Top Questions See All
  1. How can wolves live with lambs, and how can leopards dwell with goats (Isaiah 11:6-9)?
  2. Why did Jesus go into Gentile territory (Mark 7:24-28)?
  3. Does Proverbs 10:15 contradict Proverbs 11:28?
  4. How has God "worked all things together for good" in your life according to Romans 8:28?
  5. Did they ever wash the blood off the altars in the OT?
  6. How was Joshua chosen as the new leader (Deuteronomy 31:3)?
  7. How much protection does God give (Psalm 97:10)?
  8. When will we be like Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18)?
  9. How can I repent of sexual immorality (fornication) if I already have a child and I'm currently pregnant with my second one?
  10. Is it supposedly "blasphemous" if a protestant partakes in Ash Wednesday?

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  1. This Weeks Hot Topics
Answer by Stavan Panhalkar

Why does Paul call Jesus the first to rise from the dead when other people had been raised from the dead, such as Lazarus?

There are two differences in the resurrection of Jesus and resurrections of people before Jesus: 1) He was resurrected with his body 2) He resurrected never...

November 06 2018 5 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by John Peterson

How should Christians respond to global poverty and hunger?

The following bible passage I'm presenting is very clear how Jesus expects us to respond: "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty...

November 06 2018 2 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

Why is Thomas called the twin and who is his twin?

John 20:24

1 Vote November 06 2018 4 Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by ROSEMARY LUTCAVAGE , Registered Nurse

Is it possible that more of the angels could sin?

Blessings to everyone. I do not see how the Scriptures can invite everyone to come to Christ & be promised salvation to “ALL” who will if God “chose” who...

November 06 2018 2 Comments 3 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Pearl Ekong , Fortified member of the body of Christ

Does God allow us to be tempted?

Like in the story of Job did God allow Satan to harm Job's children?

James 1:13

November 06 2018 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Len Thies , Bible researcher and author

Why does God allow evil men like Hitler and Saddam to come into power?

The Bible is clear -- God, while being sovereign, is not in control of this world. He is not responsible for the evil in this world. God setup Adam as having...

November 06 2018 5 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Grant Abbott , Child of Father, Follower of Son, Student of Spirit

I know Prov.16:18 and James 4:6 but what is God's attitude toward taking Pride in our work?

I found 63 references to the word “pride” in my bible, and 60 of them were negative. What does that tell us about God’s view of people who are full of pride?...

November 06 2018 2 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Award for Steven Best , Former mil intel analyst, chiropractor & Bible Teacher

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
What is holy laughter?

November 05 2018

Award for Tom Streets

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
What is true religion?

November 05 2018

Award for Tom Lackey , Born again, semi-retired, short term missionary to Scotland

Feed Silver Evangelist award!

Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Question:
Do Christians have to obey the laws of the land?

November 05 2018

Answer by Grant Abbott , Child of Father, Follower of Son, Student of Spirit

How will you determine if your will is also the will of the Lord?

Before we come to faith in Jesus (become a Christian) our will has been moulded and shaped by two influences: 1) the sinful desires of our flesh flowing out...

November 05 2018 3 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Aija Brauvere

What is the difference between a righteous person and spiritual person?

We often have own ideas about God, spirituality, and religion, and that is why there are countless denominations (religion in general). Religion that God our...

November 05 2018 1 Comments 4 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Award for S. Michael Houdmann , Got Questions Ministries

Feed Silver Apostle award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 favorites.

See Answer:
Are there errors in the Qur'an (Koran)?

November 05 2018

Award for S. Michael Houdmann , Got Questions Ministries

Feed Silver Apostle award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 favorites.

See Answer:
Are Jews saved because they are God's chosen people?

November 05 2018

Award for Lynda Hickman , Homemaker, plumber, carpenter, all around gearhead

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
What are the lost books of the Bible?

November 04 2018

Award for Tom Lackey , Born again, semi-retired, short term missionary to Scotland

Feed Silver Evangelist award!

Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Question:
What is a Christian worldview?

November 04 2018

Answer by D. M. , Writer, Entrepreneur, IT Specialist

Why is a bronze serpent used to save the Israelites in Numbers 21:8-9?

"And the people spoke against God, and against Moses, why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no bread, neither is...

November 04 2018 1 Comments 3 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Michael Mcgibbon

Why was Paul straining toward something future like getting to heaven? (3:13–14)

Once you are written in the book of life I have never see any scriptures to preclude you from Heaven. That's why as Christians we strive to get all souls...

November 04 2018 3 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Jack Gutknecht , Arizona Bible College graduate and Dallas Seminary graduate

How might adultery lead to death (Proverbs 2:18)?

I agree with Tim and would add that this "strange" (foreign), that is, the forbidden woman, knows how to use flattery to her advantage. ISBE says, “The...

November 04 2018 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Grant Abbott , Child of Father, Follower of Son, Student of Spirit

How do I know which of God's promises are for me?

The New Testament records the New Covenant that God has made with his human creation. Every person who hears the gospel message about the birth, life,...

November 04 2018 3 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

Why is eating pigs now okay?

During His earthly life, and although He adhered to all the Old Testament dietary laws, Jesus Himself indicated (as He said in Mark 7:14-23) that true...

November 03 2018 2 Comments 3 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

Why is eating pigs now okay?

Leviticus 11:7

2 Votes November 03 2018 4 Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Jay Saunders

How can I be saved?

You know getting saved is really very simple once you really understand a few things. 1. You must realize that you are a sinner. 2. That you need to change...

November 03 2018 12 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

How will you determine if your will is also the will of the Lord?

Ways that I have found useful are: 1) praying for God's direction or guidance, including an indication of willingness on my part to abide by it, and also to...

November 03 2018 3 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Grant Abbott , Child of Father, Follower of Son, Student of Spirit

How is eternity in hell a fair punishment for sin?

Fair is a very subjective word. Every human being will have a different idea about what is fair. The word fair only appears 4 times in the New Testament...

November 03 2018 23 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Grant Abbott , Child of Father, Follower of Son, Student of Spirit

What should we learn from the life of Joseph?

What I admire most about the life story of Joseph is the beautiful picture it gives us of forgiveness from the heart. I think it’s the best example in all of...

November 03 2018 7 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Award for Evan Doan

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
What did God’s name mean to the Israelites? (Exodus 3:14)

November 02 2018

Award for S. Michael Houdmann , Got Questions Ministries

Feed Silver Apostle award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 favorites.

See Answer:
What is an appropriate level of intimacy before marriage?

November 02 2018

Award for Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
Why did the leper say to Jesus, "If you are willing, you can make me clean"?

November 02 2018

Award for Carolyn Hostetter , Wife, mother, grandmother, retired church administrator

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
What does the Bible say about near death experiences?

November 02 2018

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

Why was Paul straining toward something future like getting to heaven? (3:13–14)

For Paul, nothing that he could possibly achieve or obtain, or any hardships or sufferings (including a martyr's death) that he might have to endure for...

November 02 2018 3 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

How was wisdom given to Solomon? (2 Chronicles 1:12) or, How did Solomon become so wise--instantly or with tutors? (1 Kings 4:29-34)

I would say that Solomon's wisdom was a gift imparted by God, regardless of whatever education or tutoring Solomon may have received as the son of King...

November 02 2018 Follow Vote Up

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

How might adultery lead to death (Proverbs 2:18)?

I would say that Solomon is speaking of the possibility of both spiritual and physical death. He has indicated in the cited passage that the woman in...

November 02 2018 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

What are the Seven Abominations?

In my opinion, the number seven is used in the verse cited in the question (as it is elsewhere in the Bible) as a symbol of completeness or perfection, in...

November 02 2018 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , Arizona Bible College graduate and Dallas Seminary graduate

Why was Paul straining toward something future like getting to heaven? (3:13–14)

NCV Brothers and sisters, I know that I have not yet reached that goal, but there is one thing I always do. Forgetting the past and straining toward what is...

Philippians 3:1 - 21

November 02 2018 4 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , Arizona Bible College graduate and Dallas Seminary graduate

How was wisdom given to Solomon? (2 Chronicles 1:12) or, How did Solomon become so wise--instantly or with tutors? (1 Kings 4:29-34)

How was wisdom given to Solomon? (2 Chronicles 1:12) or, How did Solomon become so wise--instantly or with tutors? (1 Kings 4:29-34) 2 Chronicles 1:12 "th...

November 02 2018 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , Arizona Bible College graduate and Dallas Seminary graduate

How might adultery lead to death (Proverbs 2:18)?

16 So you will be delivered from the forbidden[a] woman, from the adulteress[b] with her smooth words, 17 who forsakes the companion of her youth ...

Proverbs 2:18

November 02 2018 2 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

What are the Seven Abominations?

When [a]he speaks kindly, do not believe him, For there are seven abominations in his heart;

Proverbs 26:25

2 Votes November 02 2018 2 Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Grant Abbott , Child of Father, Follower of Son, Student of Spirit

Why did David insist on paying for the threshing floor? (1 Chronicles 21:24)

When we seek to understand a single verse like 1 Chronicles 21:24, it is important to read the entire event in 1 Chronicles 21:1-30, so we can put the verse...

November 02 2018 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Grant Abbott , Child of Father, Follower of Son, Student of Spirit

How does one reconcile John 15:7-8 and Matthew 6:19-24?

The key to unlocking the promise in John 15:7-8 is the very first phrase. "If you remain (abide) in me and my words remain (abide) in you." When this...

November 02 2018 2 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Andrew Sturt

What does it mean in Hebrews 12:14, "... without holiness no one will see the Lord"?

Dianne, that's an excellent question. I was reading this verse this morning and had a similar question. Here are my musings. I hope they're helpful. As far...

November 02 2018 8 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Award for S. Michael Houdmann , Got Questions Ministries

Feed Silver Apostle award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 favorites.

See Answer:
What should we learn from the life of Esther?

November 02 2018

Award for JD Abshire

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
Why was it wrong that Moses had not circumcised His own son?

November 01 2018

Answer by Shayne Joseph

Was Isaac born to Abraham and Sarah without physical contact between them?

He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, 21 and being fully convinced that what He had...

November 01 2018 1 Comments 5 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Award for Tony Flores , Tony Flores a servant of Jesus Christ

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
Does the Bible support the pre-existence of Jesus?

November 01 2018

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

What does James mean when He says there is no "shadow of turning" with the Father?

In my opinion, James in this verse is contrasting God the Father with the movement of heavenly bodies (including the sun and moon) that exhibit differing...

October 31 2018 1 Comments 2 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Award for S. Michael Houdmann , Got Questions Ministries

Feed Gold Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 25 votes.

See Answer:
Does John 3:5 teach that baptism is necessary for salvation?

October 31 2018