Is there a difference between coming to Jesus and believing in Jesus?
In the specific context of the verse cited in the question, I would say that, by inviting people to "come" to Him, Jesus was indeed speaking of believing in...
In the specific context of the verse cited in the question, I would say that, by inviting people to "come" to Him, Jesus was indeed speaking of believing in...
The natural man goes about to establish his own righteousness while he needs to be made the righteousness of God (Ro 10:3; 2 Co 5:21; Is 64:6). He makes an...
Matthew 11:28 - 30
I am a researcher, I search for herbs of the field, especially the type that are nutrients for the health of the body. What are the twelve fruits of the tree...
Amos 1:2 This verse sets the theme of the book: God is like a roaring lion. This symbolically portrays His giving a message to His prophets and His readiness...
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Who is the Queen of Heaven?
I would say that, aside from personal messages to individuals or non-doctrinal content, the main doctrinal subjects that Paul was seeking to communicate to...
I would say that the distance factor mentioned in the question would have influenced the communication that Paul had with Timothy both with respect to the...
What is the definition of a tattoo in relation to the body? Dictionary ap says: tattoo2 —noun, plural tat·toos. the act or practice of marking the skin with...
In Matt 12:48, Jesus rhetorically asks, "Who is" He was talking about his biological brothers, and not his disciples. From this, it can be...
Paul's medical advice to Timothy inserted in this letter is frequently being used to justify alcohol consumption among Christians. However, the text...
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Could God create a rock so heavy He could not lift it?
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Is there an angel of death?
What does a 'sparrow' represent in the bible? In Psalm 102:7 the psalmist compares himself in his insomnia, a lonely man, to a sparrow bereft of his mate and...
"I for my part 1 will do this to you: I will inflict horror on you, consumption and fever, which diminish eyesight and drain away the vitality of life. You...
As indicated in the verses cited in the question, I would say that the sparrow is being cited as an example of a creature that is small, insignificant, or of...
Matthew 10:29; Luke 12:6
Matthew 10:29
I would say that the natural man (if even believing at all in an existence beyond this life) seeks salvation through personal conduct according to whatever...
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What does it mean to test the spirits?
Isaiah 64:6 Titus 3:5
Jeremiah 2:13
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Is the King of Tyre prophecy in Ezekiel 28 referring to Satan?
If the destruction being referred to in the question pertains to the events that occurred in AD 70, I would say that Jesus' teachings and prophecies about...
I believe that this sign is...Zechariah 14:4, "And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east..." I think this...
Context is important when reading the Bible and I think this is a case of context in regards to, “use a little wine for thou stomach sake”. The Bible speaks...
All the old versions omit the words. The oldest manuscripts of the Vulgate omit them.
It leads to joy. "Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart." (Ps 119:2) The NLT, the BBE, and the NRSV translate the...
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What was the practice of casting lots?
The word "blameless" in 1 Timothy 3:2a means “nothing to take hold upon”; that is, there must be nothing in his life that Satan or the unsaved (see 1 Tim....
I've always understood the sign of the Son of Man in Matthew 24:30 to be the lightning of v. 27 (Matthew 24:27). Others, admittedly, believe it's the...
How did God make Jesus become sin? This may be an OT allusion to a sin offering (cf. Isaiah 53; Rom. 8:3). God offered Jesus as the sinless lamb (cf. John...
Although there has been a wide range of interpretations proposed for the wording in the cited verse, the sign spoken of, in my opinion, is not separate from...
I would say that the Old Testament will always have relevance for Christians for the following reasons: It furnishes context and a frame of reference for the...
Adam and Eve mortgaged their personal fellowship with God by listening to the serpent. God, the sovereign God who had put his virtues on man cannot be...
In Genesis it states that "..God said,'Let there be light'" and continues repeating "..God said.." as He creates. The words "God said" indicates that God...
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What do creationists believe about natural selection?
Genesis 1:1 - 31
In my experience true humility comes in acknowledging that every blessing we experience on earth comes from the mighty hand of God. This includes our...
I am confused about what the sign of the Son of Man is. Is it the destruction of Israel?
Matthew 24:30
Christening is the old word for baptism - (the English word Christen most likely appeared in usage around late 12th – early 13th century as a reference to...
To me, all the elements of spiritual armor mentioned by Paul are encompassed by the acquiring or exhibiting of the attributes of faith, ever-increasing...
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Why didn’t God warn Adam and Eve about the serpent when they were in the Garden of Eden?
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What is the Great Commission?
Just going through the psalm verse-by-verse suggests the following benefits to me: preservation or lengthening of life (verses 25, 37, 40, 50, 92, 93, 107,...
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What happens at the final judgment?
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And by the Word of God all things have come into being and apart from Him...
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