What is the importance of procreation according to the Bible?
One of the strongest reasons procreation has been viewed as mandatory is because of natural law. Children are a natural result of sex. However, just because...
One of the strongest reasons procreation has been viewed as mandatory is because of natural law. Children are a natural result of sex. However, just because...
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What can we learn from the thief on the cross?
No prayers that Christians can offer can affect the fate of the deceased. Their eternal state is sealed at the moment of their deaths, based on their faith...
We do not know what Paul’s thorn (σκόλοψ, 1 occurrence) in the flesh was. The word translated “thorn” means “a sharp stake used for torturing or impaling...
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Why does God work in mysterious ways? Why does He work in ways never understandable to the humans?
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What does it mean that good works are the result of salvation?
My priest says there are multiple judgments, which is why we pray for the dead.
If you know the exact wording of the question, click on the "Questions" filter from the drop-down menu that appears when you click on the down arrow next to...
There is such an insignificant change in the earth’s spin and revolution that the times and seasons have remained the same for the last 6000 years: 24 hour...
It didn't take the full 1,500 years to write the Bible. There was a 400-year gap, for instance, between Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament, and the...
In large-scale construction projects, ancient civilizations typically used the royal cubit (about 19.8–20.6 in [52 cm]). The Bible offers some input in 2...
When God created Adam and Eve they deserved his love as his beloved creations, pure and sinless. When they rebelled by going against His commandment not to...
Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven." God is the author of not only our faith but also of salvation. He...
Satan planned for Christ's death and burial to end the effect Jesus was having. His death and the grave didn't end anything, but his resurrection was just...
In My opinion, man alike all creations were created to praise and worship our Almighty Father. When we sleep we worship, when we walk we worship, when we eat...
Since the separation of Church and State, we as Christians don't have a moral obligation to wait for a pure and perfect candidate to run the State; the...
In Romans 2:12-15, Paul said that when the Gentiles (who would never have heard of the Ten Commandments as part of the Law given specifcially to Israel by...
If not an "official" ten commandments, would he have known the same content?
In the beginning God created heavens and earth. The earth was formless and darkness was over the surface of the deep…….. (Gen 1:-2). In this condition, God...
I assume you mean why do some "Christians" feel the Holy Spirit and some Christians don't. Only the born from above (born again) Christians has been given...
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Will the resurrection described in Daniel 12:2 be partial or universal?
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Why does God send people to hell?
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What does the Bible say about near death experiences?
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What should we learn from the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31?
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Who was the psalmist referring to in these verses? (Psalm 107:23–32)
Ezra was the famous scribe and priest descended from Hilkiah the high priest. (Ezra 7:1-25)
I read somewhere that only about 1 in 200 people that are prayed over for divine healing receive a yes answer to that prayer, and contrary to what most...
1,000 gen x 40 yr/gen = 40,000 yr, but I think that God through Moses (who penned this verse in Deuteronomy 7:9) meant "for all time." This is how this...
Actually there is a very simple answer. All of mankind are sinners so we are all bound for Hell. God in His infinite wisdom decided before the foundation of...
In my opinion, it was done in a form of an insult to Christ! To have that figure upon the cross, is to say that Christ is CONTINUOUSLY being “sacrificed” and...
Although the Bible does not specifically state it, multiple commentators conclude that, although Esau originally made his plans within the secrecy of his own...
Christians have all come to believe and trust that Christ is the Savior who came to take away our sin, and that He died and rose again. We believe that God...
Is there anything in us our without us that 'causes' some to be persuaded that Christ is the Messiah while others are not?
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How could there be light on the first day of Creation if the sun was not created until the fourth day?
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What does the Bible say about Christian blended families?
You do not have to be water baptized. I was filled with the holy spirit, speak in tongues. I am a Christian with a relationship with Jesus. I was baptized in...
The LORD has used many! God has even used a donkey to be His mouthpiece! Trump has spoken up against abortion, against religious persecution, and has also...
In Christianity the candle is commonly used in prayer and worship both for decoration and ambiance, and as a symbol that represents the light of God or,...
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Why did Jesus discourage some people from following him? (Matthew 8:20)
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What does the Bible say about cremation? Should Christians be cremated?
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What does the Bible say about cremation? Should Christians be cremated?
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What does the Bible say about work?
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Did God know that lucifer and his angels would turn against him?
Since Lucifer and his minions were cast from Heaven and sent to Earth, they have since been a source of evil on Earth. Adam and Eve were created by God and...
The rest means eternal rest with God. God wants every one of us to be with Him. God wants us to have the eternal relationship or eternal rest which was...
From what I learned in my college theology classes at St. Anselm college, Christ's sacrifice is at the heart of the Catholic Mass. It is what takes place at...
When we read this account, Jesus is talking to people who thought the Galileans who had died were worse sinners than they were, and that God had punished...
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