Does God exist? Is there evidence for the existence of God?
Let's look at this from a human point of view. Jesus died a horrible death. All the apostles except John, died a horrible death. Rome murdered 100 of...
Let's look at this from a human point of view. Jesus died a horrible death. All the apostles except John, died a horrible death. Rome murdered 100 of...
Let's start in Psalm 103 verse.17-18. This is symbolic of cutting a covenant, ie the animals were cut in two and GOD went in-between them with fire. Proverbs...
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Is suffering for Christ always going to be a part of being a follower of Christ?
The bible says we are to lay up and inheritance for our children, not the children for the parents. The greatest inheritance we leave for our children is to...
There are some people who take this verse to mean that Jesus is advocating violence in self defense. But there is not one example of this being shown to be...
I think that what Jesus was saying was that John was not just someone who appeared without any advance indication to generally speak on God's behalf (the...
In leaving them an inheritance you are showing them God's grace. I'm sure they know about your faith, and "the world" would tell us and them that to punish...
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What does the Bible say about capitalism?
In John 14:36 Jesus says that “His kingdom is not of this world.” So, even though he was living here in the world as we do, he was not living to its...
This comment seems to indicate that God knew beforehand whom He would save which seems to imply that no matter what we do if we are not selected then it is...
I came to know the Lord 40 years ago after being an alcohol soaked, unfaithful husband absolutely cynical of Christianity or any religion for that matter. A...
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Is Zechariah 11:12-13 a Messianic prophecy?
To me, it is the Bible's unvarnished account of both the strengths and flaws of fallible humans (even those who were clearly used of God for the...
Traditionally, it has been said that you cannot prove or disprove the existence of God. However, within the last 30 years that argument is no longer valid,...
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Are all sins equal to God?
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What does the Bible say about anal sex? What is sodomy according to the Bible?
First, it’s important to mention that no one is going to be saved by keeping the law (Rom 3:20) - we are saved by grace through faith (Eph 2:8, 9). Keeping...
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Is it allowable for a Christian to have a life partner without a civil marriage?
In my opinion, the 10 commandments were written on stone since they were intended to endure and be observed for thousands of years, and possibly forever....
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What is the key to witnessing to Hindus?
Jacob was born at the same time as Esau, (had his hand wrapped around his heel) therefore he could legally say he was Esau. Gen 25:26, Jacob bought the bir...
Genesis 25:31 - 34
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What does the Bible say about women working outside the home?
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What does the Bible say about the ice age?
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What does the Bible say about dragons?
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What does the Bible say about the power of words?
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Does the Bible promote or prohibit praying to angels?
I'm not sure whether I'm speaking to the point that the questioner has in mind, but one explanation I have heard is that the areas covered by the Ten...
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We learn in Mark 15:40 that this Mary was the mother of the apostle, James the Younger and Joses, and Salome was the mother of the apostles, John and James.
There are only 10 Commandments given by God to Moses and the question is: Why only this number? These is a reason I have become aware of, but let's see how p...
Exodus 20:1 - 26
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The Oedipus complex is part of the supposed contribution to psychiatry by Sigmund Freud. Although Freud had an enormous early influence on the field of...
The Oedipus complex (as I understand it) was a concept developed by Sigmund Freud (the founder of modern psychiatry, which blends the studies of psychology...
My understanding is that the "James" referred to in the question was the apostle of Jesus who is commonly referred to as "James the Less", "James the...
In my opinion, Jesus was telling James and John that, although they might have thought that they were responding to the Samaritans' refusal to allow Jesus...
Why would anybody pray to an angel or mother Mary for that matter? They are not our high priest or our Heavenly Father. We have a high priest that prays and...
The word is the combination of Khristos Maesse which when translated means Christ Mass. All this goes back to times when the Catholic Church integrated many...
Patriotism is a good thing if the powers in control are fighting for a righteous cause. Nazi Germany was patriotic but that did not make their conquest for...
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What does the Bible say about self-worth?
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What should we learn from the life of Mary of Bethany?
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Is the Church of Christ denomination a good biblical church group?
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What does the Bible say about when God will judge us?
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What does it mean to honor my father and mother?
John the Baptist, whose preaching had preceded and prepared the way for the beginning of Jesus' public ministry, and who had baptized Jesus in the Jordan...
In multiple verses in the gospels, Jesus told His followers that greatness in God's eyes is different from the way that the unsaved world perceives it. To...
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