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Is saying OMG or words like 'geez' still taking the Lord's name in vain?
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Is saying OMG or words like 'geez' still taking the Lord's name in vain?
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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How can we express our doubt to God without offending Him (Malachi 2:17; 3:14-15)?
To me, joy is a more visible and emotive concept than peace that is more readily reflected and apparent in behavior, and one that can transcend external...
I totally agree with Mr. Houdmann, that Context is everything in the study of what Scripture is saying.Pulling out one verse without seeing all the...
The concept noted in the verse cited in the question is repeated multiple times in the New Testament. The point being made is that, now that Christ has come,...
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What is the symbolism of the Garden of Eden?
Is the Old Testament obsolete now that the Messiah, as predicted in the OT, has come?
Galatians 3:25
1. When the Bible mentions birthdays it's the heathen who are celebrating them. 2. Birthdays have you focus on yourself instead of others, setting a bad...
The question is: “Are faith healers for real? Does a faith healer heal with the same power as Jesus?” I have a few thoughts: (1) Are faith healers for real?...
John 18:36 Jesus answered, "My kingship is not of this world; if my kingship were of this world, my servants would fight, that I might not be handed over to...
Before Jesus was born, lived, and died, God had made Himself known to man by the things He had created. Romans 1:20 NIV "For since the creation of the world...
In order to know who the other sheep are, one needs to know who God calls sheep and for that we need to go back to the prophets in the old testament. Ezekiel...
My opinion is that Jesus is pointing to many who will run to look for false prophets. Many will run to the false prophets and Christs where there is no life...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What should we learn from the life of James, the brother of Jesus?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What does it mean 'to live is Christ' (Philippians 1:21)?
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Why should I not commit suicide?
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Didn't the Old Testament punish blasphemy with death? How is that different from radical Islam?
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What is the symbolism of the Garden of Eden?
The phrase "the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience" is a further description of the being referred to in the preceding phrase in the verse...
Who is the 'spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience'?
Ephesians 2:2
In my opinion, you won't know when you find the "perfect" spouse because you won't find the perfect spouse for yourself; no person is "perfect." You can...
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What did Jesus mean when He said to 'not cast your pearls before swine'?
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What did Jesus mean when He said the first will be last and the last will be first?
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What is the Common English Bible (CEB)?
The ritual of the two goats is highly symbolical. It comes from the idea that individuals and peoples can’t be partly good and partly evil forever. Either...
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John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me, shall come to me, and ALL that come to me I will in no wise cast out. Eternal security. John 6:39 An this is this is...
To be crucified with Christ simply means that "Self" is dead. You as a person live no more. You are a new creation with a new nature belonging to a new...
Religion is a template that should be understood from a Biblical perspective-- if the religion is Christianity. Other religions are templates from other...
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What is the meaning of Azazel / the scapegoat?
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What is the book of Ecclesiasticus?
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What church organization is the most devoted to the Bible?
What is Kristina Wild's 'Shepherd Diet,' and how 'Bible-based' is it?
When we believe the gospel, that Jesus died for our sins, according to the scriptures, that He was buried and rose again the third day, according to the...
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How do I know that Christianity is the true religion?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Does God require Sabbath-keeping of Christians?
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What does it mean to be a man of God?
I'm glad you asked. We find in Proverbs 17:9 (Life Application Bible Notes, this Proverb is not saying we should cover our own sins, but that we should be...
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How do I know that Christianity is the true religion?
If I may add to this discussion, I would like to say that, of the many ancient historians that modern historians rely on for their information, at least 13...
Traditionally, it has been said that you cannot prove or disprove the existence of God. However, within the last 30 years that argument is no longer valid,...
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Should Christians support the nation of Israel?
For those that believe in heaven after death, please ponder this: There is a sequence that God has in place that needs to transpire prior to anyone seeing...
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Who are the "other sheep"?
Hell is a very controversial subject - but we should trust what Jesus taught on this subject - that every person will be either saved or lost. There is no...
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Why should I (a Jehovah's Witness) consider becoming a Christian?
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