What should we learn from Jesus' forgiving and healing a paralyzed man?
The actions of the four friends are commendable for they looked for opportunities in the face of obstacles, Mark 2:1-5, and acted in faith. Another lesson is...
The actions of the four friends are commendable for they looked for opportunities in the face of obstacles, Mark 2:1-5, and acted in faith. Another lesson is...
Jesus Himself said, "Do not be afraid" more than once! 1 Corinthians 13:11,12: "When I was a child, I spoke as a child...for now we see in a mirror, dimly,...
Not a few openly attack Jesus, his birth, life, and death. In their ignorance and rebellion, they utter blasphemies. Some claim that Jesus was illegitimate,...
Eating this scroll pictured the reception and assimilation of the scroll's message. The message is sweet because it comes from God who is sweet: sweeter far...
Romans 9:8: That is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed....
The text closes with a worldwide promise, "In his name will the Gentiles hope." The message of Christ's forgiveness and tenderness is not limited to the...
If the reference is to an audible sound, I would say no (although we ourselves might groan as we pray). However, the main point is that the Holy Spirit (who...
The cited verse is not the only indication or prophecy in the Bible indicating that Jesus came not only to bring salvation to Israel, but also to the...
Colossians 3:3. We are dead and our life is hidden with Christ in God. God could have just taken us to heaven the second we believed the gospel. First...
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Is there a biblical list of sins?
I'm assuming that the question is referring to attitudes on the part of the person doing the witnessing, rather than on the part of the person being...
Jairus, the ruler of the synagogue, had an only child, a 12-year- old daughter, at the point of death. Then news came that his daughter was dead so there was...
God has put us onto this earth for a reason. He has prepared certain good deeds, missions if you will, which He wants us to accomplish for Him (Ephesians...
Well, If I hear God give me a specific direction, I will do it. Revelation 4:1: "After this I looked, and behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first...
ISBE say it was used in Religious Rites: -- Consecration: Consecration of officials or sacred things (Gen 28:18; 35:14; Ex 29:7,21 ff; Lev 2:1 ff; Nu 4:9 ff;...
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What does the Bible say about anointing oil?
Who is Nahash? Lockyer says this: Nahash [Nā'hăsh] is a name meaning "serpent" or "oracle." There were 2 men and 1 woman named "Nahash" in the Bible: 1. An...
My question is as a believer, are we aware of the groanings as we pray?
Romans 8:26
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Who were the sons of Korah in the Old Testament?
9 So I went to the angel and told him to give me the little scroll. And he said to me, "Take and eat it; it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth...
Colossians 3:1-3 We are dead and our life is hidden with Christ in God. But our flesh is till with us till we die. Colossians 3:5-6 If we live in those sins...
The most important activity that Christians can perform is bringing others to salvation through faith in Christ. That does not necessarily mean being a...
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Is Jesus God's Son? How could Allah, being one, have a son?
The Greeks, who were among the disciples of Jesus and were now wanting to come to Him, were being told to follow Him in His ways. And not just by being a...
What kind of activities redeem the time?
One of the reasons that the accounts of the life of Jesus found in the New Testament are called the gospels (meaning "good news") is precisely because they...
What is repentance? At Dallas Theological Seminary, a professor of mine, Dr. Roy B. Zuck, said, "The Greek word for repentance (metanoia) means to change one...
Jesus said that we should love God with everything and our neighbours as ourselves. All the law depends on these. So the first four of the commandments are...
Nehemiah was one of those who had a true love for God the Father and observed His commandments. Being told the remnant were in great affliction and reproach,...
Being a new born again believer, there are parts of the Bible that quite literally scare me. I have gone from living a life for 27 years that has been in ...
Luke 11:1 - 54
“Repentance” means “to change one’s mind.” The Hebrew word is “naham” as in Exodus 13:17. In Greek, the word is “metanoia” which is literally “afterthought”...
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What was the spirit of God hovering over?
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What do I need to know about surviving the end times?
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What do I need to know about surviving the end times?
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Is the Calvinist theory of 'total depravity' biblical?
In addition to Houdmann’s outstanding answer, I would add, after repenting, it is ideal to pray, “God, make Your desires mine.” Then, be SILENT and LISTEN....
As I see it, Jesus was using a physical example from agriculture to teach a spiritual truth. For a seed to be more than just a seed, it had to be buried in...
The mix of things in the book of Hebrews has caused much debate over the purpose. There doesn't seem to be a conclusion. I think that the purpose is to...
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What does the Bible say about work ethic? What is a Christian work ethic?
In Luke chapter four Jesus is being tempted by Satan in the wilderness. In verse 4, Jesus says, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of...
Something everyone is missing is found in Ephesians 1:4: "For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight." So...
To me, this is a further example of portions of the book of Ecclesiastes where the writer is speaking from the point of view of knowledge "under the sun "...
For the wise and the foolish both die. The wise will not be remembered any longer than the fool. In the days to come, both will be forgotten.
Ecclesiastes 2:1 - 26
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What does the Bible say about favoritism?
In this parable, what stands out to me the most is the fact that the 10 virgins all heard the same message. They knew that the Bridegroom was coming, but the...
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