What is black liberation theology?
I don't know much about Black Liberation Theology, but I know what Jesus Christ taught. Discrimination is a sin (all men are equal, because God made all of...
I don't know much about Black Liberation Theology, but I know what Jesus Christ taught. Discrimination is a sin (all men are equal, because God made all of...
I agree with you all. My dilemma is that all of my life I have been taught the law was nailed to the cross. We'll if Christ did away with the law then I...
Dear Steve, What a great question! It took a bit to find the answer. According to Acts 11:25, 26 Barnabas had taken Saul (later called Paul) with him to...
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I am a parent; how can I let go of my adult children?
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Is it true that everything happens for a reason?
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What is the grace of God?
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What was the meaning and importance of the transfiguration?
In its most general sense, pastoral care refers to the ministries/services usually performed by a pastor. Some denominations of the Christian faith use the...
There are two types of “Prophets” found in both the Old and New Testament. First one, is a Prophet that foretells of events to come in the future, that God...
Your question is one that we all ponder sometimes as we deal with the flesh part of our being and existence. I am dealing with this now in my own life. In...
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What does the Bible say about Christian tithing? Should a Christian tithe?
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What were the 400 years of silence?
Foreknowledge is one of God’s traits, namely that God’s plans are irrespective of the time-continuum. God knows the end from the beginning (Is 46:9-11)....
Those who pray their prescribed prayers during day and night, do as a discipline. Unless these are in commune with God, it is worthless. Once up on a time I...
I appreciate reading the thoughts and scripture references on this subject. I have wondered if Judas, being a Zealot, did accept and believe Jesus was who He...
Many of the opinions submitted on the subject of tithing are excellent and faithful to Biblical teachings. I believe Jesus carried the principle of tithing...
You may have heard about the devil's garage sale? His tools were on display, labeled and priced—anger, hatred, lust, murder, and all the rest. At the end of...
I have not read the book, but I bought the movie and have watched it twice in the past month. I will put a few points out there to consider: 1. It was not a...
Why did Jesus have to die? There was simply no other substitute in heaven, on earth and under earth by which human sin could have been atoned. If any man was...
Various places across the bible it talks about the antichirst and gives images and glimpses about the end times. God allows this to happen, God allows the...
The 10% tithe comes out of Jewish Law. Jesus himself affirms this as He chastises the Pharisees, saying 'woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you...
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment,...
How do we overcome struggling with and falling back into sin vs. moving forward and growing?
Hebrews 12:1 - 12
First of all; both of these seem to sound different by way of name, and indeed they are, yet they both serve for the spiritual well being of all of us, so...
After finishing both the book and the movie "Heaven is for Real", I dissuade other Christians from reading/viewing them. As was expected, the movie promotes...
The first Christians are the disciples on whom He breathed and imparted the Holy Spirit after He resurrected in John 20:21&22.
That is, do we still need apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to equip us for works of service and build up the church in today's world? W...
Ephesians 4:1 - 16
So many people carry on to deny Jesus and His teachings. What could be the reason they do? Can anyone point out the reason they should deny Jesus? Who can ac...
John 3:19 - 21
In Genesis 1:5, it says "God called the light 'day' and the darkness he called 'night'. And there was evening and there was morning - the first day." If we...
The question implies that a this Church is being run by a single pastor. I would like to clarify this issue first. To make it clear once again, none of the...
The word again taken back to the Hebrew is continued eve continues in labor so yes they were twin.. That's why they came to God at the same time with there...
Getting this right is critical to the proper placement of God’s Wrath with respect to the Tribulation. A precedent has been established to ascribe the 2300...
Jesus said... [Mat 23:23 NLT] 23 "What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are careful to tithe even the...
I believe that what Paul said was because it wasn't the time because John was caught up to heaven and he wrote what he saw. Know I'm not saying not to...
Because sin, ALL sin, big or small, is a rebellious act AGAINST God! Jesus said to the adulterous woman... when no one was sinLESS enough to cast the first...
The Letter on James is filled with wisdom on how to navigate this world. However when reading we must remember that James was writing to Jewish Christians...
The "apostles' doctrine" is simply the foundational content for the believer's spiritual growth and maturity and was the Scripture, God's revealed truth,...
I believe that we are no longer under the law, however the decree for tithing predates the law. Whatever we have is because God gave it to us. Whether it be...
The apostle's doctrine mentioned in Acts 2:42 is not mentioned elsewhere in Scripture. However, it may be safe to assume that this may have been a collection...
You don't have to deeply study the Bible to know how to dress. "Common Sense" will let you know. Christian women shouldn't be "flashing" others in church,...
In my humble opinion and response to this question, We should know first and identify who were these Apostles and secondarily who gave them their doctrine to...
Because, Romans 6:14 - For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law but under grace. [KJV]
Another way to ask that would be; "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?" (Romans 6:1) Follow by Paul’s answer in Romans...
Why is being a good person not enough to get you into heaven? No one is ever good enough to merit the grace of God and earn a ticket to heaven. The fact is...
I will use The apostle Peter as an example to answer your question: On the day that Jesus was arrested, Peter was asked three times if he was a follower of...
Please read Romans 6 and that should answer your question. In my small way I would like to put it in a simple way. The law has always been in place and as...
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What does the Bible say about getting a sex change?
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Why did Jesus have to die?
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