Is it necessary to receive a 'calling from God' to be a Pastor?
If someone became a Pastor without a 'calling,' would they be a false teacher?
If someone became a Pastor without a 'calling,' would they be a false teacher?
LOGIC AS AN ELEMENT OF CHRISTIAN LIFE; logical application to life perspectives means reasons and to act with reasonable knowledge and understanding. Which...
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What did Jesus mean when He instructed us to love our enemies?
In my opinion, this is an extremely difficult question to answer. To demonstrate the degree of its difficulty I give you the example of two men who are...
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Should a Christian promote world peace?
I Believe, as a Set Apart Believer, follower of Jesus, we should do what Jesus did and taught. Jesus was and still is a Jew and never was nor will ever be a...
Yes, if we look at the Old Testament, did God not choose Israel? However, Israel chose a GOLDEN CALF! How many prophets did the Lord send, including Jesus?...
Our Free Will is the power to make decisions of our own, rather than having God or fate predetermine what we do. Yes, the human is capable to choosing or...
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Is there a heavenly mother?
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, (everybody) that He gave His only begotten Son, (Jesus) that WOSOEVER believeth on Him, will not peristh, but have...
My opinion is that, "No weapon form against thee shall prosper" means nothing of evil shall defeat me. Even if I lose my life here on earth, I will regain it...
I had two miscarriages some 29 years ago. I have tried to put it all behind as the thought is painful to bear..until few nights ago, my daughter dreamt of th...
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How can I know what God's plan is?
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What does it mean that man cannot come to Christ unless the Father draws Him?
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Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What does it mean "to cast your care upon The Lord?"
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What is the theory of the 'rapture' of the church?
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Should a Christian practice yoga?
I would say that it is the Holy Spirit and the words of Christ (Matthew 26:26-29) -- both of whom are omnipresent -- that consecrate the elements used in the...
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What does it mean in Rom 3:27 that boasting is excluded because of the law that requires faith?
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Should a Christian practice yoga?
The Israelite army that David commanded as king was attempting to capture the city of Bethlehem, where David had been born and raised, but which had been...
2 Thessalonians 2:3, is talking about a great Apostasy or Falling Away that will come as the Antichrist and the False Prophet infused by Satan and...
My opinion (it is only my opinion) is that their is no universal rapture of believers or of the church. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians at a time when they...
I was teaching about the properties of drinking water to a kid ( 8 Yrs). His teacher had given the answer "Drinking water is colourless, odourless and tastel...
2 Samuel 23:15 - 17
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What is the theory of the 'rapture' of the church?
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What does it mean to be transformed by the renewing of the mind?
What does the "falling away" mean in 2 Thessalonians 2:3? In my opinion, I can't fall away from someplace I have never been. For example, I can not fall off...
By grace ye are saved, (what Jesus did for us) through faith,(believe He did it just for us) and that not of yourselves, (we did nothing for it) it is the...
Is it permitted to engage in birth control methods? Are all methods allowed, or only some?
1 Corinthians 7:5
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What is the underlying Greek word used for translating "falling away" in the NKJV & "departure" in the WEB?
First, I would say that the Bible makes clear that God is the ultimate source of all good things (both material and immaterial) that humans receive or...
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What is the meaning of the parables of fasting at the wedding feast, the old cloth, and the wineskins?
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What is the meaning of the Parable of the Growing Seed?
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What does it mean "to cast your care upon The Lord?"
Hallelujah for Genealogies, "toldot" in Hebrew. Toldot form the backbone to Genesis and the Holy Bible As Casper reminds us, the Gospel message is contained...
Paul mentions grace and righteousness together in the verse cited in the question. Humans are universally sinful, having (as Paul says) all inherited a sin...
What does the Bible say about prosperity, such as wealth, health, and general blessings?
All doctrine was first taught orally by the apostles and then confirmed by miracles (Mark 16:17-20; Heb.2:1-4). The purpose of miracles, therefore. Ended,...
Salvation and kingdom of Lord Jesus is for everyone and we even as a regular church-goer do not know if we are really sinner or righteous in the eyes of God;...
I am a christian believer but living in India- a country of majority hinduism, and we as a minority, hence it is quite natural to have most of your neighbors...
In my opinion as a minister of the gospel and elder in the body of christ in both word and deed, I believe the only way to approve yourself to God (besides...
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What advice does scripture give in regards to 'toxic' friendships?
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What exactly does "fall away" mean in Heb 6:6?
In my opinion, what Jesus was referring to here pertained to a person's true attitude (as contrasted with the person's claimed attitude or apparent actions)....
What is it about the righteousness of the Pharisees and teachers of the law that Jesus referring to here? Is it different from the righteousness of a true di...
Matthew 5:20
I do not think that mental illness is caused by evil spirits. Don't give the devil any more credit than he deserves. This is a mental illness - the devil can...
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