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What is Mythicism?
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What is Mythicism?
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How many times has Jerusalem been destroyed?
From the wording of the passage, it appears to me that God is angry with them because their behavior is indicative of pride, superficiality, and...
Joseph was the second youngest of twelve brothers born to Jacob, who was called Israel. In Genesis 37:3-4 we read, "Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What does the fourth commandment mean?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
I once wrestled long and hard with this, being a health practitioner and a Christian Bible teacher, who was often cornered with the question. I prayerfully...
I believe there were three primary reasons for this. As indicated by the verse cited in the question, even though there was clear evidence of God's presence...
My question is: why are Christians so opposed to the notion of Evolution? Before I address either question, let me start with this: I have been a devout...
Exodus 13:17 - 18
Obviously there was a serious break down or lack of communication & compassion between husband and wife here, which would certainly not represent true...
I have a friend who is gay. He, to my knowledge has never acted upon his homosexual desires. He is the first one to condemn any provisions made for...
I want to state once and for all that Christianity is NOT a bloody religion. There is not one single instruction, advice or command Jesus preached that is in...
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Why is the Virgin Birth so important?
Actually, the scientific community does accept creationism but in a sort of a round about way. Science accepts facts only when they can be clearly shown to...
This subject is mentioned at other, earlier places in the Old Testament. As the people of Israel were preparing to enter Canaan following the exodus from...
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Why are so many young people falling away from the faith?
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Why are so many young people falling away from the faith?
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What was the 'spirit of prostitution' in Hosea 4:12?
The Bible doesn't mention "medical marijuana". It does however mention sorcery in Galatians 5:19-21 and it does it in an obviously negative way. Sorcerers...
"Does man sin in his mind first?" Yes, I believe you are right on target. The following passage in James lays it out in sequence. "Let no man say when he is...
I think that the Bible (including Jesus Himself) makes clear that sin begins in the mind, or, as the Bible sometimes metaphorically refers to it, in the...
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Is sex a sin?
The seven churches were seven actual churches. They also represent seven attitudes that are in the body of Christ today. With each church, Jesus judgement...
In ancient times any woman who was unable to bear children was commonly considered to be under a curse, and could lose social status as a result. In my...
I agree wholeheartedly with my Brothers in Christ, Brother Abshire and Brother Maas. Both of their answers give very good background into this question. I...
I say absolutely! It is a great series of movies with high entertainment level AND allegorically presents many biblical tenets. My suggestion is to watch it...
Every Jewish synagogue includes a large cupboard, usually covered with a curtain or a veil. Inside the cupboard are some scrolls wrapped in beautifully...
Even if one believes that the six-day creation account in Genesis is to be taken literally (that is, six twenty-four hour days approximately 6,000 years ago,...
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What is inner healing, and is it biblical?
"Our father is old, and there is not a man on earth to come in to us after the manner of all the earth." This statement by his daughters could mean one of...
Did God know that Satan had broken into the garden and was about to steal his prime possessions? Why was Satan allowed access? Was the front door left wide...
Tradition says that Francis of Assisi created the very first Christmas nativity scene in AD 1223 after a trip to the Holy Land and Christ's birthplace. So...
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What is a true Christian?
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Is it a must to speak in tongues if you are filled with the Holy Spirit?
I would say that it was because they were in complete isolation following the destruction not only of Sodom (where they had been living with their father...
Genesis 19:30 - 38
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How could David be considered a man after God's own heart?
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What is the Passover Lamb? How is Jesus our Passover Lamb?
It is a simple answer. 1) The fact that God told them eat from all produce in the garden of Eden except from the tree which God said 'You must not eat, lest...
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Is Jesus present when we pray by ourselves?
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How can I experience joy in my Christian life?
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What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
God is, of course, omnipotent, and as such would not require any other being to carry out any of His actions or purposes. However, as God told Moses in...
My take on this question stems from my own personal experiences just before and soon following my personal moment of receiving eternal salvation back in...
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What is the story of the New Testament?
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