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Why does God send people to hell?
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Why does God send people to hell?
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Who are the Free Will Baptists, and what do they believe?
That is, the deliberate murder of a large group, based upon their ethnicity or genetic makeup
Ezekiel 25:12 - 14
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What should we learn from the account of David and Goliath?
No. The Bible is the History of the Christian Religion and also whom God is through His Son, Jesus Christ, for if You know the Son, you will know the nature...
According with the Bible, Jesus was crucified on a Friday, Luke 23: 54-56 makes very clear: "It was Preparation Day, and the Sabbath was about to begin. The...
It is indeed true that each and every Christian ought to support the Church in every way possible that may come across. However though, it is now about...
King Uzziah ruled in Jerusalem for 52 years but spent his final years under the curse of leprosy for his sacrilege in the temple (2 Chron. 26:16-20). During...
The answer to this question is no. The bible teaches us that he who is born of God doesn't continue in sin. He who makes a practice of sin doesn't know him...
The Bible does not specifically address the handling of money in a marriage, but the principles regarding the relationship dynamics between the husband and...
Serving God could be and is a life fulfilling experience. Is there one who could do it for other reasons?
Galatians 1:10
Is there a pool of knowledge that one must aquatint himself with to fully understand ones calling and election and to be found faithful at the coming of Chri...
Hebrews 6:1 - 20
You cannot sin habitually and expect to enter the kingdom of heaven. The bottom line is this, Adam and eve were expelled from Eden because of disobedience,...
We are commanded in Scripture to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). This growth is spiritual growth,...
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What is the "third heaven" referred to in II Cor 12:2?
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Can a true Christian sin habitually?
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Is cleanliness next to godliness?
I would like to give some inputs on this vital point. It is impossible to fully comprehend how we look like in eternity. But one thing for sure, neither our...
In a Bible study class a couple of years ago, our leader stated that one could not be a Christian if he or she believed in evolution. But I do not recall...
Jesus was human, but also God. How did His humanity help Him empathize with our trials and suffering?
Even the king of the Medes and Persians could not change the king's law, hence why Darius had to throw Daniel into the lion's den. But how was it not changi...
Daniel 6:1 - 28
Genesis 28:18 - 19
The Apostles addressed this question in Acts 15. While honoring God in moral behavior, avoiding sexual perversion is still important and even a critical...
I use to attend a church where it was the normal thing in a service for at least one person to be slain in the Spirit, dance in the Spirit, speak in tongues,...
1 Corinthians 14:1 - 40
Absolutely not! Nowhere in scripture is it taught that a person who is physically clean is spiritually holy. (Matt 23:25-28).
Most of us, when we hear of GM think of crops or animals being altered genetically. We are told that such modifications will provide more food and reduce...
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Can a person be a Christian if they do not believe that the bible is true?
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If I am saved and all of my sins are forgiven, why not continue to sin?
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Why do so many Christians fail the 'practice what you preach' standard?
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Can a person be a Christian if they do not believe that the bible is true?
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Can a person be a Christian if they do not believe that the bible is true?
I look to the leadership in the church as long as they are looking to the head of the church, Jesus Christ. Truly there is no Godly reason to look for...
It is a sad fact that there are many leading evangelical Christian pastors and international conference speakers who do do believe the Bible to be true in...
I think that there is something more to the fact that Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene first. Consider the society at the time: women were considered...
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What does the Bible say about Christian tithing? Should a Christian tithe?
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Can a person be a Christian if they do not believe that the bible is true?
I humbly submit that if your hope and happiness is externally based upon the corrupt Babylonian system, friend much of your short stage time (life) will be...
...This is an incredibly interesting question because it illustrates one aspect of being a Christian in name only. Or rather, one rationalization in the...
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Can a person be a Christian if they do not believe that the bible is true?
Can a person be a Christian if they do not believe the bible is true? Jesus would sometimes answer a question with a question. Here is a question in response...
Mary Magdalene was the first to discover the empty tomb while it was still dark out (John 20:1-2), though other women may have been with her. She ran to...
This question has been pretty well ansewered by a lot of people who based on their writtings are a lot smarter than me. However let me add a couple of...
I know I'm saved and justified by faith. But should we still obey the whole Torah even though I'm a gentile? Paul said we uphold the law: Romans 3:28. Like ...
Romans 3:1 - 31
I like to relate this verse to purity. Think of your "pearls" as your virginity, and men who aren't your husband as "swine/pigs". Jesus doesn't want you...
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