What does the Bible say about remaining in a second marriage after a person becomes a Christian?

What happens when one spouse commits adultery, divorces and then remarries someone else...and then becomes a Christian.  Are they permitted to stay in that adulterous marriage? 

Clarify (1) Share Report Asked June 09 2014 Mini Anonymous

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Data Jackie Ray

I was married to an unbeliever 24years. He committed adultery and abuses all along. 3 children were damaged thru all this. I asked God to forgive my sin because there are always 2sides. I was a virtuous woman and God blessed me with a wonderful remarriage. 28 yrs now. God of second chances

June 10 2014 Report

Mini Layi Oyatoki

Remarriage is not allowed as long as one's ex-spouse is alive. Whoever remarries after divorcing his or her spouse is committing adultery so says the word of God. Anybody in a second marriage should do restitution by terminating the ungodly relationship.

June 16 2014 Report

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