Who are the two chosen leaders in this passage?
Zechariah 4:11-14 (KJV) says "Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left...
Zechariah 4:11-14 (KJV) says "Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left...
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What is the meaning of the Parable of the Growing Seed?
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Were the Founding Fathers of the United States Christians?
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What is spiritual growth?
Everything is already answered by Paul following it and before it, 'How can we who died to sin still live in it?' The bigger problem then understanding this...
I realize Michael already referenced this scripture but for those who didn't look it up.... "Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God...
That is, how could Old testament saints or gentiles be saved before Jesus came to Earth and died?
First off, according to Scripture we are slaves of Christ if we are genuinely saved. That being said, we do not belong to ourselves but are the property of...
“Is there such a thing as an ex-Christian?” I responded to this question in June, 2015, and after viewing new responses throughout the year and growing in...
Ok, first of all, for things we don't have a clear answer for in the bible, we need to pray and consider our conscience. For this question and whether to...
Some Brigham Young quotes: *“your own blood must atone for some sins.” (Journal of Discourses, vol. 3, p. 247) *“you must confess Joseph Smith as a prophet...
According to my Nelson Study Bible,..."Many identify the two branches with the high priest Joshua and the governor Zerubbabel." The two branches, a.k.a. the...
I have heard the statement before, "Jesus is not an 'Indian giver'", and I have come to realize what bothers me about it. First I must say that I agree with...
The the word "reverend" is used once in the KJV of the Bible and it refers to God and His nature. Is it appropriate to call anyone else by this title?
Psalms 111:9
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Were the Founding Fathers of the United States Christians?
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The reason that a lot of evangelical Christians are caught in scandals is because they are human and are subject to mistakes and temptations. The only human...
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Is Romans 7:14-25 describing a believer or an unbeliever?
Let's see who constitutes the called-out assembly of God. All believers are part of the spiritual Israel of God, the Congregation of God, the called-out...
If we are talking about Christian religion, the answer is yes there is, since a religion is a man's concept of God with the consequence of there are a lot of...
I would like to add my comments on the last words `It is finished ‘(John19:30). Among the seven words He spoken, this is the most significant one and this...
I am not an American, but from the famous words of the late General George Washington, the first President of the USA, "Old soldiers never die, just fade...
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Is the United States a Christian nation?
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Does John 3:13 mean that no one went to Heaven before Jesus?
While the number of men counted as 'founding fathers' of the nation varies from about 200 to 250 depending on what criteria is counted, the vast majority of...
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Does the "God gene" disprove God?
The only true church there ever was or will be is the body of believers. The ones that are trusting in Jesus and His righteousness by faith instead of our...
I am a retired chiropractor, who studied acupuncture in school. After reading the Bible through several times, I decided that the Yin-Yang dualistic...
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How many more prophecies must be fulfilled before Jesus returns?
I do not believe in the perserverance of the saints. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. I do believe even when we fall into sin we know that we...
The Old Testament "law" called the Torah is more accurately described as God's instructions for how He wants His people to live. If we are His people by...
'Can two work together except they agree?', is what the Bible says. I can testify to it knowing that it takes two to make out a perfect understanding. The...
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What was the significance of the temple veil being torn in two when Jesus died?
Psalms 46:1 - 11
Revelation 21:1-5, "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, Joh...
Revelation 21:1 - 5
"How do we do the will of God" Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and (Prayer). "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and...
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How does God restore the years that the locusts have eaten?
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How many more prophecies must be fulfilled before Jesus returns?
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Is partial preterism Biblical? What do partial preterists believe?
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Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What does the groaning refer to in Romans 8:26? Could it be the speaking in tongues?
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What does the groaning refer to in Romans 8:26? Could it be the speaking in tongues?
Bullinger taught a form of hyper dispensationalism and soul death, as well as the fact that Jesus was crucified with 4 criminals, not two. I think it would...
It's describing the the first coming of Jesus into the world. v. 2 They shall see the glory of the Lord, the majesty of our God: In Jesus Christ v.5 Then the...
Short answer is yes. It is relationship. God created Eve from Adam ribs and she has a special place in his heart. Why not his feet or head? Women is the...
Love is blind, marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman who have made vows to share their lives till death. A life long commitment and begin ing...
I agree with Michael Harris. I am partially disabled and not always able to get to my Christian church so I turn to the T.V. and have been greatly...
Hello, I have a Companion Bible and it is The King James Version from the 1611 Bible. So it is Sound Doctrine!:) It's an awesome Study Bible, it has 198...
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