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Nehemiah prayed that God would not overlook the actions of antagonists.
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Obviously there is not a contradiction. Nehemiah was praying in everyone's presence that they would understand that God hates greed in anyone, and for them to allow the transformation that God does provide. In Matthew we read that compassion should come for our hearts for anyone that persecutes us, the children of God. I hope this was helpful, Blessing to all
We have to remember that two themes run through the Bible. Earthly and spiritual.. In the Old testament the basis for prayer was a covenant relationship with God. These people were very concerned with the things of the world present in every day life. Nehemiah and the people were honoring God by the building of the wall. Those around them were criticizing the work of God. The work God had given them. Nehemiah prayed that God see their sin. He appealed to God to see what was happening to the people. In the Matthew 5:44 scripture, Jesus is speaking. "LOVE your enemies..." At first it could seem as if these verses conflict, but, they do not. The activities of anyone who is against righteous work is to be despised. Such as those mocking the workers in Nehemiah. THE ACTIVITIES! We are to pray for our enemies, but we can disagree with their actions. Kind of hate the sin love the sinner. Nehemiah was well within his prayer boundaries. Actually mild mannered. The earthly and the spiritual theme starts way back in Genesis. A good comparison would be to look at the prayers of Moses, then look at the prayers of Paul. First the natural, then the heavenly. Cain, the earthy man, Be Abel the spiritual man. It is all so complex, and yet oh so simple. God Bless!
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