Is the Calvinist theory of 'total depravity' biblical?
'Total Depravity' is also known as 'Total Inability', is one of the teachings of Calvinism or the Reformed tradition. It forms the 'T' of the acronym...
'Total Depravity' is also known as 'Total Inability', is one of the teachings of Calvinism or the Reformed tradition. It forms the 'T' of the acronym...
In my opinion, lying spirits are beings in the spiritual realm that are allied with Satan (who, as Jesus said, was a liar from the beginning (John 8:44)),...
Great question for this season and I humbly submit a quick answer for your consideration. Simply stated anything or anyone that seeks to replace empirical...
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What does it mean to take every thought captive?
What are they? Can Christians be affected by them? How do we guard against them?
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Is baptism necessary for salvation?
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How are we to understand the sequence and part that man plays in his salvation?
We do not have free will. Our wills are in bondage to Satan because of the Fall. This is 'Total Depravity' - that every part of us is affected: People are...
The Bible says The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple-- Psalm 19:7 The Bible also...
The Bible says The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple-- Psalm 19:7 The Bible also...
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Who will go to heaven?
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What does it mean in 1 Tim 4:1 that 'some will depart from faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits?'
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Why would people be baptized for the dead?
I humbly submit for your consideration a simple answer to the inquiry simply stated a wise commander will deploy in such away as to deny his enemy any...
As I interpret the passage, even though Nineveh may have been located on the bank of a river (the Tigris River, specifically), the fact that the city would...
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According to the teaching of Scripture, God does not favor one person above another. As our Example who condemned hypocrisy [Matt. 6:16; 15:7-9] and who came...
In my humble opinion God appointed Ezekiel because of His love for His chosen people, to warn them when they were doing sinful things and leaving God's path...
God didn't change the laws that we must obey from the old to new testament. Jesus is recorded by Matthew as telling His disciples He didn't come to abolish...
First I would answer any questions to the best of my ability about Jesus that they ask. I would do this in a way that does not convey a "i'm right, your...
When I was a servant of sin, I was a slave of the devil but when I became a servant of Christ Jesus, I willingly became a servant to righteousness. My flesh...
Isaiah 45:7 'EVIL' (RAH) is the Strong's Concordance Hebrew #7451-7455, and Gesenius Hebrew-Lexicon, has many more definitions than provided. In Deuteronomy...
My view is that the use of sex toys borders on abominations for which God warns us to flee from. It is an act of denial of a couple's completeness before...
From my humbled, unbiased perspective, through Biblical research and personal traumatic experiences, through my own faith in God, the Father, and The...
I personally do not invest in the stock market. I see it as a gamble with money I have no time to replace. However, the Bible gives a good lesson in the...
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What is agnosticism?
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What does the Bible mean by 'ye are gods'?
My short and unique answer is one of looking at the beginning of sin entering man. Adam and Eve were given a simple command by God to obey in The Garden of...
Use of the phrase "narrow gate" is a construction fact of the age of the Bible and its writing. When you build a walled city then it is ALWAYS an open type...
Use of the phrase "narrow gate" is a construction fact of the age of the Bible and its writing. When you build a walled city then it is ALWAYS an open type...
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Who were the authors of the books of the Bible?
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What is Christian spirituality?
As I see it, Jesus' reference to the narrow gate in Luke was in response to exactly the type of question that is posed here. Someone wanted what appears to...
It seems that some are misled about a number of things. (1) adultery was punished by death - and Jesus is the ultimate author of that law. (2) Who should...
Agnosticism is like a person who shows signs and symptoms of having cancer. Some doctors are telling him yes you have cancer and some are saying no. As such,...
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What was Jesus' message to the church in Laodicea in Revelation?
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What does the Bible say about cancer?
We should learn that pride comes before a fall. Proverbs 16:18 And that we should not be unequally yoked with unbeleivers. 2 Corinthians 6:14 And that God...
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What is pragmatic ethics?
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If you are once saved are you then always saved?
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What should we learn from the life of Elijah?
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If my gift is to serve, am I excused from evangelizing or encouraging?
In my view God's commandments are perfect, absolute and crystal clear. Psalm 19:7-9 says "The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of...
The best way is to bring it up directly. The issue of salvation is 'Faith.' The best point to bring up regarding this issue is the fact that if you are...
There is no future with God. Logic will tell you based on the scripture--all of it--that God stands in past, present and future at the same time. He knows if...
There is no future with God. Logic will tell you based on the scripture--all of it--that God stands in past, present and future at the same time. He knows if...
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What does it mean that God gave humanity dominion over the animals?
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Does God know the future?
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