Can a Christian find the other gender attractive (without lusting)?
While what was said is true, here is God's own desire for us. Regarding homosexuality: Completely contrary to God's desires for us to live in accordance with...
My opinion is that when satan accuses you of sin it feels like a negative 'you loser,you did it again,nagging kind of ' feeling. But when the Holy Spirit...
One can nullify God's word through logic and deductions just like the Pharisees did to devour the widows houses. They had distorted the word of God to such...
Mary was a young virgin highly favored and blessed among women but in no way sinless. However, she was the one chosen of God. Matthew 1:19-20 "Then Joseph...
Understanding this word "God" is pivotal in the teaching that shaped the known Christian world from apostolic era, through the Nicean Creed, on to the Bible...
I propose this solution - Mary was saved by the Lord from being born into sin, making her womb acceptable to contain the divine Logos. She expressed her...
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Does the freedom of religion give us the right to support homosexuality?
I have just finished reading Max lucado book called before amen and he gives this pocket size prayer: "Father, you are good. I need help. Heal me and forgive...
For example: In our Sunday service someone speaks in tongues and then tells us what was said, would this be correct?
1 Corinthians 14:13 - 17
In several places, every time Abigail is mentioned (after she married David), it's always said "Abigail, Nabal's wife". Besides the above-mentioned verse, th...
1 Samuel 27:3
First we should differentiate between wars; not all wars are the same and not all executions are just. There are wars of aggression during which horrific...
I am wondering, because every time he talks about God, he feels he has to SCREAM His name. I received a phone call from him {Probably automated}, the phone r...
There is definitely a humbling spirit that should guide us when we deal with people of other faiths or no faith of all. Only God knows the heart of people...
Generally speaking, an associate/assistant pastor is a pastor who serves in a supporting role to a church's senior pastor. Sometimes the role is somewhat of...
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What or Who is Sheol? Is it Satan?
A domestic discipline (DD) marriage is one in which one partner-usually the husband-is given authority over the other and has the means to back up that...
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What does scripture say about the Muslim people?
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Is it acceptable to repeatedly pray for the same thing?
Prostitution is often referred to as the "oldest profession." Indeed, it has always been a common way for women to make money, even in Bible times. The Bible...
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What does scripture say about the Muslim people?
I teach a Systematic Theology course in college. One of the lessons is entitled "The Proof of God." We have a number of indisputable scientific...
No, this is only a strong hint that God may exist. But it is not proof. Stephen Hawking has recently argued that the universe can and must create itself...
There is not AN argument for the existence instance of God, rather a myriad of arguments some of which are already listed here. I have NEVER heard, however,...
Broken relationship Rom 8:28 God is working all things together for good to those who love Him, to those who are called according to His purpose. It may not...
The Virgin Mary was born into sin and shaped in iniquity-- how could she be acceptable to birth Jesus? {I believe that The Holy Spirit indwelled Mary thro...
I think it's pretty simple actually... Jesus is a Shepard,... Scripture says " strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter... The original sheep where the...
The World is ignorant of whom the Jews are. Abraham was chosen by God and promised him a land that is specified in the old Testament. A specific land that...
What does it mean to have a 'misguided faith'? Hebrews 11 has always been considered the "faith" chapter. In Hebrews 11:1 we learn that "faith is the...
I was perusing the notes I made for myself on my phone from either messages in church, my personal Bible reading, or from going through books by Christian...
Absolutely! The question is not whether we should, rather how we should. We are called to evangelize any and every one who is not a Christian. "Go ye into...
I will assume that "faith" here refers to religious faith. In this case, the misguided person is led to believe falsely that he was obeying God and is a...
That is, should we address God informally; such as Daddy/Abba vs. Father, Friend/brother vs. Master, etcetera; or with casual language common to our culture?
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Is faith in God religulous?
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Is abuse an acceptable reason for divorce?
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What should we learn from the life of John the Apostle?
No, a person should love God above all. You can love a neighbor as you love your self, because the love for your self should be less than you love for God....
In my opinion, we can't question anything that God does! He works in mysterious ways, that perhaps we don't understand. I find out that his ways are always...
In my opinion, faith is trusting in God and knowing that His Word is true. If we believe something to be true, whether it is or not, it is misguided faith....
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Is there an argument for the existence of God?
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What did Jesus mean when He said to 'not cast your pearls before swine'?
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How can I heal from the hurt of a broken relationship?
...Here is what the Bible says about People: "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all...
...It is so easy to get bogged down in artificially cobbled together precepts that amount to doctrinal bloviation. I decided to wear a goatee back in the...
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What is the difference between the Old Testament vs. New Testament?
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How can I recognize a false teacher / false prophet?
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