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I humbly submit there is but one driving force behind this ancient struggle that we witness with our eyes via our technological wonders, started in the book of Genesis. The very short answer is if you know the exact location from where your enemy and His troops will mass, to destroy your kingdom. The prudent thing would be to exert all strenuous effort you can muster to deny this priceless real estate and weaken them as much as possible! 1 Cor. 16:13 The demonic forces and their intelligentsia minions ideological contempt of scripture and anyone or anything having to do with it is on center stage as their time is short. Genesis 4:6 Genesis 4:8 Genesis 12:2-3 Genesis 12:7 Genesis 25:34 Genesis 36:8 Consider: Today if the enemies of Israel laid down their weapons there would be peace, but if Israel were to lay down their weapons, there would be a massacre and history proves this sad fact many times over! And in Syria last week the death toll was about 700 people which has been the average for the last two years or since the faculty lounge commando drew that non red line, ah that's old news with nothing there to report or worry about. There can be no true peace, until the true prince of peace returns. In the Lord's freedom always Psalms 122:6..................warrior on
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