What is the secret to walking close to God?
Genesis 5:24
I have been a Christian for forty years and I still hear myself, at times, saying something that as soon as I have said it, I have an uncomfortable feeling...
My opinion is that the evil spirits (possessing spirits) begged Jesus not to command (send) them to the abyss (bottomless pit) so they begged Jesus for...
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What does it mean to surrender to God?
I think Paul tells us from the Holy Spirit in Romans 3:20-24, that Righteousness is declared and applied and given to anyone who through faith in Jesus...
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What happens at the final judgment?
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How can I learn to trust that God is in control?
A broad view of scripture tells us without doubt that we can be saved only by the grace of God through faith in Christ. But faith alone will not save anyone,...
Hi, thanks for reading as a share my opinion. Feelings are good, and I believe Gods given us the soul to express our emotions towards Him as one Worships...
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Will we eat food in heaven?
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Will we eat food in heaven?
This is the Gospel. Following the verse closely now: 1. The loaves, or bread Jesus, Y'shua, our Messiah, the Son of God, he is our bread. He elsewhere claims...
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How can I teach my children about being humble?
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How can I stop being nervous about praying publicly?
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How should a Christian deal with being belittled?
It appears to me that this was the only way the loaves could be “multiplied.” Think of it. Since the bread was not produced by normal means, that strongly...
“I have seen the God-given task with which the sons of men are to be occupied. He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in...
My response would depend upon the context in which the belittling statement was made. Since another human being has no power to save me or condemn me to...
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When Noah exited the ark with the animals, did the dinosaurs live among the people?
Of course there will be food in Revelations 19, it speaks of the marriage supper with the lamb! If there was a "last supper" with Jesus and the disciples,...
In my opinion, the woman in the passage cited in the question would not necessarily have to have been aware of Jesus' forthcoming death. She could have been...
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Is it possible to be a gay Christian?
It seems as if the woman knew Jesus would soon die, but the disciples were caught completely off guard. If even the disciples were caught off-guard, how did ...
Matthew 26:6 - 13
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How should a Christian view climate change?
After the Millennium (the thousand years of Christ's rule), Satan will be loosed for a little season to deceive the nations; then there will be the Great...
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What is the Wisdom of Solomon?
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What does the Bible say about paranormal investigation?
The only people who do not recycle are people who aren't wiliing to do the extra work to recycle. "Waste not want not" was a phrase that I grew up with. My...
I find it interesting that both sides use Scripture to back up what they are saying. Isn't it possible that God does share things with people who move in the...
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Is the Rapture the same as the Second Coming of Christ?
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How can I be saved?
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What does the Bible say about paranormal investigation?
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What can we learn from the book of Genesis?
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What is the difference between sin, as a concept, and individual sins?
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Why is the word "Easter" in the KJV Bible instead of "Passover"?
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Why isn't there a strong wind and flames above the head when receiving the Holy Spirit now?
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What type of bread should christian churches serve for communion, leavened or unleavened?
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What events took place on Saturday before Resurrection Sunday?
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How was the woman who wiped Jesus' feet with her hair and tears forgiven without asking for it?
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Why is the word "Easter" in the KJV Bible instead of "Passover"?
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Can a Christian curse the enemy (Satan) when engaged in spiritual warfare?
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Which church is the true church?
Interestingly enough, the Holy Spirit through Paul, describes an aspect of human behavior that science has only discovered in relatively modern times. Though...
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What is the symbolism of the Garden of Eden?
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Does the Bible support the pre-existence of Jesus?
OK let's take it phrase by phrase and see if we can understand what Paul is saying here. "Listen, I tell you a mystery:" A mystery is something that no one...
In my opinion, when considering this subject, one should distinguish between universalism in general and Christian Universalism (CU). The latter teaches that...
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