How do we respond to criminal behavior? Do we speak out against it?
It seems like a certain political group thinks it's "Christian" to condone criminal behavior. Should we not speak out against it (not using foul language or ...
It seems like a certain political group thinks it's "Christian" to condone criminal behavior. Should we not speak out against it (not using foul language or ...
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What does the Bible say about Bipolar Disorder / Manic Depression?
The number twelve is mentioned in scripture about 187 times. The first indication of twelve was back in Genesis chapter 28:10 in the story of Jacob's dream. ...
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What does the Bible say about Bipolar Disorder / Manic Depression?
Eternal security is a debated topic within the church as to whether someone is completely assured of future salvation no matter what they do or believe from...
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What are alms? What is almsgiving?
There is another description word for eternal security, that is themed in the Scriptures, Perseverance of the Saints.The Doctrine states that God not only...
The doctrine of eternal security, better known as "Once Saved, Always Saved" or the “Perseverance of the Saints,” is the teaching that once a person chooses...
We have to remember, the church is not a building, or a denomination, but those who have trusted Jesus as their savior. We are the body of Christ. The...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What is the purpose of Jesus interceding for us in Heaven?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What are the biblical principles for solid decision-making?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 favorites.
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What does the Bible say about Bipolar Disorder / Manic Depression?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What is libertinism? What is a libertine?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What does it really mean by "God chose us before the foundation of the world to be holy"?
The possession of a physical body is an eternal privilege and a blessing. The righteous decision to accept the plan of God the Father and come into this...
The “power of positive thinking” can be negative or positive. Negative: When one uses the “power in positive thinking” in a manner that boasts that they...
I firmly believe our spirit goes to heaven. Our earthly, fleshly bodies lie in the grave until the rapture - or the resurrection of the saints. Consider that...
2 Thessalonians 2:1 - 4
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What does it mean that we live in a fallen world?
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What should we learn from the life of Noah?
My opinion is that God is said to be a consuming fire. Jesus being the Son of God would also have this characteristic. Fire, the apostle PAUL said is also...
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Does the Bible record the death of the apostles? How did each of the apostles die?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What is the Presbyterian Church, and what do Presbyterians believe?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 25 votes.
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Does God killing people make Him a murderer?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What is postmillennialism?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What is Bibliology?
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Why did God allow Satan and the demons to sin?
It is not always easy to share the Gospel with non believers, especially when they are member of your own family. Sometimes when we engage in doctrinal...
In answer to the original question, "They aren't!". Satan is a morning star while Jesus is the "Bright and morning star", meaning He is the head or ruler of...
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How does radiometric dating fit with the view of a young earth?
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What is saving grace?
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If someone like me is predestined to hell, can I do whatever I want?
Christ, as the son of man, experienced "the 2nd death" or the God abandonment death. (see Matthew 27:46) No one but Christ has experienced "the 2nd death" -...
Keep in mind that as God, Jesus is immortal (see 1 Timothy 6:16), but as the son of Mary "according to the flesh" He was mortal (Hebrews 2:14,15).
Hebrews 2:16
The importance here is not the "One checking/savings account or two" (or even more) but the "Why?" The Bible teaches us that when we get married we are to...
Colossians 3:16 Let no man, therefore judge you in food or in DRINK, or in respect of a feast day, or of the new moon, or of a Sabbath day. We are not to...
Romans 3:28 is stating that our works cannot justify us before God - even what God's Spirit does in us. You see we either are perfect "in Christ" or we are...
Why are there so many different Christian interpretations of the Bible? I am not sure how important it is to find the “true” answer to this question. The...
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Is it wrong or presumptuous for me to say that I "expect" God to do a miracle and heal someone?
My opinion is: 'Rom 8:22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now'. The Earth, He created, responded to His...
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What is the curse of the law?
I believe Jesus' suffering occurred at 2 levels. 1. Jesus suffered mental, emotional and physical agony as the Son of Man - a human being. This suffering had...
It seems to me your question is really asking, "Is it wrong for me to tell other people that I know the will of God - that my family member will be healed?"...
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What does it mean to delight yourself in the Lord in Psalm 37:4?
I believe the level of distress felt by Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane was so great that it led to agony and blood. Someone can be under such distress...
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How did Moses write Deuteronomy if it records his death?
Our answer can be the same as Jesus in Matt 26:39. It says He was exceedingly sorrowful- so we know He identifies with our desperate plea. But He says ‘...
A great question and I humbly submit for your consideration a simple; yet sometimes very hard to execute game plan. As a known Christian your duty and...
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