What does this verse mean by there being people dwelling in the dust?
Shouldn't they be in heaven?
Isaiah 26:19
Shouldn't they be in heaven?
Isaiah 26:19
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What does 1 Peter 2:24 mean?
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Why is living together before marriage considered living in sin?
My opinion is that what Amaziah did in not slaying the children of the murderers (of his father, 14.5) was not wrong. He was obeying the law of Moses (Deut....
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What does the Bible say about second chances?
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What are the seven dispensations?
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Was Junia/Junias a female apostle?
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Why have so many claimed to see apparitions of Mary?
When Jesus was crucified and died, he paid the full penalty required by God for the sins of all humanity from eternity past to eternity future. His...
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God knows our past, present, and future. If God knows our future, does it follow that we are to believe in fate?
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Are Christians sinners, saints, or both?
Although I certainly do not consider myself a scholar, I have devoted considerable time to studying what the Watchtower says that Jehovah Witness believe and...
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What is the Doxology?
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Does God know the future?
Philippians 2:3-4 says, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own...
To vivify is to give life to something or someone. The term vivification implies adding life, quality, or energy to something. The word is not frequently...
Theology is a field of study in which man tries to explain what God has revealed. The specific focus of theology varies, depending on the intended scope of...
Jesus described His followers as the salt of the earth in Matthew 5 as part of His Sermon on the Mount: "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses...
The Shepherding Movement is a controversial method of church leadership that grew out of the Charismatic movement in the 1970s. It is also called the...
The book of Job is one of the world's oldest, most influential, and most powerfully written works of literature. Because it is very old and the book does not...
There are four types of bodily discharges mentioned in Leviticus 15, and all four rendered one "unclean" for at least seven days and required sacrifices to...
The Liberal Catholic Church, or LCC, began in Britain in the early 1900s. The Liberal Catholic Church is not a liberal offshoot of Roman Catholicism. Rather,...
Negative theology, also called apophatic theology, is a way of looking at God using negation. It is the study of what God is not rather than what He is....
The soul is that part of you that transcends life and death. It existed before you were born, as it did for Jeremiah (Jer. 1:4-5), and it will exist after...
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How are human souls created?
2 Kings 14:6 speaks of Amaziah killing the people who killed his father and there is a reference to Deuteronomy 24:16. Please explain what he did wrong.
2 Kings 14:6
Maybe a closer look at the context will help us glean a little more understanding. “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the...
Jesus was not a Prophet, He was God Incarnet, (Luke 9:20) and the perfect man and the Lamb of God that spilled His blood for us in order for us to have...
The Question goes: Did Jesus break the Sabbath? Jesus indeed did not break the Sabbath. He simply fulfilled and demonstrated in its true practice that the...
What was the purpose of the Levitical Law? Before he came to Messiah, Paul says in Romans that he would not have known what sin was except by the details...
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What does the Bible say about dealing with difficult people?
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Are Christians free to worship God any day of the week?
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Does God harden the hearts of Christians?
Jesus (Luke 22) and Paul (1 Cor 11) only speak of "when you come together to eat and drink". There are no instructions as to how often this should be, only...
By religion, I assume you mean organized religion, going to church every Sunday, having a local pastor, church body, etc. The first Scripture that comes to...
Many times in the Bible events are fixed by linking them to events. For example the census that led Joseph and Mary to be in Bethlehem when Jesus was born is...
Many times in the Bible events are fixed by linking them to events. For example the census that led Joseph and Mary to be in Bethlehem when Jesus was born is...
The main Scripture that comes to mind concerning offence is Ecclesiastes 10:4, where it says "yielding pacifieth great offences." It is our choice to get...
We are born again of incorruptible seed (1 Peter 1:23). Nothing you do after you get saved can change that. It's incorruptible. Done deal. Just look at David...
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Who is the advocate Jesus says He will send after His ascension to heaven?
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Do we have to do confession and communion every day as some devoted Catholics do?
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Why do Mormons refer to themselves as Latter Day Saints?
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How do Christians know what is sinful?
The meaning is Daughter of Jerusalem and later became Israel but the major fact it means to be a JEW by Bible Reference. Look in 2 Kings 9, Isaiah 1,...
Psalm 103:12 says,'as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our sins from us.' East from the west in our physical universe is infinitely...
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Why is God a jealous God?
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Why doesn't the Lord's Prayer include thanksgiving?
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Will God forgive me of sins I commit after I become a believer?
Rich G this could be helpful it was for me. At the beginning of my walk with Christ I had the same question. It's not easy I did have to learn this but with...
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