Jessica Tinsley
Just Love The Word
I knew early on, oh around 12'ish, I just wanted to do the things Jesus said I could.
Although, my parents and older brother had received Jesus at some point in there life, my mom, being baptized with The Holy Spirit, was more of the spiritual presence in our home.
My Grandparents have always been the example of God's word in action, spending many summers with them in non-denominational, Holy Spirit free services. So, signs, miracles and wonders along with speaking in The Heavenly language as a sign of the baptism of The Holy Spirit was not new to me - naively I thought all Christians & churches were that way. I said naively. LOL!
I don't recall anyone leading me in a "sinners" prayer, a date or significant time but only my age. As The Holy Spirit was filing my heart up with love for Jesus, at 12 yrs old I asked Jesus to come, because I needed Him. He did just that!
The Holy Spirit was leading me, teaching me and water baptism was next, because Jesus was, as well as the gift of the Baptism into The Holy Spirit.
I inquired about some of these topics with mature and tried & true family and friends in the faith. To me it just seemed simple - Jesus did it, had it - I wanted what all He did and then big WOW - He said greater things would I do, because He goes to the Father!! Whoa! Simple.Right. As I grew up and moved on, going to church, that is when things got complicated!
Can't speak in tongues here - Don't sing that way, or sing this and raise your hands - don't raise your hands, etc. What happened?
Well, I learned slowly but through God's faithfulness His explanation was and still is the best - the church is made up of imperfect, complex, everyone in a different place of growth, people - EVEN the Pastors and leadership. BUT He loves each and everyone of them and we are going somewhere, always moving forward. Some like the Sunday, Holiday visits and some, like myself, want to see His church, His Body moving in the power He meant for us to and just step into His partnering with Him as His ambassadors of His ministry of reconciliation.
I'm currently helping, wherever - however I can with a church that is beginning from foundation up. It's a new experience for me, as I have mostly served in music ministry in "established" churches. God is bringing out of me different gifts & potential I never knew where there.
The founder of The Rock Worship Center, Houston Tx,
and this can only be orchestrated by God, she and I met in 1997 in an unique way and she helped and mentored me through a difficult time in my life. She moved away for work and we recently as of two years ago reunited as she is now in the Houston area being obedient to The Lords call for her life! She loves the word of God and The Fruit of the Spirit just shines through her!
We just recently got into a building and we are under improvements at this time, we may be small but God has BIG plans for this center! There has never been a time when we've had service that Jesus by The Holy Spirit, has not shown up.
It's His service - Pastor Andrews studies to show herself approved, yet sensitive to The Holy Spirit, she has learned to step back allowing the ministry of Jesus to heal, break strongholds and most of all to love and be loved as we worship.
It's been that way now for two years.
I'm married to an amazing man, he recently became a board member and a titled Deacon. We are non-denominational yet covered under a family member of our Pastor, who was ordained as a Bishop, so we have some titles for explanatory reasons. There is a business side to churches and there are certain criteria through the city for permits and 501c3 status. We are all learning a lot as we grow through these building "growing pains", but well worth it because this is so temporary and Gods plans for The Rock Worship Center are bigger and eternal.
As well as being married, we have three awesome dogs and a cat who thinks he's a dog, which is amazing since he found us, as a stray - never was afraid of the dogs ans made himself right at home. It's never a dull moment around here, that's for sure!