about the Holy Spirit...
Arun, That is an interesting question and I do not know the answer. We do know from the previous verses that Thomas was absent when Christ first appeared to...
Animism is the belief that everything has a soul or spirit, an anima in Latin, including animals, plants, rocks, mountains, rivers, and stars. Animists...
The Greek word agape is often translated "love" in the New Testament. How is "agape love" different from other types of love? The essence of agape love is...
The story of the sons of Korah in the Old Testament is truly a tale of two fathers and two destinies. The story begins with the Israelites of Moses' time as...
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What are the seven things God hates?
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How can I find comfort when an unsaved loved one has died?
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Why do pastors accept money during their sermons?
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Is it allowable for a Christian to eat halal food?
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What is the correct interpretation of John 20:23?
When asking the question is it Biblical we have to look for Biblical principles and how they relate to your question. Everyone who divorces his wife and...
Who really knows, Duet 29:29 states that “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever,...
Even before the creation of the earth there were satanic beings who could, and actually did, live in the region named Heaven on the second day. Heaven in its...
The question is: "When the Bible says homosexuality is sinful, could it be referring to the lustful desire and acts toward a person of the same gender done...
Quite simply, "nouthetic" counseling is biblical counseling-it gets its name from the Greek work noutheteo which is usually translated "admonish" (Romans...
What is the difference between tithes and offerings? A tithe is 10% of your annual income gained from agricultural or animal husbandry. They were mandated...
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What does the Bible say about being a lesbian? Does the Bible mention lesbianism?
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Was David Wilkerson a real prophet?
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Why do so many people seek after signs and wonders?
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What does the Bible say about the holy grail (sangreal)?
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Is it allowable for a Christian to have a life partner without a civil marriage?
To save your life can be right and wrong. Brethren I think here the wisdom of God comes in. Mat 10:23 When they persecute you in one town [that is, pursue...
No, that is not the case at all. Romans 1:18-32 is very explicit regarding homosexuality. Yes, God is a God of love, mercy and forgiveness but also a God of...
It is commonly thought that B.C. stands for "before Christ" and A.D. stands for "after death." This is only half correct. How could the year 1 B.C. have been...
The "blasphemy challenge" is an internet-based project started in December 2006 which invites young people to submit videos to Youtube or other video...
The word halal means "permissible" in Arabic. It refers to food, objects, or actions that are allowed in Islam. Among other things, halal meat must be killed...
Ordo Salutis is the Latin for "the order of salvation," which deals with the steps or stages in the salvation of a believer (e.g., election, foreknowledge,...
Hebrews 12:6 says, "For whom the Lord loves he chastens, and scourges every son whom he receives" (KJV). Another word for "chasten" is "discipline." The...
Ultimately, the answer to this question is "sin." It is the sin nature of man that causes us to worship modern idols, all of which are, in reality, forms of...
As a believers and followers of God in Jesus Christ, we are given the right to become children of God (John 1:10-13); it means, we have the God's power (the...
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