What did Jesus say about polygamy?
I started to respond after meditating on the referenced scripture of Genesis 19 and commencing prayer with the Risen King. When I decided to respond I was...
Did it happen when Jesus breathed the Spirit on them? Or when Thomas confessed 'My Lord and my God'? Or something else?
First, we all are flawed. There was only One sinless and that was Jesus. Secondly, I believe the Bible displays those within it, warts and all, for more than...
The answer to this question starts in Genesis chapter 15:1-21. From verses 13 to 21 we read: 13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall...
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Should Christians celebrate Halloween?
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Should Christians celebrate Halloween?
Shalom This is a rather awkward situation but as in all things the Lord has the answer in His word. I do agree that the man is required to take care of the...
"If"? It HAS been found. During a flight from Tunisia to Erivan in the summer of 1945, a Russian pilot took a picture from an altitude of 20,000 feet....
"God breathed the breath of life into Adam and he became a living soul." Not given a soul. The word spirt means breath from the greek pneuma, as in...
Hebrews chapter eleven, the Great faith chapter. Verses 1 and 2, "Only faith can guarantee the blessings that we hope for or prove the existence of realities...
My opinion is that we are not perfect, we still live in human flesh and we still live here on earth. And earth is the throne of Satan, so it means temptation...
This is one of the easiest questions to answer, and the most difficult to wrap our minds around. First, through the fall in the garden of Eden, we live in a...
"Why are so many of those God chose so flawed?" Let's take a look at 1 Corinthians 1:20-31. 20 Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer...
I had the same question at one time. I thought, "If (as I have always believed) my disembodied soul will possess all the essential characteristics of...
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If you are once saved are you then always saved?
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Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Is it acceptable to repeatedly pray for the same thing?
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What is the Apostolic Church, and what do Apostolics believe?
Does God hear (answer) the prayers of a sinner (unbeliever)? A bit oxymoronic, as an unbeliever is just that, someone who would not believe there is an...
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Is it a sin to play poker?
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What is the meaning of the tree of life?
I checked a couple other translations and the original words (using eBible, of course). Lust in the KJV here simply means to desire greatly so it may not be...
Go back to when you were a child--did your parents give you everything you asked for? I expect not, because maybe you weren't ready for it or you didn't...
The sword is the word of God. It comes to people who don't know God and the people who do, and pierces their heart. I go to a house meeting and sometimes...
God wants all his creation to turn back to him. We are all sinners, and the only way you can turn back is by praying and to ask him to show you the right way...
Everyone in this world will have some sort of pain and suffering in their lives. The difference between those who believe in God and other people is we can...
1 peter 3:15 says, "But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hop...
1 Peter 3:15
Arun, you asked a great question and I thank the Lord for your question, because it will shed light on what a lot of people have been confused about. Please,...
T…Total Depravity Every man is depraved, sinful and deserving of hell. Period. No man is good. No man is redeemable unless God in His sovereignty saves him....
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What is the difference between tithes and offerings?
Let me ask just one question: What does Holy Spirit say?
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What does the Bible say about breaking generational curses?
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How should Christian parents handle a teen daughter who has become pregnant?
The rod is God's word that puts us right when we're wrong, and the staff is God's strength, that he gives us when we go through trouble.
Halloween is not pagan in origin. Instead, it is a Catholic celebration. The word "Halloween" came from "All Hallows Eve", the eve of All Saints Day. The...
This is a great question. I used to ask the same question as well as others like “Why does Jesus need to come back to get me if I am already in Heaven with...
Jesus is the mediator between God and us so when we pray we pray to God but through his son.
Psalm 121:6-8 comes to mind in considering this question. The Lord will preserve his people from all evil, he will preserve our going out and our coming in...
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If we are to Baptize in the NAME (singular) of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost then what is that NAME?
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What evidence is there in scripture to support the doctrine of the holy trinity?
To understand this issue better, let’s start by looking how God relates to mankind in different ways at different times, the bible calls it...
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