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Are Jews saved because they are God's chosen people?
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Are Jews saved because they are God's chosen people?
In this passage from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is contrasting differing methods of giving money for charitable or religious causes. Some people in...
Sincerely for a believer there should be no tolarance for conflicts between God's law and that of the world. Since God's law are guidance and moderation to...
Firstly we need to understand what is our job and what is Gods. We can't save anyone, only God can, He is the one who draws us to himself (Jn 6:65). I am not...
My simple and short answer would be this: As a Christian--a Child of God--saved by His eternal grace and mercy, we, along our pathways in life after...
This temple is in heaven (Rev 15:5) and it is wonderful that it has apparently been there since it was first constructed on earth at the time of Moses. The...
In my short fashion of an answer, here is my take: When one becomes a Christian--a Child of God--He "washes and cleanses your soul of all unrighteousness"...
Prayer to our Creator, God Almighty, our Heavenly Father and Lover of our very souls are the single most important 'words' we can either speak out loud or...
This is a good question and very relevant for today's heightened awareness of Muslims and the Islamic faith. The answer is we have to treat every other...
In my opinion, personal relationship with God is same as personal relationship with the spirit of God (Holy Spirit), the third person in the God head,who is...
There should be no question that the word exousia in the original text means power in the sense of “the right to choose” or “liberty of choice.” And if so,...
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Is the Holy Spirit a male or female?
The Christian faith is not an empty faith or a blind faith like that required of every other man made religion on earth. Our Heavenly Father provided...
Christians are specifically commanded (in the passage cited in the question) to be subject to civil governing authorities, and should strive to do so...
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How are Christians supposed to forgive those who rape, abuse, and murder children?
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What roles can women fill in ministry?
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What is free grace? What is Free Grace Theology?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Why does God allow us to go through trials and tribulations?
In my opinion, the smoke serves a dual purpose in this passage. In one respect, it denotes the presence of God, similar to the way in which the temple filled...
Also, Rom 13:1-2. How do we reconcile obeying authorities with obeying God?
Acts 5:29
Although the Bible does not specifically address church growth, the principle of church growth is the understanding that Jesus said, "I will build my church,...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Is the New World Translation a valid version of the Bible?
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Who are the biblical patriarchs?
The church is called on to oppose sin in all its forms. Of course, all of us are born with a corrupted sin nature, and will remain sinners throughout our...
In Isaiah 45:7 KJV God says "I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I The Lord do all these things. All things are created by...
Before we came to faith in Jesus finished work on the cross, we all believed we could be saved by obedience to the law. But that only leads to pride and self...
In addition to the three main points D. Michael Houdmann mentioned, I believe another one needs to be listed: Scandals that are based on false accusations....
Below are a few verses that may answer your question. "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:" (Psalms 66:18) "The LORD is far from the...
Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; leaves no stone unturned as to what is an abomination. Romans 1:26,27 repeats the natural use of the woman versus that which is...
Although sin by itself is not an impediment to the efficacy of prayer (or else none of us would receive a hearing from God), the Bible does indicate that...
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What does the Bible say about bisexuality? Is being a bisexual a sin?
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How is physical death related to spiritual death?
Evil was created by Satan (originally the angel Lucifer) through his willful, prideful desire to be God Himself, rather than God's servant, and his...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Did Satan “create” evil?
I understand how evil entered creation via the fall, but it seems to me that something (evil) that had never existed before suddenly came to be. This thing ...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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How can I keep my heart with all diligence?
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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As citizens of heaven, what rights and protections do we have now on earth?
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What is Christadelphianism, and what do Christadelphians believe?
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Why does God allow sickness?
YES! And, all started in the Garden of Eden with The Devil (Satan) being allowed by God Almighty to tempt Eve and Adam to eat of the Tree of Knowledge...
Emotional Freedom Technique is not a single technique, but a pseudo-scientific counseling method that draws from many practices of alternative medicine and...
Emotional Freedom Technique is not a single technique, but a pseudo-scientific counseling method that draws from many practices of alternative medicine and...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What is the book of Romans?
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