What does the Bible say about compassion?
The Hebrew and Greek words translated "compassion" in the Bible mean "to have mercy, to feel sympathy and to have pity." We know that, according to the...
The Hebrew and Greek words translated "compassion" in the Bible mean "to have mercy, to feel sympathy and to have pity." We know that, according to the...
There are numerous references in the Bible addressing the Christian's commitment in various aspects of life: to our families, neighbors, employers, the...
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Is Contemporary Christian Music honoring to God? Should it be used in church services?
Great question I humbly submit that as Christians, we should view the convergence and daily unfolding of world events with little surprise, unlike everything...
Thunder is the sound caused by lightning. Depending on the distance and nature of the lightning, thunder can range from a sharp, loud crack to a long, low...
The word “dayspring” means the morning light, the aurora, the rising of the sun. It is called the dayspring “from on high” because the light of the gospel...
I'm sure they are related to Islamic eschatology if you believe in Islamic eschatology. More likely though, the things happening in Iraq are simply the...
The word charity is found primarily in the King James Version of the Bible, and it nearly always means "love." In the great "love chapter"-1 Corinthians...
We honor them, as they are anointed as your parents, so, • Colossians 3:20 “Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the...
Christians the world over need to be very careful when thinking about the new world order. If you read Revelations, it's clear that the AntiChrist will first...
Upfront it must be said that some people do not agree with the following concept. Nevertheless, it is my opinion that there were three different tithes in...
Should I pray to YHWH or Yeshua? My answer will be short and to the point. When I pray my prayers go to the spiritual realm. I am a sinner and my prayers are...
Luke 1: By the remission of their sins, 78 Through the tender mercy of our God, With which the 11 Dayspring from on high 12 has visited us; 79 c To give lig...
Gospel means 'Good News'. In its simplest sense the Gospel is "Christ Crucified" (1 Cor. 1:23) In a broader sense it is the whole New Testament, or even the...
Here are my notes Noahic; Gen 8:20-9:29, This contract was made with Noah and the beasts of the field after the flood and ushered in the Dispensation of...
The Noahic Covenant, found in Genesis 9:8-17, is the promise that God made to Noah and his descendants after the flood which destroyed the world. The Noahic...
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Is silent prayer biblical?
Genesis 19 tells the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot, Abraham's nephew, lived in Sodom with his family. His daughters were engaged to...
The word imminent means "likely to happen at any moment; impending." When we speak of the imminence of Christ's return, we mean that He could come back at...
God wants us to be prosperous, however, prosperity is not defined by material wealth only. When a preacher focuses on material wealth and leaves out...
No you can't. Also, you can not understand scripture unless somebody explains it to you, like the case of Philip and the Ethiopian. Philip asked, "Do you...
"The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea" (Isa 11:9b) At the Mount of Olives the disciples of Jesus asked Him,...
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Should Christians celebrate Passover?
Unlike English, in which the word love means many different things, Ancient Greek had four words to describe the range of meaning that our word love conveys....
Could they be related to Islamic eschatology? http://youtu.be/2sci_WFp8ec
I don't just mean the 'God will prosper you with wealth' but also the 'you are good enough for God' teaching.
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With all of the different religions, how can I know which one is correct?
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What is the biblical view on spiritual strongholds?
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What should we learn from the life of Noah?
First Timothy 2:11-12 declares, "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she...
The resurrection of the Messiah and His ascension was recorded in the Psalms. Ps..16:10 "He wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine...
The wave offering, part of the offerings of the Mosaic Law, was the symbolic act indicating that the offering was for the Lord. Portions of the things...
My thoughts on the difference between prophets and prophecy are that according to Joel chapter 2, when the spirit of God is upon a person they can prophecy,...
I am certain that many a scholar, leader and members have something to say regarding this topic. Firstly may I mention this topic was never a problem in...
Great question you've asked. One key answer is found in the following verse...29. "..and you will find rest for your soul." The soul refers to the mind,...
The word 'shema' means to hear, to listen, or to pay attention. The verse quoted (Deuteronomy 6:4) means exactly what it says: God is one. He is not two,...
Despite being the Son of God and God, all powerful, the LORD of all, Jesus experienced much suffering. Why so? Firstly, the suffering was a tale of how much...
In the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), Jesus' command to "follow me" appears repeatedly (e.g., Matthew 8:22; 9:9, Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27; John 1:43)....
Doesn't this conflict with musical instruments being used in the house of worship? No where in the New Testament approves of such a thing. my question ...
Revelation 22:19
According to Jewish custom, the time when a child is weaned is cause for celebration. A weaned child has survived the fragile stage of infancy and can now...
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Were Adam and Eve saved?
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How should a Christian view the civil rights movement?
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What is the Abrahamic Covenant?
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What does the Bible say about sex before marriage?
17 For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?
1 Peter 4:17
Apocalypse means "unveiling" in Greek. The same word is used in marriage ceremonies, when the groom removes the veil of his bride. The Book of Revelation...
The disciples also asked this same question concerning a blind man, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" (John 9:2) Jesus's...
Science and Faith cannot contradict each other, why? Because they flow from the same source - God. Through faith, we believe everything (including black...
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