Top Questions See All
  1. In what way would God give them "a new heart" (Ezekiel 36:26)?
  2. What can I do if my pastor doesn't allow me to associate with Christians which aren't of my church?
  3. What does it mean to waste away? (2 Corinthians 4:16)
  4. What are the elemental spirits mentioned in Colossians 2:8?
  5. What does it mean, "Those who pull evil along using cords of emptiness are as good as dead, who pull sin as with cart ropes"?
  6. What is meant by, "There will be two women grinding together. One will be taken and the other left"?
  7. What does it mean, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you"?
  8. Why did Jesus resurrect Lazarus?
  9. Why did God command the necks of the donkeys to be broken in Exodus 13:13?
  10. Have the events in Amos 9 already been fulfilled, or is this speaking of a time still to come?

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  1. This Weeks Hot Topics
Award for S. Michael Houdmann , Got Questions Ministries

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
What is hyper-Calvinism and is it biblical?

October 29 2016

Answer by Joesph Magaro

What is the difference between the priests and the Levites?

All priests were to be from the line of Aaron, who was one of many sons of Levi, but if you were only of the tribe of Levi and not a descendent of Aaron...

October 29 2016 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

What is the significance of the difference between the first set of the 10 commandments and the second set?

Rabbinic teachings say the first set had 172 words and the second set had 17 less words. The second set lacked "tov" Hebrew value of 17, which God said afer ...

October 29 2016 2 Answers Follow Vote Up

Award for S. Michael Houdmann , Got Questions Ministries

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
Did the Bible copy the Flood account from other myths and legends?

October 29 2016

Award for Divina Villarreal , Public School Teacher

Feed Silver Evangelist award!

Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Question:
What is the occult?

October 29 2016

Award for Catherine wilkin , Homemaker, medical receptionist and administrator

Feed Gold Evangelist award!

Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Answer:
Who is the Queen of Heaven?

October 29 2016

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

What does it mean that, "This is the day that the Lord has made?"

Although certain portions of this psalm (such as Psalm 118:22-23) have a future prophetic relationship to Christ (in addition to their meaning in the context...

October 29 2016 Follow Vote Up

Answer by Kenneth Heck

Does God expect Christians to vote?

In my opinion, the concept of voting derives from the old proverb "the voice of the people is the voice of God." This proverb is a little controversial since...

October 29 2016 10 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Award for Elenita Cupino

Feed Silver Evangelist award!

Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Answer:
What does Revelation chapter 12 mean?

October 29 2016

Award for Elenita Cupino

Feed Gold Evangelist award!

Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Answer:
What does Revelation chapter 12 mean?

October 29 2016

Award for Emo Tenorio , Shomer

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
What is the significance of the woman touching the hem of Jesus' garment when Jesus felt the power run out of him to heal her?

October 29 2016

Answer by Emo Tenorio , Shomer

Does God expect Christians to vote?

Yes He expects those who are called by His name to be in the public square with their light shining for those in the darkness to see and stumble forward....

October 28 2016 3 Comments 10 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Award for Nathan Toronga , Christian Elder.

Feed Gold Evangelist award!

Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Answer:
What is the true meaning of Christmas?

October 28 2016

Answer by Rick Daley

When is it right to judge other believers?

First of all we should not be hypocritical in judging someone while our own lives are in a mess. Matthew 7:3-5 (KJV) And why beholdest thou the mote that is...

October 28 2016 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Charissa Wade

What was the food that sustained Jesus that He spoke of in John 4:32?

In John 4:34, Jesus said to them "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His Work". It was not literal food in verse 32 that they were...

October 28 2016 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Ms. McNeal

What should a Christian wife do when her husband verbally abuses her and calls her names and uses vulgar words?

In some marriages, the abusive spouse has a form of Godliness (avid churchgoer) only and doesn't really seek to live as God has commanded. As a praying woman...

October 28 2016 2 Comments 2 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Claude Stewart

What does it mean that, "This is the day that the Lord has made?"

Is this psalm looking forward to Christ? Is it speaking of something in David's life or one of the Festivals? Or is it a generic praise for God making all da...

Psalms 118:24

October 28 2016 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

When is it right to judge other believers?

I think that Paul addresses this in 1 Corinthians 5:1-13, where he says that if someone claiming to be a Christian is openly and unrepentingly engaging in...

October 28 2016 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Award for Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
What does the phrase "righteousness of God" mean?

October 28 2016

Answer by Kenneth Heck

What are the keys of the kingdom?

The keys of the kingdom unlock the door to the kingdom of heaven. Christ himself is the door (John 10:7). Symbolically, he is represented as the first veil...

October 28 2016 3 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Vernon Jacks

What are the sixth and seventh books of Moses?

The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses appeals to people interested in folk magic. Arguably one of the most popular magic books ever published, contains two...

October 28 2016 Follow Vote Up

Answer by Danny Johnson

Why do Catholics confess to a priest instead of praying to God through Jesus?

Absolve: means to make (someone) free from guilt, responsibility or to give forgiveness to (someone who has sinned) or for (a sin)... No man can forgive sin...

October 28 2016 5 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Award for Divina Villarreal , Public School Teacher

Feed Silver Evangelist award!

Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Question:
What is the origin of Christianity?

October 28 2016

Award for Shirley H. , prayer warrior

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
What does scripture teach about how a husband should respect his wife?

October 28 2016

Award for Lena Wms , Student @Christ Gospel Church, S.S.Teacher, Observer

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
Are there any black people mentioned in the Bible?

October 28 2016

Answer by Chris Harwell

Why do Catholics confess to a priest instead of praying to God through Jesus?

I am Catholic and agree that there is a lot of misunderstanding concerning the tenants of my faith. First allow me to say that we are all God's children....

October 28 2016 2 Comments 5 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Award for Jennifer Rothnie , Housewife, Artist, Perpetually Curious

Feed Silver Evangelist award!

Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Answer:
What does the Bible say about soul sleep?

October 28 2016

Award for Bud Zack

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
Why do Catholics pray and confess to a priest instead of praying to Jesus?

October 28 2016

Award for JD Abshire

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
Why do Catholics pray and confess to a priest instead of praying to Jesus?

October 28 2016

Question by haryor Hola

What are the sixth and seventh books of Moses?

Are these biblical books? I've heard some people say they're evil?

October 28 2016 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Award for Elenita Cupino

Feed Silver Evangelist award!

Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Answer:
Did God create evil?

October 28 2016

Award for Elenita Cupino

Feed Silver Evangelist award!

Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Answer:
What does the Bible say about eating food/meat that has been sacrificed to idols?

October 28 2016

Award for Elenita Cupino

Feed Gold Evangelist award!

Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Answer:
What are the keys of the kingdom?

October 28 2016

Award for Aurel Gheorghe

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
What does the Bible say about praying for the dead?

October 28 2016

Award for Pattyann Oloughlin , I'M Blessed to be a Child Of God.Mother of 3 Boys,loving sis

Feed Silver Evangelist award!

Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Answer:
How can one mature in faith yet have the faith of a child?

October 27 2016

Award for L.S. James , Artist

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
Why is faith without works dead?

October 27 2016

Award for Patsy Harvey , HOMEMAKER

Feed Silver Evangelist award!

Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Answer:
Does hell exist?

October 27 2016

Award for Patsy Harvey , HOMEMAKER

Feed Silver Evangelist award!

Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Answer:
What does putting God first really mean?

October 27 2016

Award for Ezekiel Kimosop

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
Why is faith without works dead?

October 27 2016

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

In Deuteronomy 20:13, why were the children of Israel instructed to kill men only?

In my opinion, God commanded this for Israel's future wars (after the conquest of the Promised Land) because, once all the opposing men of fighting age had...

October 27 2016 Follow Vote Up

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

In Deuteronomy 20:10, why did the children of Isreal need to offer peace to their enemy?

By my reading of this passage, the requirement to offer peace applied only to future conflicts in which Israel might be involved with nations that were...

October 27 2016 Follow Vote Up

Question by johnson matthew , Banker

In Deuteronomy 20:10, why did the children of Isreal need to offer peace to their enemy?

They had specifically left their land to do battle with the enemy. Why did they then need to first offer peace?

Deuteronomy 20:10

October 27 2016 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

When one marries one makes a vow to love cherish and obey. The Bible seems to speak against vow making. Therefore should we not make the marriage vows?

As I understand the passage in question, Jesus was not condemning or forbidding the taking of formal oaths or vows in settings such as courts of law,...

October 27 2016 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

Where did the word "Christian" come from?

As recorded in Acts 11:26, the name "Christians" was first applied to the church at Antioch (in the modern-day country of Turkey), where the members had been...

October 27 2016 1 Comments 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Michael Tinsley , Retired Army veteran. Love my Bible (Jesus) and fishing.

How can I overcome being "burnt" by the church in the past and have a renewed passion for church and a desire to attend church again?

Being 'burnt' by the church you attended was probably done by only a few people, not the whole congregation. You gave no details but, if some people in the...

October 27 2016 1 Comments 4 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

Where did the word "Christian" come from?

2 Votes October 27 2016 2 Answers Follow Vote Up