How should we live our lives in light of our identity in Christ?
Our identity in Christ is first and foremost one of newness. We are new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). Identity is defined as "the collective...
Our identity in Christ is first and foremost one of newness. We are new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). Identity is defined as "the collective...
In 1 Corinthians 2:6-16, the natural man is compared to the spiritual man and the carnal man. Verse 14 says, "A natural man does not accept the things of the...
My opinion is ... The Hebrew word used for God is Elohim and it is plural. This same proper name is used for God throughout Genesis 1 and clearly describes...
When God, speaking to Himself in the Trinity, desired to make man in His own image, He was not referring to physical form. For God has no bodily form. Christ...
Romans 8-10 are very clear passages on Predestination. Like Justin greatly commented, it has been something so many Christians have confused and as a result,...
The doctrine of election is a complicated issue within the church. This isn't something new springing forth. This is something that has been over thought and...
It is highly possible that David is one of the 24 elders (Rev.4:4) who already have crowns and will rule with Christ from the throne in heaven after his...
After the Tribulation and the Battle of Armageddon, Jesus will establish His 1,000-year Kingdom on earth. In Jeremiah 30, God promises Israel that the yoke...
My answer to you is yes because the Scriptures say so. Romans 8:29 "For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that...
God the Father was speaking to His Son, Jesus, who was known as the "Word" John 1:1-4 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word...
In hiding their eyes from God's true Sabbath, religious leaders offend the God of heaven. God promises punishment for such false shepherds. Millions have...
I believe that just as there are hierarchies of angels, there are hierarchies of demons. We know that demons used to be angels in heaven, then they fell...
While the Bible is a unified book, there are differences between the Old Testament and the New Testament. In many ways, they are complementary. The Old...
TODAY it is a common practice in Christendom to use the terms “Old Testament” and “New Testament” to describe the Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek language parts of...
On the last day of creation, God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness" (Genesis 1:26). Thus, He finished His work with a "personal touch."...
The most common image of an angel is essentially a human being with wings. This is not biblical. The Bible often presents angels as appearing as human...
The Hebrew word for "God" is actually "Elohim". The word Elohim means "mighty ones", therefore, these mighty ones are the angels! So, when the angels said to...
God gave us the Bible to teach us about Him and His ways, and since God is not a God of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33), any and all confusion must come from...
Mark 7:7 – “Howbeit in vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” Just prior to this statement, in verses 1-5, the Pharisees...
What is the image of God that man received?
Genesis 1:1 - 31
The devil is the prince of this world. The prince is under the king. King Jesus. He is not everywhere but but his henchman are. When Jesus was crucified the...
Mark 2:27-28 – “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath.” No other doctrine is as...
Some Christians view the word "doctrine" as almost a curse word. The thought process is essentially "doctrine is to be avoided because doctrine causes...
Social needs would be lack of food, housing, family, love in a person's life. Jesus met these needs on an individual level with compassion and love for...
While there are not different levels of the devil, there are constant demonic forces that we wrestle against. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,...
Ephesians 1 talks about predestination. Are we all predestined to come into the knowledge of Christ or are there some people who are never predestined, there...
Ephesians 1:1 - 23
The word 'Armageddon' comes from a Hebrew word Har-Magedone, which means 'Mount Megiddo' and has become synonymous with the future battle in which God will...
The word "Armageddon" derives from three words "arma" which means, "a heap of sheaves"- "gai" which means, "valley" - "don" which means "judgment". All...
New Testament theology is what God has revealed about Himself in the New Testament. The system of New Testament theology takes the various truths that the...
Whether or not to wear a bikini is a question many women struggle with, but for a Christian woman, the issue takes on additional implications. The Bible...
How people were saved during the time of the Old Testament is a confusing question to some. We know that, in the New Testament era, salvation comes by grace...
the concept of celibacy as it relates to ministry and the Christian life is quite unpopular, and has mostly been. this is because it is a grace from God...
At first it might seem that if God created all things, then evil must have been created by God. However, evil is not a "thing" like a rock or electricity....
God created the potential for evil, but not evil itself. God's desire with His creation was to allow it freedom in choices. God wanted His creation to have a...
God is by definition a maximally perfect being. Part of this means that there can be no greater being than God. Therefore, if something were to have created...
The idea that "everything" needs a beginning is false. Only things that begin need a beginning or "first cause". If something is eternal it needs and indeed...
Consult Maselows hierarchy of needs.
The commandments that Jesus referred to are the strict directives that he gave. One exemplifies from Mark 22.36-40. Here Jesus responds to a question about...
The concept of the five-fold ministry comes from Ephesians 4:11, "It was he who gave some to be (1) apostles, some to be (2) prophets, some to be (3)...
No Jesus was most definitely not referring to the 10 commandment because He has already fulfill those John 15:10 "If you keep My commandments, you will abide...
Is celibacy ministry approved in the new testament?
Mr Munachiso Okorocha( Enugu Nigeria) The Lord Jesus Christ gives us leaders in every generation, but we are not to follow sheepishly without being guided by...
Yes, it does include the ten commandments that Jesus was talking about because in Matt 19:17,18 the rich young ruler asked Jesus about eternal life. Jesus...
this is what gets so many Christians in a confused state. while it is always good to have teachers and instructors that can illuminate the Bible for you, you...
In eschatology, it is important to remember that almost all Christians agree on these three things: 1) there is coming a time of great tribulation such as...
Why is the rapture of the church taught in today's churches, when for 1900 years it was not? Who started this teaching?
According to the Bible, Enoch and Elijah are the only two people God took to heaven without them dying. Genesis 5:24 tells us, "Enoch walked with God; then...
To Which Heavens Did Elijah Ascend? IT CAME about that as [Elijah and Elisha] were walking along, speaking as they walked, why, look! A fiery war chariot and...
Does He mean the OT commandments of the ten commandments, that we are to keep, if we love Him?
John 14:15
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