What does the Bible say about women music ministers / worship leaders?
There is little to add from Scripture, beyond what has been presented here, though I believe the history of Christianity has much to offer. 50 years of music...
There is little to add from Scripture, beyond what has been presented here, though I believe the history of Christianity has much to offer. 50 years of music...
The Bible is not an encyclopedia or Google search engine to find out all the answers of our human history. Our finite human mind cannot comprehend what God’s...
Rom 16:1 in the textus receptus, Paul uses the Greek word "diakonon" to describe Phoebe. This is the same word used in Acts 6:2 to describe the 1st deacons....
This is what the Bible teaches about where we go and what we do after death: After death a person returns to dust (Psalms 104:29), knows nothing...
The Bible has nothing to say about the role of senior pastor, because it is not mentioned in the Bible. It is a position invented by humans. As such it may...
In my humble opinion scripture foretold of the current times before us all, when many would be lovers of themselves, offended in some way, thus granting...
Two facts must be appreciated. There is experimental science where one does experiments, gets hard data and forms conclusions. This science has resulted in...
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What does the Bible say about strength?
We may not find those exact words in the bible. But it is most certainly implied. Abraham was chosen to be the voice of right and justice (Gen 17:18-19). We...
I think the question was, "what is the purpose of the 1000 year reign?" I was taught a long time ago that Christ comes back and establishes a perfect society...
Also Matt 14:13-21 What is the significance of the baskets left over when Jesus fed the 5000 men (plus children and women) with 5 loaves of bread and 2 pi...
What if injustice was done to elderly parent's assets and estate?
Matthew 5:40
What completely destroys a biblical worldview is the conflicting messages we get in our society. For example, in my case I believed in evolution and in...
My answer will be yes using Isaiah 45:7: "I form light and create darkness: I make peace and create EVIL: I, the lord, do all these things." Be that as it...
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Does God love Satan?
How long was it? What did Mary do during it?
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If God knew that Satan would rebel and Adam and Eve would sin, why did He create them?
2 Kings 18 and 19 both mention interactions between these two men. What can we learn about the interactions between them?
2 Kings 18:1 - 37
Noah had three children. This can found in GEN 6:9-10 These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man blameless in his generation. Noah walked...
There are three instances of encounters between our lord Jesus Christ and demons in scripture. It will be well to note that some versions call demons unclean...
Noah had three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth. Along with his wife and the wives of his three sons, it was these eight who were saved in the flood. I could add...
Noah's family details are recorded in Genesis 6:10 and also 9:18. In the 10th chapter of Genesis, is given the generations of his sons, There maybe something...
Matthew 2:3
The short answer is that God will release Satan so the entire Universe can see that there is no redeeming value in Satan, that regardless of circumstances...
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What is the fruit of the Holy Spirit?
Jews are not saved because they are Jews. People are only saved by faith in Jesus Christ. Paul teaches that the Children of Abraham are spiritual not...
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What does the Bible say about political correctness? Should a Christian be politically correct?
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How can I overcome an addiction to internet porn? Can addiction to pornography be defeated?
The Bible has nothing to say about the Ice Age. Therefore all speculation about the ice age is human and no human view should be taken as authoritative. All...
No, having a wet dream is not a sin. You only sin when you break one of God's Laws. Where there is no law, there can be no sin. Rom 4:15. There is no law...
This question has already been answered very well above. However, I would like to add a few instances where men and women of faith in the bible had to have...
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What are the seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls in the Book of Revelation?
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Who is responsible for poverty and riches in this world?
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What is the Sermon on the Mount?
"It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles you, rather what comes out of the mouth". It does not matter whether you attend one Church or twenty, it is...
Adam and Eve were created perfect by God. Sin had not entered them until the disobedience. They walked with God in tHe Garden until their sin. They were...
As you all know, prayer is important element as far as a Christian believer is concerned. The power of prayer cannot be overlooked. In our daily living,...
When we walk in the Spirit, HE leads and guides and there is no condemnation. But guess what happens when we do not walk in the Spirit? And guess what the...
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Why is the love of money the root of all kinds of evil?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What should I look for in a Christian girlfriend?
The phrase "thorn in the flesh" was not original with Paul. It was an Old Testament term that referred to the negative influence ungodly people had on...
The answer is a big yes! The blood of the lord Jesus reconciles all mankind unto his God and his Father and ours IF we accept the one whom He has sent. The...
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