How can I be ready to be caught up in the Rapture?

[Moderator note: This topic assumes there will be a pre-tribulation rapture. Here are related eBible topics about whether or not there will be a pre-trib rapture:


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Data Bruce Lyon

How can I be ready to be caught up in the Rapture?

First I need to ask, "which rapture" pre-trib or post-trib.

There is no place in scripture that talks about a pre-trib rapture. That teaching didn't come into play until the mid-eighteenth century and it is a false teaching that when the tribulation comes and no rapture takes place many will fall away. The scripture plainly speaks of a post-trib rapture that will take place when Jesus returns to take his place on the throne of David at Jerusalem. That will happen at the end of this age, at the end of the tribulation at the last trump and not before. That last trump only sounds once and when it does all those who are God's own people, including Abraham, Issac and Jacob, David, all the saints - holy ones of God will be resurrected and go with the lord Jesus to when his feet touch the mount of olives and it splits in two.... see all of Zech:14:

April 04 2014 Report

Dsc 0043 Tim Collinson

If the rapture occurs post-trib, then who (seeing as all believers will receive glorified bodies according to your interpretation) will populate (that is married couples) i.e. have children during the millennium. Plus who are going to be those who are going to be judge at the end of the millennium and after the final rebellion..i.e. the great white throne judgement seeing that this happens at the end of the millennium and not at the end of the tribulation.

April 04 2014 Report

Dsc 0043 Tim Collinson

by couples I mean believers who have come through the tribulation and have gone in to the 1000 years millennium.. this after all unbelievers have been removed (prepared for final judgement).

April 04 2014 Report

Mini Donald Woody

How can you be ready for something that is never going to happen?

April 04 2014 Report

Dsc 0043 Tim Collinson

@ Donald Woody: What the tribulation?, the rapture?, the millennium? please be more precise in what you mean "something is never going to happen?

April 04 2014 Report

Open uri20140307 30253 1viawt5 Jacob Crouch

The most important part of the question "how can I be ready"? You said we must recieve Jesus Christ. You spoke of Jn 3:3- and in this discourse Jesus said you must be born again. He gives the ingredients as water and spirit. He does not say how to do this. He instructed his Apostels as how to be born again, and in Acts 2 Peter preached this message. The crowd asked Peter the most important question a person could ever ask. "What must we do"? Peter preached unto them and said;
Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
According to man there are numerous ways to be saved, but according to the Bible you must be born again of the water and Spirit. To be rapture ready we must believe, repent, be water baptized "in Jesus name", and be filled with the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in other tongues as the scripture has said; Acts 2
Jn7:39 says belivers should recieve the Holy Ghost if they believe "as the scripture hath said". The Bible must be the final authority in our lives as it will judge us in the judgement. 2 Peter 3:16 states much scripture is hard to understand and for the unlearned and unstable they would twist the scriptures unto their own destruction.
This scripture ought to scare us into intense study of the Bible. I sincerely want to make the rapture, and I must not be sincerely wrong. Eternity is too long to be wrong.

April 04 2014 Report

Mini Donald Woody

What I precisingly mean is that the Bible never ever set precedence for such events as the tribulation, The rapture the millenium and the like, to ever take place after the first century because the Bible does not speak of such things beyond the first century AD. We need to understand that the book of Revelation was written for us not TO US!..

April 09 2014 Report

Cross   lion Kevin Honeycutt

Let us look at what the Apostles told everyone they must do to be saved, and be Rapture Ready!

Hear- Romans 10:17, Matthew 11:15, Acts 18:8.
Believe- John 5:24, Mark 16:16, Acts 16:31-33, Acts 18:8.
Confess- 1 John 4:15, Romans 10:9-10, Acts 8:35-38.
Repent- Luke 13:3, Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19, Matthew 9:13.
Baptized- Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Acts 8:35-38, Acts 16:31-33, Acts 18:8.

Then God adds you into the Church- Acts 2:41, Acts 2:47, Colossians 2:12, Galatians 3:27, Romans 6:3-11.

Study the Scriptures daily- 2 Timothy 2:15.

Endure to the end- Matthew 24:13.

April 22 2019 Report

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