Should churches be 'seeker-friendly'?
I too believe churches should be seeker friendly but like Michael, James and others have stated the purpose should be to preach and teach the saving gospel...
I too believe churches should be seeker friendly but like Michael, James and others have stated the purpose should be to preach and teach the saving gospel...
Hello, Churches should definitely be seeker friendly, but they shouldn't compromise on key points. Paul went out of his way to win people for Christ. He...
Haven't the signs of end times been going on for thousands of years? Haven't others in earlier times thought they were in the end of time?
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Does Mark 16:16 teach that baptism is necessary for salvation?
When the books of the Bible were originally written, they did not contain chapter or verse references. The Bible was divided into chapters and verses to help...
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Just how narrow is the narrow gate?
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Is there an error in the counting of the generations in Matthew chapter 1?
Colossians 2:16 — “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a...
I believe we should seek those who are seeking. Jesus said, without me you can do nothing. We cannot save anyone. It is easy to do more damage than good, By...
In addition to these great answers, I thank God for the sealing and keeping power of the Holy Spirit. Not only in this life but to the grave and beyond. 2...
Shalom I agree with all the answers above and add what the Lord later said Himself: John 5:38-40 38 But you do not have His word abiding in you, because whom...
The ultimate 'thing' that the Holy Spirit does for us is take up residence in us and become our very life. The reason we're called 'born again' is because...
'TODAY' was a rabbinical term, referring to the coming of the Messiah. There are various rabbinical parables that show how the messiah will come "TODAY". In...
We are all born into sin; in order to have a pure heart, we must die to ourselves, put away our "old man" and allow Christ full authority over our will and...
Since the man has a knowledge of good and evil, the man has to experience pain, suffering and death (Genesis 3: 16-19), and was banished from the Garden of...
There are times when I look behind me at the life I've lived to this point and I cringe at some of the things that I've done. Or sometimes I'll just be...
The doctrine of the rapture began with Jesus Christ! See Matthew 24 and Luke 21 and Revelation 2-3, among other Scriptures. Jesus told His church to expect...
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How can we have a pure heart if we're still sinners while we're here on earth?
It occurred to me recently that the blood of Christ at the last supper had not reach its redeeming state. What I mean is that our Lord's blood had not been...
Sometimes we have to think outside the box a bit and scripture helps us to do that. Scripture tells us to obey the government and we know this pertains to...
Perhaps the best way to forgive someone is to take their good points to God in prayer everyday interceding on their behalf for God to forgive "THEM". The...
God indeed is faithful. And this is said of Him in contrast with humans. For anything human is corrupted and fabricated with sin. Man is hardly faithful,...
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What is the difference between living in Christ and Christ living in me?
There are quite many things that we may say regarding the blood of Jesus, but simply stating, one of the key notes is that it is important in the Christian...
The Holy Bible does not recognize the two men crucified with Christ. Their names were never told; however, they do represent the choices of every man, woman...
Jesus was simply sort of telling God not to forget to resurrect him from the dead. He was expressing faith in God that his future prospects is in God's...
Jesus is the head of the Church and Peter was his first Vicar/Pope on earth and down the ages Pope is and has been the successor of Peter appointed by Jesus!...
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The Mosaic Laws and the Decalog are different in intent and have different purposes. The Mosaic Laws were fulfilled by Jesus. The Decalog are the Moral Laws...
I believe that Paul was addressing problems within the church that he had started. As the Spiritual Authority over them he was addressing an issue that had...
Probably many ways as long as you are sincere and believing. But just a suggestion. Pray that God help your husband see the light in you. Pray that He help...
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Does the Bible say anything about a pre-Adamic race?
Primarily I would like to answer to the question that was merged with this one: "Why shouldn't Christians follow all the laws in the Old Testament if Jesus...
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Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What is Islam, and what do Muslims believe?
In 1 Corinthians 13, the "love chapter," we have a list of love's attributes. Included in the description of love are some things that love is not. Verse 5...
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Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What does it mean that Jesus fulfilled the law, but did not abolish it?
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Is Contemporary Christian Music honoring to God? Should it be used in church services?
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What does it mean that Jesus fulfilled the law, but did not abolish it?
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If my pregnant wife is diagnosed with a defective baby, what should we do?
We will always have to deal with the presence of sin in the world and within ourselves in this life, even after we have received Christ through faith. But...
The “best way to pray” for your husband’s salvation is to just open your heart to God and talk to him like He’s your best friend in the world. There is...
Revelation goes hand in hand with Daniel. They both tell what will happen between their time and when Jesus comes again for us. Both books use a lot of...
What a great question that has caused such division in the Body of Christ. Brothers and Sisters, this was made so very clear by the Apostle Paul. "Do not let...
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How can I be saved?
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