Why didn't the nakedness of Adam and Eve embarrass them before the fall (Genesis 2:25)?
According to the Bible, Adam and Eve felt no shame about their nakedness before the fall because they were innocent and had no sin, meaning they lacked the...
According to the Bible, Adam and Eve felt no shame about their nakedness before the fall because they were innocent and had no sin, meaning they lacked the...
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Why didn't the nakedness of Adam and Eve embarrass them before the fall (Genesis 2:25)?
Good question, Candace! It's all about the fleeting nature of external qualities like charm and beauty, which can be superficial or temporary. Instead, it...
Good question. The Bible explicitly claims divine origin in passages like 2 Timothy 3:16-17, which states, "16 Every scripture is inspired by God and useful...
Hi Anonymous, I would like to share that the Scripture that you referenced is under the Old Covenant and is speaking about the children of Israel who...
Matthew 14:25 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. Lord Jesus constrained His disciples to get into a ship and go...
Dear Anonymous, allow me to say that these two passages are not contradicting one another. In Romans 7; the Apostle Paul is teaching about the struggle...
My answer is short, and based on personal experience. Whenever I have to share the Word of God, I usually start to feel anxiety. That's because I am focusing...
This is all choice. Every minute of every day, we choose who we follow. A believer who abides in Christ will sin because he is human. However, the choice is...
Genesis 12:2-3 is foundational to understanding God's covenant with Abraham. This promise not only points to the formation of the nation of Israel but also...
Revelation 21:3-4 states, 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying: "Look! The residence of God is among human beings. He will live among them, and...
I would say that John was speaking specifically of sin that is willful, habitual, AND unrepentant. It is repentance (even after repeated sin) that is the...
In this present life and world, Christians should be continually aware (as Paul was after his conversion) of the presence of sin in their lives (despite...
In my view, the writer of Hebrews is saying that Christ's sinless life, atoning death, and resurrection were not intended by God to be part of a continuing,...
Hebrews 9:26 New International Version 26 Otherwise Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But he has appeared once fo...
The word "keeper" is found just a few verses earlier when Abel is described as "a keeper of sheep". In other words he looked after them and was responsible...
Gibeon is six miles north and slightly west of Jerusalem, well inside of Benjamin territory. Was Amasa on a force march from Jerusalem to catch up to...
As Christians we struggle with our remaining sins and need the Holy Spirit’s help in overcoming our struggles, (Romans 7:15-26) 1 John 3:6 seems to say Chris...
"The 'water' mentioned here corresponds to the 'waters above' mentioned in Gen 1:7. See also Ps 104:3." --bible.org "The waters above and below take us back...
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Who were the Edomites?
Psalm 148:7f says, Praise God from earth, you sea dragons, you fathomless ocean deeps; Fire and hail, snow and ice, hurricanes obeying his [God's] orders;...
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What should a Christian's view be on stem cell research?
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What should a Christian's view be on stem cell research?
John 21:15-17 tells where Jesus restores Peter after his denial. Each of the three questions Jesus asks—"Do you love me?"—mirrors Peter's earlier threefold...
According to Revelation 12:12, 15 "the devil's time on earth being short" signifies that Satan's reign of evil and influence on the world is nearing its...
My opinion is that You can recognize a false teacher or a false prophet if they are proud, greedy or villainous. The Bible gives this warning: Jude 1:11 “Woe...
The Tribulation begins when the Antichrist/Beast confirms a 7-year treaty between Israel and "many", according to Dan 9:27. There may well be a gap of time...
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Did fallen angels inter-marry with humans?
Luke 9:48: And said unto them, "Whosoever shall receive this child in my name receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me receiveth him that sent me: for he...
Good question, Suzanne! The Tribulation comes right before the return of Christ and the millennial kingdom of His rule which lasts for 1000 years. This is my...
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When will the tribulation begin?
Is the question referring to the verse that starts, "But you O Bethlehem Ephrathah...", or the verse prior to it (which is quoted in the question)? (A...
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When will the tribulation begin?
The temple tax was an obligation ordained by God that was contained in the Law (Exodus 30:11-16) to be paid by the Israelites for the upkeep of the national...
There will simply be no sex in heaven due to the fact that sex, like all human activities, will cease due to the fact that you are no longer hindered from...
In the passage about whether the teacher pays taxes, Jesus says, "the children are exempt" in Mathew 17:26. What is the meaning?
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How is Jesus Christ unique?
Christians have been waiting for the second coming of Christ for 2000 years. Christian’s didn’t have currently fulfilled prophecy to prove that the Bible was...
While the simplest answer is that, scripturally, Passover is on Nissan 14th (Num 9:1-5, ) there are a number of factors which make the answer more complex. -...
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Should we have a Christmas Tree? Does the Christmas Tree have its origin in ancient pagan rituals?
The event referenced in the question (recounted in in Luke 7:11-17) was not the only recorded occasion on which Jesus raised someone from the dead. However,...
Deuteronomy 34:1-6 says: " 1Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho. There the Lord showed him the...
Leviticus 23:5 says that Passover (also known as Pesach) begins at sundown on the fourteenth day of the first month of the Hebrew calendar (known as Nisan)....
Jeremiah 31:36 says, The Lord affirms, “The descendants of Israel will not cease forever to be a nation in my sight. That could only happen if the fixed...
The prophets don't write anything specifically in regards to the holiday Christmas. "Christmas" (or The Mass of Christ) didn't even get that name until the...
The prophets Isaiah and Micah made predictions about the birth of Jesus Christ, which are recorded in the Bible and are said to have been fulfilled in the...
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