Why was it necessary for the angel to come to roll the stone away when Jesus was able to miraculously appear through walls?
John 20:2
There were apparently many portions of the law which were not supposed to be observed until the people entered the Promised Land. Deuteronomy 12 starts a...
There were apparently many portions of the law which were not supposed to be observed until the people entered the Promised Land. Deuteronomy 12 starts a...
The couple of times that the question used the word, "maybe" will bring me to answer in this way: I think that if there was an alter call, asking for those...
The concept of the soul is very difficult to understand because we do not do a thorough study of the matter in the Hebrew. This is greatly complicated...
The concept of the soul is very difficult to understand because we do not do a thorough study of the matter in the Hebrew. This is greatly complicated...
There is a difference between the wheat and the tares. It started with Cain and Abel. Cain offered up the works of his own hands to be justified by what he...
The word unction is only found one time in the King James Bible. 1John 2:20 ¶ But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. It’s in...
Hard to view when this book was written but we can assume that it occurred PRIOR to the destruction of Jerusalem of 70 AD as that is noted as a fact in the...
In my opinion, God (through the prophet Isaiah) is speaking in this passage of the worship of God by the redeemed (those to whom He has granted eternal life...
In my opinion, although I think that firm support can be found in Scripture for the baptism of children prior to the age of reason or accountability...
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What is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?
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Is there any conclusive proof of God?
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Is there any conclusive proof of God?
Jews are a faith not a race. Anyone can be a Jew regardless of race by the rules of the Old Testament recorded in the Bible. God made Jews his Race of Faith...
Yes, God can do anything. The generational curses that have been on us can be broken. One must want it to be broken and trust God for the healing to take...
I think this is a difficult question and not as straightforward as some would like to present. From a theological and even philosophical point of view we...
There is compelling evidence from the Bible and world history that Russia/China could be part of the federation of Eastern world nations that will send...
Azazel (Lev 16:8) is the biblical name often translated "scapegoat," though it means so much more. On the day of atonement, according to Leviticus 16:5, the...
As it pertains to the virgin birth and it’s believe being a requirement for salvation, be aware that salvation comes from the renewal of the spirit and the...
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Why did God require animal sacrifices in the Old Testament?
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How do demons get into our lives?
God may have been seeking to subdue Jacob and to show him that even though he was valiant, he could not truly match the angel of God. He had to learn to...
Jacob was in one of those situations that God puts us in for His own purpose. We wrestle with God over it until we know there is no other way out than to...
Tithing is an old testament law. Under grace we are to give what ever God has laid on our heart to give, not out of compulsion, but by love for God and what...
How do we preach/teach/talk to any non-believer? S. Michael hit on a key ingredient; Our testimony. That alone should remove any "I'm better than you"...
What is the message Jesus is giving us in this passage?
Matthew 23:8
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Does Acts 2:38 teach that baptism is necessary for salvation?
I am not knowlegable on divorce matters from a legal standpoint, but share my views on a moral basis. Keep in mind I also do not know the circumstances...
As it pertains to the question of Christian vs non-Christian weddings there is but one example that is given to us in the New Testament. In where Christ...
One definition* of justice that may help to explain this is "...a scheme or system of law in which every person receives his/ her/its due from the system,...
I subscribe to the mid tribulation theory. This theory would generally recognize the following order except for minor differences. 1) THE GREAT...
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Does Mark 16:16 teach that baptism is necessary for salvation?
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What does it mean in Jeremiah 29:11 that God has good plans to give us a 'future and a hope?'
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How can I know if I am hearing God, hearing Satan, or hearing my own thoughts?
He's demanding I sign the papers. What should I do?
Genesis 1:1 - 31
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How can I know if I am hearing God, hearing Satan, or hearing my own thoughts?
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How can I know if I am hearing God, hearing Satan, or hearing my own thoughts?
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What did Boaz mean by "do the part of a kinsmen"?
1. I hold to a Post-Tribulation view, so I believe the Rapture of the Church is just after the binding of Satan. 2. “The Day of the Lord” is the time in...
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Is there activity of demonic spirits in the world today?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 favorites.
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Is the devil / Satan a person or a force / personification of evil?
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