How did Satan get into the Garden of Eden?
In my opinion, since the time that Satan rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven (which must have occurred after God had finished the creative work...
In my opinion, since the time that Satan rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven (which must have occurred after God had finished the creative work...
The elect angels have no need to be saved, since they were created as holy beings, and have remained holy. (Otherwise they could not be in God's presence.)...
God does not test us, he allow things to happen for a reason and help us to overcome temptations. Some trials are due to our own imperfections or are a...
Genesis 3:1 - 24
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Why does Scripture emphasize the right hand of God?
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Is it true that one must first be called by God to be saved? What does it mean to feel conviction?
We know that Mary and Joseph had at least six other children. The Gospel accounts say that Mary had children with Joseph, both sons and daughters. James,...
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What does the Bible say about being left-handed?
This is my own opinion on this subject. If you called upon the Lord to save you and chose to live a life in His Guidance and trust Him with everything in...
In spiritual truth, the bible always is our only truth. Other books can be helpful, but spiritual truth only comes from God which is the bible for us. We can...
Based on what the Bible teaches I think Christians should be politically neutral but obligated to honor the governing authorities. This includes that we...
I was brought up a Catholic and am now fellowshipping in an Anglican Church. I have also visited Pentecostal, Baptist and other churches from time to time....
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How to deal with being anxious?
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Were Cain and Abel born in the garden?
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How can I guarantee my eternal destination (heaven)?
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How do the elements of the Passover Seder point to Christ?
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Will we be able to see and know our friends and family members in Heaven?
Eastern people reclined on couches at meals with the feet outward behind them. She came behind Jesus and shed tears on His feet. This was a custom among the...
Yes, Jesus had several siblings as Mary give birth to other childten after Jesus was born. Psalms 69:8 "I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien...
The die has been cast, you can do nothing about, what has already been done, but the only answer is to love her, take care of her. A mistake has been made,...
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How should Christians talk to their adult children about salvation?
My simple and brief type of an answer is this: Seeking the Kingdom of God first is to wake up in the morning with a purposeful intent to give Him recognition...
In my simple way to answer this very important question for any and every Child of God, I submit my input like this: God wants us to first love Him; to know...
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How are predestination and election connected with foreknowledge?
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Why did some of the disciples doubt Jesus even after they touched/handled his body in Matthew 28:17?
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Why does God tell Joshua to remove his shoes in the holy ground?
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Are the NIV and KJV not God's true word?
No the handkerchief did NOT heal. The Spirit of God, who remained with Paul and all that identified with Paul, healed. God very poignantly pointed to Paul as...
The arms was tied down to the cross beam of the cross. The hands was nailed to the cross beam so that they couldn't pull their hands out. The rope took the...
Possessed or Not Possessed? Many believers have had an erroneous idea about Christians being possessed. And of course Hollywood's painted picture of demon...
I would say that the Bible presents such communal ownership of goods and resources as a Christian ideal, which (according to Luke) the early church...
I would like to explain this verse by showing the contrasts between "What God does to bring us his salvation" and "What we do to receive that salvation". I...
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How can we know what parts of the Bible apply to us today?
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How will you know if a prophet or prophetess is telling the truth?
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What occurred at the Council of Nicea?
The Bible records that not only did an object such as Paul's handkerchief have healing power, but that even Peter's shadow could heal people upon whom it...
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What is the Melchizedek priesthood?
In my opinion, the woman's actions toward Jesus (specifically, the contrition that she expressed by the tears with which she moistened His feet) were her...
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What does it mean to be a slave to sin?
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How should Christian parents handle a teen daughter who has become pregnant?
My son is a new Christian that is very interested in becoming a teacher of the gospel. However, he believes that the church should come together in all thin...
Acts 2:1 - 47
Acts 19:11 - 12
When Christ died, we died with Him. Yet we still live by faith in the Son of God Who gives us new life in Him. So we are already dead but our life is hidden...
Divorce: You are going against God's Will if you (man or woman) divorce your wife or husband! Please read 1 Corinthians 7:10-11. Separation for the sake of...
Heaven isn't built on buildings, and people sitting in the pew. Salvation doesn't depend on singing hymns on Sunday morning. None of the disciples were saved...
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