Why did Satan want to sift Peter?
First, I see that Satan asked. He needed permission to "sift" Peter. Jesus addressed Simon Peter… why? I think because Peter was the leader, (spokesman) for...
First, I see that Satan asked. He needed permission to "sift" Peter. Jesus addressed Simon Peter… why? I think because Peter was the leader, (spokesman) for...
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I think everything is much simpler here. It simply means you will become mortal.
Good question, Ainsley! LUKE 16 OUTLINE AND EXEGESIS Jesus tells the parables of the shrewd manager…bare bones outline by Harold Wilmington I. PARABLE OF THE...
By my understanding, when Jesus used the word "you", it was plural. That is, He was referring not just to Simon Peter, but to each of the apostles, as the...
This isn't an instruction about a legal defense. Jesus is sending his disciples out to alert the world (through Israel as usual) that the kingdom of God is...
The manager of a rich man's possessions was accused of mismanagement. The rich man asked the manager to account for his remaining possessions and also stated...
Chapter 16:3,4: The manager was likely dishonest, but he was smart in worldly ways. In his mind he started planning ahead. He didn't want to become a beggar,...
2 Corinthians 12:7-10: 7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the...
Do you immediately go to heaven or some other place?
I am confused by the message in this scripture. Please help me to interpret it.
Luke 16:1 - 8
The apostle Peter confirms Paul's wisdom was divinely given to Paul. 2 Peter 3:15: "15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as...
In my opinion, Paul (who had been speaking favorably of the generosity in giving of the Corinthian church) was at the same time spontaneously moved to make...
To me, Jesus was saying that, although He (alone of all humanity) did not require baptism for its intended purpose of symbolizing the burial of the old,...
I see a twofold significance. The risen Christ had just asked Peter three times whether Peter loved Him (to counter the three times that Peter had denied...
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How are we to discipline our bodies?
One instance from the Bible that comes readily to mind is from John 11, when (as indicated in John 11:6) Jesus purposely delayed after being notified that...
“Because of this, the rumor spread among the believers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, “If I wan...
John 21:23
Yes, the souls of aborted babies go to heaven. Even though David's little boy was NOT ABORTED, he did die in his first few days. And the matter had to do...
To know fully means to have perfect understanding and knowledge of all scriptural doctrine. This is similar to Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit and...
"For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away." 1 Cor. 13:9,10 ESV Jesus said, "You therefore must be...
Great question, Bob Cline! “If you have trusted Christ as your Savior, (you are living today in a spiritual ‘Year of Jubilee.’) You have been set free from...
Revelation 3:5: "All who are victorious will be clothed in white. I will never erase their names from the Book of Life, but I will announce before my Father...
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Who are they that are bound and what is the prison in Isaiah 61:1?
No, Jesus did not fulfill all the Old Testament prophesies concerning the Messiah. But at His first coming He did fulfill the OT prophecies concerning the...
Good question, Adewale Ademola! Jesus' condemnation of violence does seem strange -- He rebuked Peter for cutting off the ear of the high priest's servant...
Firstly I am a senior with 2 years of Bible School. I’ve read The Bible about 5 times, and others much more. We are commanded to study, meditate and live by...
I think this is an important issue to raise. There are some Christians who are needlessly tormented with the idea that they have committed the unforgivable...
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What is the meaning of 'perfect' in 1 Corinthians 13:10?
The teaching of total depravity is that man is totally unable to choose God, so that God must do all to help man. There are reasons that this is not true....
John 6:44 is used by some to say that God draws people to be saved. They say that this must happen because according to Ephesians 2:1, no one is able to come...
Isaiah 61:1 - 11
This has already been mentioned by 2 people but I want to add something personal. The reason we need to confess our sins even though they are already...
"Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!" (2 Corinthians 9:15)
2 Tim. 3:14-17: All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may...
Luke 17:32-33: Remember Lot’s wife. Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it, and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. When Lot...
God offered His chosen people (Israel) a new covenant (Hebrews 8:8, Jer. 31:31) because they were unable to keep the old covenant law for justification (Gal....
The two genealogies of Jesus are distinctively different. MATTHEW – LUKE Joseph’s line – Mary’s line descending line – ascending line to Abraham through...
Though the above answers do a much better job of directly answering your question assuming you were asking what language did Jesus speak in the recorded...
Short answer is that adultery is a lie, Ex. 20:6. It also breaks the law of covetousness, Ex 20:17, "Thou shalt not covet". It was one a the major sins that...
If you look at the next few verses, (1 Thessalonians 5:20-22), the Holy Spirit is actually giving us examples of how to avoid 'quenching' the divine fire....
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What does the Bible say about cremation? Should Christians be cremated?
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Is baptism the New Covenant equivalent of circumcision?
But Jesus told him, "Follow Me, and let the [spiritually] dead bury their own [physically] dead" - Mt. 8:22 Arguing about this is, at best, spiritually...
The Bible refers to Jesus as the 'Bread from heaven,' (John 6:51). The word translated 'Manna' in English, in Hebrew simply means, 'What is it?' This is what...
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