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Can a Christian lose salvation?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Can a Christian lose salvation?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Can a Christian lose salvation?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Can a Christian lose salvation?
At the Annunciation: "How will this be, since I am a virgin?" (Lk 1:34) "I am the Lord's servant. May it be to me as you have said." (Lk 1:38) At the...
Mary gave birth to Jesus, not the other way around. So if anyone would inherit anything, that would be Jesus. He inherited his human nature from Mary. If...
Anthropic means "relating to human beings or their existence." Principle means "law." The Anthropic Principle is the Law of Human Existence. It is well known...
Anthropic means "relating to human beings or their existence." Principle means "law." The Anthropic Principle is the Law of Human Existence. It is well known...
If God had created different humans instead of Adam and Eve, would they have sinned too by eating the fruit?
Genesis 2:15 - 17
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah?
- Why 'five stones': Possibly, David chose five stones because in scripture five is a number associated with provision, grace, and fullness. (Gen 4:34, Gen...
You need to know what you mean by science. Proper science is concerned with objective physical truth. It concerns things that can be observed and tested....
I think it means to engage in activities that will hinder our spiritual life instead of developing it. All the works that are perishable and vain.
When you sit on the fence over-looking your options on where you should stand then 'yes' that is a sign that you're lukewarm in your faith. We both know we...
In my opinion, an evil eye is something that causes harm to the person who looks to an object or a person in a sinful way. I.e lustful look or covetous look....
The Bible tells us in Revelation 21:4 that there is coming a time when all sorrow, tears, pain and death will pass away. There's coming a wonderful day when...
In 1 Corinthians 15:50-57 we understand this perishable body will be raised and take on it's eternal form. In death, I have always presumed that my spirit an...
1 Thessalonians 4:13 - 17
In Luke 24:46 Jesus says that the Messiah would suffer, die, and then rise on the third day. Is there an old testament biblical reference for this?
Luke 24:46
1 Peter 3:3 Vvs 1-6 Peter's teaching is on a wife's submission to her husband similar to Paul's teaching in Ephesians 5 :22-24---disobedient or unsaved...
The fact that you've brought this question here shows that you know this behavior and his excuse is wrong. This is a good example of why God gave us a...
It would appear that after reading John 13:27, 'And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly.', that Judas...
I do not believe a person can give back salvation under any circumstances and that Hebrews 6 can be a tough chapter to understand but we need to read it in...
What should a wife do if she discovers that her husband is a homosexual? Nothing. Having homosexual tendencies is not a sin. However, giving into the...
Paul's writings recorded in the Bible are certainly inspired. There is no theological basis for doubting the divine inspiration on his writings in the same...
My opinion is that God does not have such. But there are people whose response to God is such that God also responds to them. For example,...
'Ephesians 1: 4-5 'According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love:...
Dear Sister Kathy, Please see this as a major red flag, this man selfishly desires what he wants regardless of what God 's Word says, and chooses to ignore...
It is so important to know the Word of God for ourselves, so we are able to discern what is truth or a lie (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit is a comforter and...
God's Laws were formed to teach the people of Israel righteousness. The way God taught the people of Israel may have changed; the righteousness that is in...
There are various responses available, depending on the unique circumstances [For all, seeking advice from a mentor, parent, or pastor is advised]: "If...
Well, I most certainly want to see God's face. While it is true that mankind cannot bear to stand before his consuming presence because of our fickle nature...
Tithing as a concept developed when Abram gave a tenth of the spoil to Melchizedek as recorded in Genesis 14:20. Then in the Law given through Moses it was...
Whilst I agree that we are saved by grace and not by our works, may I point out that the sinners of today need that old time preaching so that they can fully...
Irresistible Grace: is it possible to resist the grace of God when approached by God for salvation? If Irresistible grace were true, one would have to...
Blessings; Going to the Old Testament; in the days when men ruled families and nations and women were typically considered minors in court, Deborah became...
God is likened here to a fearsome archer. He does not just have his arrows in his quiver, but has reading the arrow on it's bowstring and aimed it at the...
I humbly submit the short answer as to the meaning in today's vernacular might be summed up in the phrase "if you want it, then come and take it tough guy"....
More specifically the "on your string" part. What does it mean?
The Book of Mormon is a dangerous book because it seems like its wholly Christian but is a lure to get you involved (indoctrinated) so the LDS can feel safe...
Ezekiel 37:1 - 14
The English word "apology" comes from a Greek word which basically means "to give a defense." Christian apologetics, then, is the science of giving a defense...
A balm is an aromatic, medicinal substance derived from plants. Gilead was an area east of the Jordan River, well known for its spices and ointments. The...
The philosophy of ethics is the study of how humans act and why they act the way they do. Metaethics is the study of the terms and metaphysical...
Nihilism is a non-Christian belief that, in the end, "nothingness" prevails in a world that is totally meaningless. Nihilism teaches that God does not exist...
Naturalism is the belief that all that exists in the universe is physical, material matter. There is no soul; we are just a complex collection of neurons....
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