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From reading John MacArthur’s Study Bible, I would say that his spiritual beliefs are solidly based on Scripture. I am confident that just about everything he believes is Biblically based and one should trust his views. In my opinion, John MacArthur’s beliefs and teachings can be trusted as Biblically sound. A good commentator should always include Scripture references to whatever is being stated. I would suggest that anyone who consults a commentary should check more than one source to verify whether something being claimed is Biblical or not. John MacArthur’s views appear to be right on target. I highly believe what John MacArthur believes is Biblically accurate. That does not mean that everything he believes is 100% true. We all have our own views and may disagree with a certain point, however, in the vast majority of instances, I agree with what John MacArthur believes, as his beliefs are solidly based on Scripture. Of course, any difference would be in the interpretation of the Bible references used to support his views. I honestly cannot think of one instance where I disagree with what John MacArthur believes.
He is a Calvinist and a cessationist (no more sign gifts), and more critiques can be found at sites such as Some have also questioned his associations with certain characters, but my best advice would be to search for both praises and criticisms.
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