I have committed _____ sin. Will God forgive me?
When you name your sins and repent of them, what if you forget some? Forgiveness is not dependent on your perfect memory but on the attitude of your heart....
When you name your sins and repent of them, what if you forget some? Forgiveness is not dependent on your perfect memory but on the attitude of your heart....
When you name your sins and repent of them, what if you forget some? Forgiveness is not dependent on your perfect memory but on the attitude of your heart....
There were two high sabbath days associated with the feast of unleavened bread which began on Nisan 15 every year. God commanded it to Israel in Leviticus 23.
John 19:31
Is that referring to our physical body? or our identity in the first man, Adam the natural man, as opposed to our identity in Christ (the spiritual Man), the...
1 Corinthians 15:50
When the Arch Angel Gabriel came to Mary and told her of the conception, she ran to her cousin Elizabeth, who was 6 months pregnant with John the Baptist....
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I have committed _____ sin. Will God forgive me?
By referring to Himself as the True Shepherd, Jesus was invoking imagery that would have been familiar to His hearers. He used the symbols of sheep and their...
In my humble opinion, while the wording of the phrase may be in our modern day vernacular, the basic thought or concept behind it is the biblical precept of...
When you name your sins & repent of them, what if you forget some? I have committed _____ sin. Will God forgive me? When I was 9, I responded to an altar...
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Why can't religions coexist peacefully?
In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to...
God trained Jesus to be perfectly sympathetic as a man. He did it by progressively putting burdens upon the Lord Jesus Christ. In this sense Jesus ‘learned’...
The Jews have not been singled out for hatred more than any other group. The belief that Jews are more hated than anyone else is based on a simple...
Shalom it does matter to I believe to God when the Messiah was born for it is written: Galatians 4:4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son,...
The guff is a term the Talmud uses to refer to the repository of all unborn souls. The Talmud is the Jewish commentary on the Torah, or the Old Testament,...
The guff is a term the Talmud uses to refer to the repository of all unborn souls. The Talmud is the Jewish commentary on the Torah, or the Old Testament,...
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Is 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you' a biblical statement?
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Why is waiting on God so difficult?
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Is there a biblical spiritual gifts list?
One of the objections to Christ and Christianity is that there are so many figures in heathen religions which may seem to parallel Christ and events in his...
I just want to add that while there may be special meaning to 40 to God, He has not revealed it to us, as yet. I truly believe there is a special meaning to...
I believe the "Whore of Babylon" was Israel/Jerusalem. Repeatedly, in the OT, Judah/Israel/Jerusalem had been rebuked for "whoredoms" for worshiping idols,...
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What is the spiritual gift of teaching?
It can never be thought that the Lord Jesus was, or could be, disobedient! He said, "I do always the things that please the Father". There is also the...
I'm not aware that God cannot be in the presence of sin. He has been in the presence of sinful man ever since the fall of Adam. If he could not be in the...
The last part of the question needs to be addressed first. Whether it is an addiction to video games or some other behavior, what keeps us from obeying GOD?...
a. Let there be a firmament: The idea of a firmament is of an expanse (NIV, NAS) or space (NLT). The waters of the land are separated from the water vapor in...
The human standards of sin while in the physical body do not necessarily apply to Satan, a spiritual being. Satan tempts people to sin, but it doesn't mean...
Let's use a simple analogy (simple is good for me considering I am simple minded). My wife and I have two dogs, a Beagle and Jack Russel who enjoy the free...
Opinion only; It is because Satan is not flesh but spirit. A fallen angel whose creator is God himself. Ezekiel 28:13-14 " You were in Eden, the Garden of...
Worship is: • The feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for someone or something • The acts or rites that make up a formal expression of reverence...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 25 votes.
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Why were Michael and Satan disputing over the body of Moses?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Why doesn't God give the fallen angels a chance to repent?
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Criterion: Write an answer that receives 25 votes.
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What are the laws of thermodynamics and how do they provide evidence for creationism?
Tithing has nothing to do with what we don't have but what we do. The principal in both old and new is the same. It's not what you have, it's what you...
Well, man has a knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3: 22); both are just as two sides of the coin wich differentiate each other. Life in this planet earth...
Scripture instructs us: "...Repent and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of...
If no flesh can stand before God and survive, how can Satan (the chief and originator of sin) stand before God?
Job 1:1 - 22
Abraham's bosom is one of the most misunderstood subjects in the Bible. Immortal soul advocates use this as reference to prove that man has an immortal soul...
Verses will be quoted and afterward my comments with original words and other English translations: A. Heb 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher...
Yes. I believe that the Easter bunny and Santa Clause are to be considered as pagan in their origins, so as a result they can easily become idols in the...
Polygamy was widely practiced and accepted in the Jewish culture. Contrary to what we often assume based on modern laws that prohibit polygamy in the U.S....
The short answer is no, Jesus--as the second Person of the Trinity--did not have a beginning. This can be confusing because for 33 years He took on the form...
John 1:14 "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and...
In 1 Corinthians 13:11, the Apostle Paul wrote, "when I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish...
It does not matter whether the clothes one wears are nice or worn, or whether they are casual or dressy. One should wear whatever they personally feel is...
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