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Results: 5206

What does the Bible say about laziness?

2 Votes July 01 2013 3 Answers

What are the most conservative Christian denominations in America?

February 13 2014 2 Answers

What does Proverbs 14:12 mean?

Proverbs 14:12

7 Votes October 19 2014 4 Answers

What does "Better is open rebuke than hidden love" mean?

Proverbs 27:5

9 Votes October 18 2015 2 Answers

Is it possible to be Christian and pro-choice at the same time?

9 Votes July 01 2013 3 Answers

Why are Christians pro-life when it comes to abortion while at the same time in favor of the death penalty and supportive of war?

9 Votes July 01 2013 6 Answers

Had beer been invented in Jesus' day?

5 Votes June 08 2014 2 Answers

Why are there so many different doctrines or sets of beliefs in Christianity?

January 07 2014 2 Answers

Should a church allow its resources to be used for Prestin Sprinkle to put on his two-day "Exiles in Babylon" conference where pro-gay & trans speakers (among others) have a voice to present their agenda?

Philippians 4:8

1 Vote March 23 2024 2 Answers

What is the congregation of the dead in Proverbs 21:16?

Proverbs 21:16

1 Vote November 21 2023 2 Answers

What is meant by "the righteous considers the cause of the poor, but the wicked does not understand such a knowledge?"

Proverbs 29:7

7 Votes November 07 2017 2 Answers

Is abortion OK in the cases of rape and incest?

December 25 2020 2 Answers

What is the Oriental Orthodox Church?

July 14 2016 1 Answer

When were/are our souls created?

5 Votes June 25 2013 14 Answers

What does it mean by, "Man plans his ways while God directs his steps"?

Proverbs 16:9

2 Votes June 27 2015 2 Answers

What was the Edict of Milan?

September 24 2015 1 Answer

What should we learn from the symbolism of the potter and clay in the Bible?

1 Vote April 23 2014 3 Answers

What will lead the church not to endure sound doctrine during the end times?

2 Timothy 4:3

1 Vote December 28 2023 2 Answers

What does the Bible say about common sense?

Proverbs 8:5

1 Vote September 08 2015 2 Answers

What does the Bible say about bisexuality? Is being a bisexual a sin?

6 Votes July 01 2013 3 Answers

Are 'proverbs' direct promises and rules, or are they practical wisdom representing generalized truths?

Proverbs 1:1 - 33

2 Votes May 14 2015 1 Answer

Why does Proverbs 12:21 state that " no harm" or "ill will" will fall upon the righteous?

Proverbs 12:1 - 28

We know that harm and ill will do fall upon the good and bad people. The disciples were somewhat righteous, and yet they had harm and ill will fall upon...

1 Vote May 15 2015 6 Answers

Why is singing songs to a troubled heart like vinegar on soda?

Proverbs 25:20

2 Votes November 26 2015 2 Answers

What does it mean that God will not despise a broken spirit and contrite heart?

Psalms 51:17

7 Votes July 01 2013 5 Answers

What does it mean to trust in God’s name? (Psalm 20:7)

Psalms 20:7

7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

April 26 2019 2 Answers

What does it mean to "despise not prophesyings"?

1 Thessalonians 5:20

4 Votes December 15 2014 2 Answers

What is a cowboy church?

November 14 2015 1 Answer

What does is mean that it is good for a man not to touch a woman?

1 Corinthians 7:1

"Now concerning the things about which you wrote, it is good for a man not to touch a woman."

8 Votes June 08 2014 2 Answers

How do I open the door of my heart to let Jesus in?

Revelation 3:20

2 Votes October 12 2018 2 Answers

Is God guilty of lying in 1 Kings 22:20–22?

1 Kings 22:20 - 22

20 And the Lord said, ‘Who will entice Ahab into attacking Ramoth Gilead and going to his death there?’ “One suggested this, and another that. 21 Finally, a...

July 11 2019 4 Answers

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