What should we learn from the account of David and Goliath?
By race, Goliath was not a Philistine; rather, he came from one of the races of giants whom Israel fought when leaving Egypt. Goliath and his brothers were...
By race, Goliath was not a Philistine; rather, he came from one of the races of giants whom Israel fought when leaving Egypt. Goliath and his brothers were...
The story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17) is a factual account from biblical history that demonstrates how the Lord intercedes for His people. David was a...
The near sacrifice of Isaac, is one of the most confusing of Bible stories. What more does God want from Abraham? What else does Abraham have to do? In...
The issue here is not one of deception but of trust. Abraham had learned to trust in the LORD. In turn, he taught his son Isaac to trust in the LORD. One...
The scripture means what it says the husband of one wife, Paul also reminded Titus about this. If a murderer or a drug dealing gets saved and delivered from...
Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle, that graze among the lilies (Song of Solomon 4:5 ESV) Your lips drip nectar, my bride; honey and...
It meant the same thing it means today. We all bear the curse of the fall, which in part, is a physical death. While Adam and Eve may not have experienced...
My first thought would be, so what if it was? I don't expect perfection and sinless behavior from anyone. King David had a premeditated affair and then...
Speaking the Word of God to your problems is WAY more than a prayer. It is speaking God's Answer, in His Own Words, directly at your problems, under His...
Twelve Forbidden Practices connected with psychic and mediums 1. Enchantments-- practice of magical arts (Ex. 7: 11, 22; 8: 7, 18; Lev. 19: 26; Dt. 18: 10;...
The four horsemen of the Apocalypse are described in Revelation chapter 6, verses 1-8. The four horsemen are symbolic descriptions of different events which...
By the first miracle ever recorded in the Bible, God wants the whole world to understand the truth that Jesus is the only mediator between man and God. Jesus...
Bethsaida was a cursed city. Christ himself had already cursed this city and so now refused to do another miracle within this city (Mk. 8:23; Mt. 11:21)....
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What does God mean by a broken and contrite heart?
6 Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son, and he took in his hand the fire and the knife. So the two of them walked on toge...
Genesis 22:6 - 8
We cannot overemphasize our need of the Spirit's power today because so much is attempted by mere fleshly enthusiasm and human strength. In today's Church...
"The Spirit of wisdom...understanding...counsel...might" (Isa 11:2) We think that the Holy Spirit helps us in spiritual matters only. No, the Holy Spirit...
"Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed unto the day of redemption" (Eph 4:30) The Father God has sent us the Holy Spirit as a Comforter...
Women are not second class citizens in the Kingdom of God. In Christ Jesus there is neither male nor female (Gal 3:28). Both men and women have equal...
Women are not second class citizens in the Kingdom of God. In Christ Jesus there is neither male nor female (Gal 3:28). Both men and women have equal...
Prophecy is not a prayer but it is a gift of Holy Spirit to hear the supernatural utterance in the native tongue (1Cor. 14: 3). It is a miracle of divine...
Five Commands regarding "Perpetual Families" in dispensation of Law and is not applicable now. 1. If a married brother dies childless, the living brother...
One can marry his brother's widow if he is widowed or single. If he is still married but wants to marry his brother's widow, it is considered polygamy life...
In Revelation chapters 1-3, "seven stars" are referenced four times. There are other "sevens," as well: seven lampstands, seven spirits, and seven churches....
Astronomers claim there are over 40 sextillion stars, many of which are suns to other planets. God knows the exact number of them for He made them (Ps....
We must know that we are living in the Church Age under the dispensation of grace. It is the period of time from Pentecost (Acts 2) to the Rapture(foretold...
After the rapture, The Lamb, Christ, takes the book out of the right hand of God who sits on the throne, and breaks the seven seals one at a time, revealing...
To become an Apostle, one must be a disciple of Jesus first. (e.g. 12 disciples of Jesus became Apostles) To become a prophet, one must be an Apostle first...
Every disciple of Christ is a Christian. But NOT all religious Christians are disciple of Christ. The Bible teaches everyone to be "followers of God as dear...
As Christians, we are called to a higher standard of conduct, in thought, action, word, deed, being. We are not of this world, but of the Lord God...
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What does the Bible say about when God will judge us?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What does the Bible say about the three wise men (Magi)?
Divination: It is something to do with satan, evil spirit and demons. Divination is a spirit of falsehood and deceit, not the Holy Spirit (Mic. 2:11). There...
J.R.R. Tolkien claimed that his book was pure fantasy, an attempt to write a mythology for England. He was asked about Christian themes, and he stated that...
Church history has witnessed many "strange fires" during periods of revival. The early apostles had wanted the Church at every age to be forewarned against...
In the Old Testament marrying the widow of your brother was common. Death is the only true end of the marriage covenant so marrying your brothers widow is...
Taking control over your thoughts is also a spiritual warfare. Therefore, it should also be handled spiritually. Let's look at what Paul says to the...
The rejection of the man's brother's wife is represented by a rejection of sexual intercourse with the wife. The man's foot represents the male organ, the...
A.W. Tozer (1897-1963), that great prophet, said that the first mark of a spiritual man is that he desires to be holy than happy! Revival is the restoration...
"The Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world; and then the end will come" (Mt 24:14) The last recorded message of Christ in...
"Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers" (2 Cor 6:14) Many a young Christian has ruined his life because of unholy alliance in marriage....
God is all knowing. He knows our past, present and future. This was a warning to Adam and Eve. This passage of Scripture is speaking of spiritual death as...
Midian was one of the six sons of Abraham by Keturah, after the death Sarah. These sons were sent eastward of Canaan into what is now the Arabian peninsula....
It is my opinion that the death spoken of here is a spiritual one. Man was created perfect by God. By eating of the fruit of the tree when they were...
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