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I think that anyone who teaches the word, should include their story in the teaching? Why? Churches are broken. Everyone assumes pastors and other members of staff and their families do not have problems, sickness, or concerns because they have a church. To be able to share your story with Jesus's story and other people in the bible would be crucial. When teaching you teach from the heart. It does not mean one is stuck on themselves, or acting selfish, or stuck in the past. It means the 2 stories go together and most likely end in either Victory or greater understanding of the teaching. More members of the Church could relate, especially if they are going through the same thing. One cannot coach or understand someone with a problem if they have not gone through it themselves. Could you imagine was kind of congregation could be formed with these thoughts. I do believe in my heart it would be huge, profitable and very unique. Thanks
If a Pastor is being lead by the Holy Spirit and his method of teaching is expository (verse by verse) then he could discern the Truth. Individuals as Joel Osteen uses verses of Scripture, but they are not in context. He selects verses to convey (his) message and not the intended message of the Bible. He deliberately uses the verse to tell his audience what (they) desire to hear, and that is why he has so many followers. If he stated the true nature of us all and the need to repent then his numbers would drastically diminish. The three most important things in a study of Scripture is context, context and context. The more time in Scripture the greater the outcome in an accurate an interpretation. Yes, without application it means nothing. We all have our testimony and it is good to share how God has worked in our lives, but it is not about health, wealth and prosperity. If it is about these things then the Apostles fell way short and reflect they did not get it. The message taught by Joel and Victoria is a feel good message and and it is not in the "feelings but in the knowings". Don't tell me how you feel but tell me what you know about God then I will see the feelings. Let us be concerned for those individuals who follow their teachings, because when they fall short of their financial goals or have health problems they figure they cannot produce enough faith and walk away. For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the (gift of God);(Ephesians 2:8 NASB).
The "prosperity gospel" is prophesied in Revelations. Joel Osteen and his wife Victoria have become very wealthy as a co-pastors. They also have large followings that enjoy his message. We have many Churches like this in varying degrees. Rev 3:15-17 described a Church of Laodicea with physical wealth but lacking wisdom to know they lack spiritual wealth. The Lord tells us what to do about it in Rev 3:18-22.
In our home we do not watch Joel Osteen any more. After seeing a few of his gospel messages on 'prosperity', and 'feel good', something inside of me started to feel uneasy about those sermons. I am saddened that people would rather listen to the type of messages that their itching ears want to hear, rather than to hear the true gospel.
It should be clear we are not judging Joel Osteen but judging the words which precedes out of his mouth. I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. (2 Timothy 4:1-2 ESV) In order to reprove, rebuke or exhort we must judge. But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine. (Titus 2:1 ESV). If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, (1 Timothy 6:3 ESV). Joel's message is a half truth and a half truth is a whole lie. This is the problem.