Why is the life of Christ not mentioned in the scriptures between the ages of 12-30?
The Bible is not meant to be a history book, except the history that matters...man's creation as perfect, man's fall into sin, God's redemption plan through...
The Bible is not meant to be a history book, except the history that matters...man's creation as perfect, man's fall into sin, God's redemption plan through...
Revelation 13:18
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What Bible translation is closest to the original written scriptures?
I would say, first, that God's righteousness, or holiness, is utterly complete and total, to the point where anything with even the slightest corruption or...
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Why is the life of Christ not mentioned in the scriptures between the ages of 12-30?
As I understand it, the wheat harvest season in Israel was not normally characterized by rain. Rain occurred during the planting season, as an aid to the...
The Biblical Gospel as given by the Apostles, Hear- Romans10:17, Matthew 11:15, Acts 18:8. Believe- John 5:24, Acts 16:31-33, Acts 18:8. Confess- 1John 4:15,...
Let me give you a radical answer! I attend a Baptist church. My church teaches about Jesus and His Ministry which is "salt and peppered" with Miracles but...
I would say that, although God is superior to humans in every respect, He created humans (whom, unlike any other earthly life form, He made in His image...
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Why is salvation by works a commonly held viewpoint by non-believers, and some believers as well?
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Is it biblical for a church to seek 501(c)(3) incorporation?
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What does God say about sexual orientation?
Despite the fact that Israel was God's chosen nation, it repeatedly engaged in disobedience and idolatry from the very beginning of its occupancy of Canaan...
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What is the significance of the folded napkin in Christ's tomb after the resurrection?
My opinion of the meaning and purpose of the Ten Plagues follows: Plague according to NAVE (Nave’s Topical Bible) can be seen as a judgment on the...
Being wrathful is shown by an infuriated sinful nature and thus is simply inexcusable (Genesis 4:5; 49:7; Proverbs 19:19; Job 5:2; Luke 4:28; Galatians 5:20;...
Great question, Ernest! Sexual Sin Is Ultimately Deadly (Proverbs 7:1-27) The IMMORAL man tempts himself (Proverbs 7:6-9). The IMMORAL man is tempted by the...
How are God’s righteousness and wrath connected? (Psalm 7:11) 10 My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart. 11 God is a righteous judge ...
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What does it mean to be a prophet today?
This "formed at an early period a part of the ceremony observed on the appointment and consecration of persons to high and holy undertakings;" (and in the...
The bible is clear that Adam and Eve were commanded to be fruitful and multiply to fill the earth. However, the conception of Cain/Abel occurred outside the...
I haven’t heard Christians asking for miracles not to be performed...I believe they should. I also believe that to grow one’s faith, that all things shouldn’...
Peter made some serious mistakes. To begin with, he lacked humility himself. He was sure his brother would sin against him, but not he against his brother!...
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Why were the men mentioned in 1 Samuel 21:5 considered holy since they had been kept from women?
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What did Jesus mean when He said that we should forgive others seventy times seven?
Genesis 4:10 The LORD said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground. Hebrews 12:24 to Jesus the mediator of a ne...
From gotquestions: Dependability in a person will prevent that person from being a gossip: “A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a...
Dew is a source of great fertility (Genesis 27:28; Deuteronomy 33:13; Zechariah 8:12), and its withdrawal is regarded as a curse from God (2 Samuel 1:21; 1...
Micah 3:8 New International Version (NIV) 8 But as for me, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the Lord, and with justice and might, to de...
Psalm 137 New International Version (NIV) Psalm 137 1 By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion. 2 There on the poplars w...
Psalms 137:1 - 4
Psalm 133-134 New International Version (NIV) Psalm 133 A song of ascents. Of David. 1 How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in...
How do trees kill people? 2 Samuel 18:8 In other words, how did the forest claim more men than the sword? (2 Samuel 18:8) 6 David’s army marched out of...
2 Samuel 18:8
8:6 (Now they were asking this in an attempt to trap him, so that they could bring charges against 1 him.) 2 Jesus bent down and wrote on the ground with his...
Progressive Muscle Relaxation teaches you how to relax your muscles through a two- step process. First, you systematically tense particular muscle groups in...
"Ten days" signifies that although persecution would be intense, it would be relatively short. It would have a definite beginning and end, and God would...
Wasn’t abandoning wives and children a drastic solution? (Ezra 10:3) Ezra 10 New International Version (NIV) The People’s Confession of Sin 10 While Ezr...
Ezra 10:1 - 44
Forgiveness of sin [EBD] -- Easton's Bible Dictionary -- is one of the constituent parts of justification. In pardoning sin, God absolves the sinner from the...
The great white thrown judgement is for unbelievers. The judgement seat of Christ is for believers. John 3:18 Believers can no longer be condemned,...
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What is an alabaster box?
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Does Rom 9 mean God predestined some to heaven while created others with no chance of escaping hell?
My wife and I failed in our attempt to stay pure until our wedding day. I feel torn about fondly remembering our first times being intimate because I know t...
Faith is neither (excepting the Spiritual gift of faith, or the general capacity to have faith in things God created man with.) First, we need to define...
Salvation itself is not always public but it is a spiritual act that only the Holy Spirit can perform, with or without the direct assistance of man. It can...
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If the landlord or owner of some choice property saw that the tenants were becoming reckless with said property and knew that in the future their descendants...
Moses' sin was not trusting in Yahveh enough to honor Him as holy before the people. Yahveh was not angry, but Moses was angry with the people for desiring...
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