What does it mean to "not walk according to the flesh"?
New Testament references to "the flesh" are speaking of the carnal, sinful nature that all people possess prior to placing faith in Christ. It is a product...
New Testament references to "the flesh" are speaking of the carnal, sinful nature that all people possess prior to placing faith in Christ. It is a product...
As far as I am aware, there was only one individual with that name mentioned in the New Testament. The first reference to him is in the passage from Acts...
Berea (the name of which means "heavy" or "weighty") was a city that in Biblical times was in the Roman province of Macedonia. It was located on the site of...
In what ways can I share in someone’s burdens?
Galatians 6:2
The most consistent reading of the text would be where Jesus is speaking in hyperbole as he often did to illustrate a situation. He says that he sent them...
From God's perspective everything happens for a reason. We know this from the nature and character of God, and his plans and purposes, revealed in the bible....
I would first express sympathy for the situation of the person to whom I was being asked or expected to apologize, as well as offer to do whatever I could to...
I would say that the Bible depicts God as having two types of will -- an active will (that is, things that He directs or causes to happen), and a passive...
This may sound circular but, the "meaning of life" is to find "meaning in life." How do we find "meaning" or "purpose" in life with all the suffering that...
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Why did God put the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in Eden?
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Can a person be baptized twice?
God’s revelation in his word, is the only source of truth that gives meaning to life. The culture of our world teaches us that we came into existence through...
I would say that, from a Biblical standpoint, we should care because God cares. He is the essence and origin of life. He created and gave life to humanity...
This is not an easy question to answer - particularly because our belief in God is so personal and mostly based on our personal experience. For the majority...
Our existence is one proof that GOD exist. As it was stated in Wisdom of Solomon 2:23: For God created man to be immortal, and made him to be an image of his...
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What should we learn from the life of Rahab?
How did the people mentioned in the bible become convinced that God is real: 1) they heard God speak to them in some way and what he said came true, 2) they...
I believe there are reasons to pray the scriptures and reasons not to. Reasons to pray the scriptures 1. The bible is God’s book. This is his will for our...
I love the idea of a loving, kind God but have such a problem when I see all the suffering in this world.
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What does it mean that Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith?
We are justified by our faith in the finished work of Jesus on the cross, as explained in the quoted verse. The good works that Christians do to fulfill the...
The first law can be stated simply by saying you cannot get something from nothing. In our universe there is a lot of something (viz matter, elements) that...
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What is cultural relativism?
Paradise was in the center of the earth. Hell on one side, and paradise on the other. When the rich man was in hell, he called across to father Abraham to...
One year my wife, Phyl, and I read through the One-Year Bible (NIV) together and shared insights. It was a wonderful experience! Her Dad did this, too. Also,...
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What is collective salvation?
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Does wearing a face mask displace trust in God?
In response to whether wearing a mask shows lack of faith, I will say this: My husband and I have been firm believers of wearing a mask during this pandemic....
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Does wearing a face mask displace trust in God?
In my view these angels were angelic beings. Throughout the Old Testament, God often refers to his angels as stars. “Where were you when I laid the earth’s...
This is an interesting question. It can and has been answered in different ways. I believe wearing a mask is personal between God, you and your doctor. I don...
In my view God speaks to us and reveals his will to us in 5 different ways. I learned this from a talk on the Alpha course. In order of God’s priority they...
We were made in the image of God. We have a body, Jesus, a soul, the real you, and a spirit, God the Father. When sin entered the world through Adam we are...
The fact that God has made you aware that your father watches porn, and you are raising this question, likely means that he wants you to deal with it. I am...
Ornaments and fine clothes were a symbol of pride and independence, of attachment to the things of this world (their former life in Egypt). To humble them...
My opinion is that Paul was speaking about the customs of that time, but as it pertains to Christians now, I believe that what Paul is saying is that when...
God expects us to protect ourselves against contagious diseases. In the 13th Chapter of Leviticus, for example, the entire chapter (40 verses) deals with...
In my view this wrestling match is a living parable showing us how Jacob GOT SAVED. The wrestling match symbolizes HIS will vs GOD’S will. This is every...
I just find it odd how so many Christians can chant law and order but at the same time REFUSE to follow a state mandate. So are we in the business of picking...
Here is my encouragement for you from the scriptures: Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in...
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