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For example, should money known to be raised through prostitution be accepted?
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I would say that it would depend on context. To use the example cited in the question, if the money were being given by a prostitute as a token of repentance, with an intention to abandon her way of life, I'd say that it would be acceptable (even though the prostitute's act might have been illegal, as long as the money had not originally been taken by theft or violence). However, as a sign of true repentance, the individual should also submit to whatever legal consequences are attached to the act that they committed. I would also say that under no circumstances would it be acceptable for an individual to profit from criminal activity (whether as the result of a one-time act or in an ongoing manner), and contribute from the ill-gotten proceeds of that activity to a religious body, with no sign of repentance, reform, or recognition of wrong. If the religious body were aware of the source of those proceeds, they should be rejected..
I humbly submit for your consideration the Lord's warning on serving two opposing masters; world/money vs God/kingdom. New Testament: (Matthew 6:24) In a moral and spiritual sense the house of God would become an active partner in a money laundering scheme. That would strip it of any anointing or authority it may have; as the grieved spirit would surely leave such a place. That is; if it had been there in the first place; and by their ineptitude in accepting tainted money, it does appear that He much like Elvis has left the building sometime ago. (2 Corinthians 4:2) Old Testament: (Deuteronomy 23:18) You must not bring the earnings of a female prostitute or of a male prostitute into the house of the Lord your God to pay any vow, because the Lord your God detests them both. “Remember that all worlds draw to an end and that noble death is a treasure which no one is too poor to buy.” C.S. Lewis In The Lord's Freedom a humble servant.........warrior on
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