Do church traditions (ie: sacraments) offend God?
Many religious organizations have traditions called sacraments or ordinances which are antithetical to God instruction. Like the Pharisees and scribes of old...
Many religious organizations have traditions called sacraments or ordinances which are antithetical to God instruction. Like the Pharisees and scribes of old...
The Bible states very clearly that only God knows the heart, and salvation is a HEART issue. So, ultimately, it seems to me that if we are saved by faith al...
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Will Jehovah's Witnesses go to heaven?
There are some so-called Christian groups who deny/reject the divinity of Christ (Jehovah's witnesses, INC, etc), are they Christians?
John 15:5 — I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. In...
First and foremost, we have to understand what God's image is. What is it? Is it how we physically look? Does God look how we are male or female? To have...
I begin by dispelling this misconception - the Bible is not the source of our morality, God is. This is what happens when a Christian doesn't study Church...
What is sin? 1 John 3:4KJV, "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the Law: FOR SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW." We therefore cannot talk of "sin"...
Christmas is purported to be a celebration honoring the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. By simply and honestly examining the history, the scriptures and the...
The Bible does not say when, where or how Paul died. All we have is the tradition of the Church Fathers. Clement who was Paul's disciple only says that he...
I have heard the Word of Faith preachers declare on the basis of their interpretation of Psalm 82:6 that believers are gods and on that basis they can simply...
My theory is this, it is cultural and what the language of the day in which the letter was written in that will dictate what the meaning and understanding of...
Having faith in God means having a knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3: 22; Deuteoronomy 30: 11-20), it is a matter of life and death. Since God is...
To understand the difference between the local church and the universal church, one must get a basic definition of each. The local church is a group of...
What is the difference between the local church and universal church? The following distinctions are evident in scripture. The local church consists of...
God's greatest commandment: Love God. (Matthew 22:36-40) Teacher,which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all...
First of all Great Question! I would like to offer a short response but there are many implications to this passage. To fully answer this question we must...
Know the Bible is true. That it is accurate on many levels, unforeseeable by the original authors, is further proof of it's authenticity. We live in a...
No, Adam and Eve had not conceived a child before their act of sin. Such a child would be without a sinful nature, and would be perfect. No such child is...
The law in the old testament can be classified into 4 categories: Civic Laws These were civic laws that governed daily social life of the Jews. These laws...
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What is the meaning of the strange fire in Leviticus 10:1?
I will endeavour to put it simply by asking other questions: 1. It seems you want to go to heaven and avoid hell, but you do not want to serve God. That...
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Do Christians have to obey the Old Testament law?
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Do Christians have to obey the Old Testament law?
There are few topics that present such opposed views as this one! I propose a radically different approach to the subject. Reading through the responses...
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What does it mean to pray in Jesus' name?
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What are the gates of hell?
Anthropology is the study of humanity. Christian Anthropology is the study of humanity from a Christian / biblical perspective. It is primarily focused on...
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Is apostolic succession biblical?
If you mean sacraments as applied to the doctrine of transubstantiation and usage of a monstrance for the display of the bread or other relic, this is a man...
The main sacraments- The Lord's Supper and Baptism, are necessary for the proclaiming of Jesus as savior, and for the unifying of the body of Christ. With...
People often refer to the "Christian community," but what is it? When people speak of the Christian community, they usually mean "Christians in general" or...
Biblically speaking, a Christian community consists of believers who share a common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and whose religious practices are...
It is said that we are not forced to serve God at all. However if we want to go to heaven there's no other way. God gives us a choice to choose between heave...
Morality is the binding of one's self not to do certain things even though one can afford to do it, or it is legal to do it, self restraint not to exercise...
The scripture nowhere supports apostolic succession. We should first know what an apostle means. (Luke 6:13). The qualification of an apostle is he should...
I am sure in my mind that Jesus, our Redeemer, is only offended by one sacrament and in certain cases: By communion in cases when the person partaking of the...
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Do we have apostles today?
To clarify, man-made traditions are neither good nor bad in and of themselves. However, when someone takes a tradition and uses it to enslave people (such as...
Yes, we do have apostles today. Whoever believes and follows Jesus's teaching, being both a hearer and doer of the Word, becomes an apostle to the society...
In my understanding of things, this very question (and most answers so far) is flawed because it makes many assumptions about what we believe. It assumes...
I would say that Adam and Eve lived thousands, millions of years, maybe even more than that. The Bible clearly shows that GOD, created Adam and Eve and all...
This question is far more important than you might think. It is a question in which errors are easily made. Some kings have two names, their names changed...
For those who are quoting Exodus 20, you need to read on. Exodus 20 is the 'letter' of the Law, spoken by the Lord Himself. However, He-THE LORD- goes on to...
The Revelation was received on the Lords day by John on the isle of a Patmos(Rev. 1: 9-10), off the coast of Asia, not far from Ephesus. The exact date is...
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How is eternity in hell a fair punishment for sin?
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What is a prayer of supplication?
God said He would increase her pains in childbearing. It sounds like she had already had children.
Genesis 3:12
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