What happened after Jesus' resurrection to the dead that rose when Jesus died?
These verses from Matthew (which is the only place in the Bible that mentions or refers to this incident) specifically indicate that the dead saints were...
These verses from Matthew (which is the only place in the Bible that mentions or refers to this incident) specifically indicate that the dead saints were...
Is it possible to tell if a person is or isn't a Christian by what he/she looks like? Well, If we simply take Gods word for what it says without adding "our...
The question is: "Was it bibically wrong for Harry S. Truman to drop the atomic bomb on Japan"? The result was over 200,000 old men, women and children were...
Jesus' death on the cross was the beginning of a process to eradicate sin from this world and from our hearts. Because of His death and resurrection, Jesus,...
Jesus' death on the cross was the beginning of a process to eradicate sin from this world and from our hearts. Because of His death and resurrection, Jesus,...
No. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit when we first believed the gospel of our salvation. Ephesians 1:13. So speaking tongues has nothing to do with having...
I think that the main topic of Job is not suffering. The reason why job suffered is clarified at the beginning of the book. The question can be asked in the...
I think that the main topic of Job is not suffering. The reason why job suffered is clarified at the beginning of the book. The question can be asked in the...
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Why did Paul sometimes need to work as a tent-maker to support himself?
I believe the spiritual gift of discerning spirits would make this possible for some with that gift. That is not to say that everyone with the gift uses it...
I humbly submit for your consideration that within what is generally called Christendom there are many varying degrees of believers, as an example like those...
In short, basically you are asking: is it possible to judge whether a person is Christian or not by mere appearance? Okay let me quote Jesus on judging:...
Do you believe that Jesus paid for all your sins and that he was buried and rose again on the third day, and you believe He did it all for you because He...
Jesus was a Jew, born and raised in Israel. He was most likely brown. God called Abraham to start the nation of Israel as God's own people. Abraham was...
The Bible repeatedly says that appearances can be deceiving to human eyes (1 Samuel 16:7), and also that a person is known by his deeds, rather than by his...
No, I don't think that God is making his people not turn to him in Isaiah 6:9-10. I think that in Isaiah 6 9-10 God is warning his people of what's to come...
The answer is simple: because Joseph knew adultery was a sin and did not wanted to sin against God's holy Law. Abraham also was fully aware of God's Law...
This is such an important question. Salvation is a free gif of God for all that have trusted Jesus as their only savior. Those that have become a child of...
An individual I know believes he can tell if a person is a Christian just by simply looking at them, what are your opinions on this?
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Is the war in Iraq a just war?
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How should a Christian view the separation of church and state?
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What can I do when I am under spiritual attack?
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How should a Christian view the separation of church and state?
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What was the Old Testament way of salvation?
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What is the importance of the empty tomb?
Peter asked to be crucified upside down, so that his death would not be the equal of Jesus and the Romans supposedly obliged.....according to National...
Although Jesus endured all possible human suffering through his scourging and beatings, and the human agony caused by crucifixion, crucifixion did not...
One significant fact that should be noted is that only Mathew records this detail in the gospels. Why? Bible scholars have suggested that it was because...
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If my pregnant wife is diagnosed with a defective baby, what should we do?
In offering an answer, I would like to start with the Solution. Romans 5:1-11, tells us what God did to remedy the Sin NATURE that was passed to all after...
I would say that, first, Adam alone (prior to the creation of Eve) was the one to whom God had directly given the command not to eat the fruit of the tree of...
James 1:1 - 27
Genesis 3:1 - 24
Why is God against gay people? If he didn't want people to be gay, he wouldn't have made it a possibility to be that way if it was wrong. And most things the...
The word “church” is not found in the original Greek of the New Covenant. As Michael points out it is the Ekklesia which was created in 30-31AD on SHAVUOT,...
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Did Moses copy the Law from the Code of Hammurabi?
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Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Do we need to be aware of the spiritual battle that is taking place around us?
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What are the most common things people think are in the Bible that are not actually in the Bible?
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What is spiritual blindness?
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What is the significance of Satan using the act of beheading the Believers in Rev 20?
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What were the seven last words of Jesus Christ on the cross and what do they mean?
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Why does God seem so angry with the women described in Isaiah 3:16-24?
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Does Acts 2:38 teach that baptism is necessary for salvation?
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