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Al Mari

Private practice as a cardiovascular & thoracic surgeon
Grew up as the 7th in a Christian family of 8. As a church Pastor, my father taught me about a Christian life. I am very much interested in biblical research since 15 years old. Currently, in private practice as a cardiovascular & thoracic surgeon since 1982; Chairman of the Dept of Surgery for 10 years and Medical Director of Surgical Services for 5 years. Received Master's degree in Healthcare Administration in 2012. WebEditor of and email [email protected]. Happily married to "one and only" and with children. When asked how many, I "take the 5th".

Recent Activity


Why did God put the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in Eden?

This certainly gave Adam/Eve a choice and they acted on their personal choice...

Comment 12 More Answers 3 Votes Asked February 19 2015


What would have happened if Adam and Eve had not touched the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

Somehow, a teaching by well-meaning people predominate among Christians. That...

4 Comments 2 More Answers 3 Votes Asked February 18 2015


What does it mean that the Word was God and the Word was with God?

The context of John 1:1-14 is a historic narrative about the prior existence...

1 Comments 9 More Answers 4 Votes Asked February 18 2015


Is salvation created by faith or is faith created by salvation?

Both are correct, either way. But, it depends on whose faith is referred to....

Comment 10 More Answers 3 Votes Asked February 17 2015


Is the Bible truly God's Word?

 There is no doubt that God spoke to mankind via oral and written routes. The...

Comment 4 More Answers 1 Vote Asked February 17 2015


Do we become angels after we die?

No, is the short answer. But, why and how come, are questions that are even...

1 Comments 3 More Answers 8 Votes Asked February 17 2015


Who created the Heavens and the Earth (God the Father, Son or the Holy Spirit)?

The answer to this question is in I Cor. 8:6: "But we know that there is only...

1 Comments 3 More Answers 2 Votes Asked February 16 2015


What is the significance of the Babylonian Empire in biblical history?

The significance of the Babylonian Empire relates to Nebuchadnezzar's dream...

Comment 2 More Answers 2 Votes Asked February 16 2015


Why does God refer to Himself in the plural in Genesis 1:26 and 3:22?

Understanding this word "God" is pivotal in the teaching that shaped the...

Comment 6 More Answers 6 Votes Asked February 12 2015


What does the Bible say about oral sex?

It depends. And, the Holy Spirit of sanctification will guide us. I Thes...

2 Comments 13 More Answers 4 Votes Asked February 10 2015


Is Mary the mother of God?

I could be wrong but, without any doubt, Jesus was that God Creator in...

2 Comments 2 More Answers 5 Votes Asked February 08 2015


Why does God of the Old Testament seem to be hard and unforgiving compared with the God of the New Testament?

In general, the God of the Old testament refers to YHVH ELOHIM (Gen 2). He...

Comment 5 More Answers 2 Votes Asked February 08 2015


Do Christians have to obey the Old Testament law?

The short answer is a resounding Yes! But why we have to, for what and how?...

Comment 65 More Answers 6 Votes Asked February 06 2015