Who was Saint Polycarp?
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How should Christians react to the book and movie, "Heaven is for Real"?
That is, if we sin and repent, are we no longer of use for ministry or evangelism? Does God stop using us if our testimony for Him is damaged? I told a li...
2 Samuel 24:1 says God made David take a census. 1 Chronicles 21:1 says that Satan made David take a census Do these passages contradict?
2 Chronicles 21:1
This question is so beautiful. We should ask for these same things from God today! 1Pet 2:9 In Lev 8:1-36, Moses was instructed by God to consecrate the High...
I actually already answered this question in a comment to another post but because of the specifity I want to answer it again here. Some years back after I...
Great question in our current age of instant gratification via various unimagined technological wonders. I submit three of the ten commandments the eighth,...
Because the words Jesus has spoken to us in the Bible are Spirit (John 1: 1-5; 6: 63-65), and God is Spirit (Genesis 1: 2); " I AM WHO I AM " (Exodus 3: 14)....
I've never understood why children are encouraged to celebrate Halloween by dressing as devils and witches and other occult themes. My thoughts are that...
The Hebrew word for rod is "shebet" which means staff, branch, offshoot, club or scepter. The staff is "mish-eneth" translated as staff or support. A...
He not only performs miracles every day {ANYTHING can happen in the night while you're sleeping, but you still wake up.}, but He also still answers prayers!...
Pro 26:4 “answer not a fool according to his folly”, lest thou also be like unto him. Pro 26:5 “answer a fool according to his folly”, lest he be wise in his...
The answer to the question is found in Galatians. We know them as the fruit of the Spirit. If we are truly Christian we will have LOVE, JOY (not happiness,...
To transcend means "to exist above and independent from; to rise above, surpass, succeed." By this definition, God is the only truly transcendent Being. The...
Mystery of God's character is beyond human thinking. He has been personally active and at the same time He is also set apart from it. Thus we have the...
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How can I know if I am hearing God, hearing Satan, or hearing my own thoughts?
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What made some animals clean and others unclean?
In Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, one of the Beatitudes is "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy" (Matthew 5:7). Mercy is what we express when...
Psalm 23 is known as "The Shepherd's Psalm", so many of the metaphors in this piece of poetry, or Psalm, are relative to being a shepherd or a sheep in God's...
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Does Mary the mother of Jesus inherit Omnipresence?
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Can we believe in God without believing in the Bible?
What does the Bible say about what foods we should eat (kosher)? First of all Peters response to God's revelation about food (Acts 10:10-16) was no surprise....
Mar 11:22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. Mar 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou...
In regards to alien life, why do we have concern or worry? Seems to me to be a distraction to what we really should be looking for. It may a form of...
I'm happy to see this question pop up. I understand Halloween to be the eve before ALL SAINTS DAY, but the practice of (Halloween) is dirty and...
Lent is an observation done by the Catholics, but this is an observation that should be done by every Christian, reason being that a time must be set aside...
Yes. Indisputably, Halloween is pagan in origin. It name is drawn from a combination of "All Hallows Eve" (the night before "All Saints Day") and a Gaelic...
I don't believe this question can be fully answered unless you are Jesus. My understanding, while it is limited, is not that it helped Jesus empathize but...
That is, what areas should show visible change as we grow in Christ?
Ephesians 5:3 - 5
It is my understanding that as MAN continued to sin... his lifespan was cut shorter and shorter. This was the consequence of his actions against God...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Would actually seeing Jesus in person today cause more people to become Christians and be saved?
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Why did God love Jacob and hate Esau (Malachi 1:3; Romans 9:13)?
It’s not unusual that your emotions felt exhilaration when the Holy Spirit came upon you and in fact it is quite normal. Though you indulged in this ecstatic...
Hell or Sheol (Hebrew scriptures) is the place of the dead, grave; by extension, realm of death or deepest depths. Hell (Greek scriptures) is "Gehenna", the...
I firmly believe the answer to this question is a resounding YES! We see this happening all the time! Parents take their children to church, which they...
No, you do not have to believe in the Bible to be saved, for the only Salavation is through Jesus Christ. The Bible does show you the nature of God through...
Does the Bible say come as you are? If I might for the sake of clarification restate the question; "does God invite us to come to Him as we are? The answer...
It is impossible for us to fully understand the dynamics of a holy God molding and shaping the will of man. Scripture is clear that God knows the future...
It is impossible for us to fully understand the dynamics of a holy God molding and shaping the will of man. Scripture is clear that God knows the future...
Sovereingty and free will are related in the same way that a sovereign king does not remove the will of his subjects, but does set up boundaries/limits in...
Sovereignty and free will are related in the same way that a sovereign king does not remove the will of his subjects, but does set up boundaries/limits in...
The "theology of hope" is a theological perspective. Hope theology has been championed by many theologians, though the most influential by far has been...
I can speak from experience that tithing works. I wasn't raise to tithe, but my husband was. From the very first, my husband tithed. His thoughts were to...
The first thing to understand about the final judgment is that it cannot be avoided. Regardless of how we may choose to interpret prophecy on the end times,...
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