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Is monergism or synergism correct?
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Is monergism or synergism correct?
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What is the Cosmological argument for the existence of God?
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If, and all should, carefully examine the scriptures, "rightly divide", you will fine a gap of unknown time between Gen. 1:1 and 1:2. Could be millions of...
Because God loved and blessed man, who was created as an image of God, (Genesis 1: 27-28), the fruits of violating/betraying God's love is a sin. This has...
I took the abuse for 18 years.
Many who are saved by Jesus come to Him with physical manifestations of their prior lives: drug abuse, alcohol abuse, food addiction or gluttony (which is...
Does God order and back all wars? Because God has sent people to war in the old testament does mean He sends his people to war today? The cruelty and...
This King is "the Messiah" who will come (at His second coming) to reign in righteousness over Israel and all other nations forever (Isa. 2:1-4; 9:6-7;...
Abhor that which is evil Hate, detest, and loathe all evil. Cleave to that which is good Be cemented or glued to the good. The Pauline instruction in 1...
TEN Reasons for God's Anger on Balaam : 1. Balaam's disrespect for God's word and integrity in forbidding him to go (Num. 22:12-20) 2. His covetousness for...
1) My Definition of Abhor. I am using the scriptures, alone, to help define abhor. I know the dictionary or a good Bible dictionary/commentary can define it,...
In Europe during the High Middle Ages, schools of higher learning utilized the trivium (grammar, logic, and rhetoric) and quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry,...
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What year was Jesus Christ born?
Revelation 3:7-13 records Christ's message to the sixth of the seven churches addressed in Revelation 2-3. The Philadelphian church is the recipient of this...
To state a fact, Christianity is a religion. Many of my friends use the slogan "it is not a religion, it is a relationship", however, the bible does not put...
I find elect used 17 times in the Bible, 4 in the Old Testament, 13 in the New. In the Old Testament and according to Strong's it is the word bä•khēr' with...
Selfishness is that attitude of being concerned with one's own interests above the interests of others. However, the Bible commands us to "do nothing from...
The word strength and its derivatives are mentioned over 360 times in the Bible, applying to both natural and supernatural strength. The Greek word katei...
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To whom are we to pray, the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit?
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Did Jephthah sacrifice his daughter to the Lord?
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Why does God desire mercy and acknowledgement of Him instead of sacrifice?
In Revelation 2:18-29 Jesus sends His message to the church of Thyatira. Thyatira was a wealthy town on the Lycus River in the Roman province of Asia...
Smyrna was a large, important city on the western coast of Asia Minor, famed for its schools of medicine and science. The words of Jesus to the church in...
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Are the 10 Commandments considered Mosaic law or not?
Mat 24:31.And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to...
Interesting question... In Scripture there is not the slightest reference to an election of God whereby one person is chosen to be saved and another is not....
In my humble opinion the answer to the current illegal immigration sideshow as put forth by the faculty lounge commandos and their intelligentsia media...
Genesis 38 tells the story of Tamar who Judah took to be the wife of his firstborn son, Er. It is very interesting reading and rather than me spoil the story...
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What does 'blessed are the peacemakers' mean?
To abhor is to hate. As Christians we should hate all evil, and follow Christ's command to love as He loved us. In 1 Thes 5:22 we are told to "Abstain from...
Romans 1:29 First speaks of letting love be without HYPOCRISY (dissimulation). Thus the Christian's conduct towards fellow believers is to be a volitional...
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How can I overcome temptation?
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Why do we worship and do Sabbath on Sunday instead of Saturday?
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What is the New Covenant?
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Does God still speak to us today?
"God is light," says 1 John 1:5. Light is a common metaphor in the Bible. Proverbs 4:18 symbolizes righteousness as the "morning sun." Philippians 2:15...
Evil is what is morally wrong, sinful, or wicked. Evil is the result of bad actions stemming from a bad character. Biblically, evil is anything that...
In Angelica Zambrano's vision she said that there was a young man who was a Christian Hip Hop artist who ended up in hell because of the fact that he...
The main problem with this episode of Balaam and the donkey is why did the Lord open up the donkey's mouth? It wasn't to shock or impress Balaam, because...
A literal reading of this account makes it clear that Jephthah did indeed sacrifice his daughter "as a burnt offering to The Lord." Having been influenced by...
On a clear night, look up at the stars in the sky. Genesis 1 records that God made all of them! Imagine the power in just one star! But it is not just about...
Although youth ministry is a fixture in the modern church, there is no biblical model for such a ministry. However, biblical principles can and should be the...
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Will more people go to heaven or to hell?
This is a loaded question. The Bible does not encourage anyone to bear arms, legal or illegal. Old Testament makes hundred of references to use of force in...
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