Did not Jesus say "peace I leave you, peace I give you" in John 14:27?
Yes, Jesus did say that in another context, for a specific purpose. In the passage that you referenced, Jesus is speaking to His disciples before sending...
Yes, Jesus did say that in another context, for a specific purpose. In the passage that you referenced, Jesus is speaking to His disciples before sending...
First and foremost, there is no "best book" in the Bible. The Bible says that ALL of scripture is God breathed and is profitable for teaching, correcting,...
I think the best book for a new Christian to start with is the book of Romans. I starts by explaining how we have fallen from grace and cannot depend on our...
I agree with your answer. You're totally right. I would like to add a some background to the events with Haman. Esau married many Caanite women who were...
Mr. Houdmann's comments above are very well done. I would just like to add a couple more comments, and make a recommendation that is TOTALLY my humble...
Some Bible interpreters believe that there will be absolutely no chance for salvation after the Rapture. However, there is no place in the Bible which says...
The rapture and the second coming of Christ are often confused. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a scripture verse is referring to the rapture...
2Th 2:1 (KJV) Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, Notice that the "coming" is...
What archeological evidence has there been for the historicity of the Bible? First let me say that a belief in God is not as many modern educators preach,...
If we can believe what Jesus said, the gathering together of His elect will occur immediately after the tribulation. Also, if Israel had to become a nation...
define the word alien, meaning not of this earth or extraterrestrial. Angels were not born or created here that we have record of. In Revelation it speaks of...
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary says about this event: "Mordecai refused to reverence Haman. The religion of a Jew forbade him to give honours to any...
How can this verse be used as a life application for today's time and place in this world?
Esther 3:2
Actually it's best to ask this new believer what they do know and don't know or understand and go from there. You can't just jump into Paul's letters without...
The Gospels are, in my opinion, the best place to start for a new Christian. In my experience, the Gospel of John is used most often, when sharing the Word...
I believe the book of Romans, Galatians and Colossians, those three tells the believer why, and how they were saved and it also shows them how they should...
As a new Christian I have begun reading from the beganing. Now I am almost through Judges and I am finding is my pace has dramatically slowed down. I am...
If Scripture is to be our sole authority, on what authority do we know which books belong in the Bible - since the Bible does not state which books should be...
I recommend the Gospel John. It will give you your foundation to faith in The Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that if your foundation is wrong then whatever you...
GOSPEL OF JOHN. This is the only Gospel which tells frequently about LOVE of GOD
To understand that God is a loving God rather than a condemner (as many people have heard from early childhood on), I recommend John to new Christians and...
Start with the four Gospels. You need to learn the life of Jesus, read about Him. The Gospel of John really gives more than the others because he was with...
The fact that there are so many English Bible translations is both a blessing and a problem. It is a blessing in that the Word of God is available to anyone...
My wife's study group prefers NIV, while she uses NLT for its simplicity. My study group prefers NRSV-CE. When discussing with our Jehovah's witnesses...
I have prayed for wisdom and mediated upon this subject quite a bit and it seems to me the thought is circular and leads back to creation. evolution vs...
It depends on the audience in some ways, therefore I think that all of the answers that have been offered already are good ones. If you're talking about...
I think Luke will be the best read for new Christians since it covers Christ's life from before birth to ascension. If you want to read the Bible like a...
It is important to note who did the translation. For example, the whole bible translation by Joseph Smith, the Mormon, is full of errors. The Jehovah...
There are no demands. He has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us. Just as we accepted Christ by faith, we live by faith. The Pharisees and many of our...
Before you begin, seek a place where you can be alone, without noise or interruption. Then in total humbleness, pray. Thank the Holy Spirit that He is alive...
Romans. Read it and read it again. It is a masterwork on what we believe and why. Paul lays out the case for the Gospel of Grace, how we are saved and why we...
I humbly submit that when one considers the record of numerous historical discoveries that at one time were said to be nothing but fanciful legends.(Psalms...
The Moabite Stone. In 1868 the German missionary F.A.Klein made a remarkable discovery of an ancient inscription at Dhiban (Dibon). This has become known as...
Hi Mary. God never makes mistakes, thus whichever side He selected would have been the "right" side. I was attempting to make a play on words. Sorry for the...
What, then, is the condition of dead souls? Simply stated, death is the opposite of life. All our senses are linked to our physical bodies. Our ability to...
Jesus told the thief on the cross, "Today you will be with me in paradise." Not asleep.
We're all descendants from Noah's sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Our genetic makeup comes from them. Humans tend to marry like so over many generations...
This is a great question, and I'd like to expand on Anupama's great answer: In addition to the greatest commandments (which is I think all we really need) we...
One for me personally is to be a fisherman of men(humans)
Deuteronomy 18:10 Lists eight abominable practices that were not to be done in the land, the murder of children for sacrifice is number ONE. When a people or...
When we die we are dead. There is no part of us that remains with an existence. In death there is no remembrance of God. A lot of us want to believe that a...
There is only 2 commandments for the new testament believers. First and most important is Love the LORD your God with all your Heart, Soul and Mind and...
The "right" side David
Body will return to dust (Gen : 3 : 19) and Spirit returns to the creator (Ecc 12 : 7). But those who accepted JESUS as Savior, will be resurrected at the...
We are to LOVE one another AS Jesus loved us (John 13:34)...that commandment was NEW because it is different from Matt 22:39 ... You shall love your neighbor...
My view is that the Bible says NOTHING! When the Bible speaks about sons of God to me its referring to you and me. We are God's children. Thats what the...
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