What does it mean that man cannot come to Christ unless the Father draws Him?
Jn 6:44 - Let's see what it means: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.” Let’s parse it...
Jn 6:44 - Let's see what it means: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.” Let’s parse it...
Hello child of God, like you I am totally and permanently disabled. I survived a traumatic brain injury on June 4th 2006. I was in different therapies until...
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What does the Bible say about interracial marriage?
Author/counselor/pastor Stuart Scott makes a very good case for PRIDE being at the root of all sin in his mini book, "From Pride to Humility" (available on...
The answer hangs on a distinction between the 'letter' and the 'spirit' of the Law. The 'letter' is what the Old Testament Law literally says, but the...
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Is speaking in tongues evidence for having the Holy Spirit?
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What does it mean that we are not to love the world?
This exact question was asked and answered already. We have the entire event recorded in Acts. There is no debate about it. Acts 15 is all about this issue....
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In the book of Job of the bible why is Elihu not guilty before God?
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What is faithfulness (fruit of the Holy Spirit)?
An answer on question - "What does the Bible say about mixed marriages?" I know myself how difficult it can get when one of the two are not in agreement with...
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Should a Christian get insurance?
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Should a Christian get insurance?
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What is the World Council of Churches (WCC)?
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What does it mean to love God?
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Do Christians have to obey the Old Testament law?
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How should we as Christians deal with the homosexual situations and issues taking over the media today?
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Do Christians have to obey the Old Testament law?
Gilgal had been one of the locations on the "circuit" made by the prophet Samuel in his capacity as the last of the judges of Israel (1 Samuel, Chapters 7,...
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Mat 5:17 Do not think that I have come to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to destroy but to fulfill. Mat 5:18 For truly I say to you, Till...
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Why is church attendance important?
Our Bible study class gave me an excellent insight into Old Testament laws and how they relate to New Testament Christians. They made the point that there...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What are the strongest biblical arguments for the divinity of Christ?
First thought is the veneration of Mary and the saints as intercessors instead of Jesus being the one and only true intercessor. Veneration & adulation...
Grace provided the payment for our sin; no other payment is needed to be reconciled. Faith in that sacrifice gives a clean conscience; our clean conscience...
The genesis of this question most likely come from a misunderstanding of what James and Paul stated in the scriptures that appears to be contradictory...
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What is theodicy?
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What does it mean that Jesus is our High Priest?
More people are born every day, so does this mean God is creating more angels, too?
The simple straightforward answer to the question is: WE DO NOT KNOW HOW MANY ANGELS THERE ARE! The Bible says that there are myriads upon myriads of angels....
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What does the Bible say about faith?
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What does the Bible say about complaining?
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What does the Bible say about communication?
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Do we need to be aware of the spiritual battle that is taking place around us?
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Why is the Virgin Birth so important?
Our Heavenly Father’s guarantee of forgiveness is based on our willingness to truly forgive others. “So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you,...
Our God created us with consequences of life, which means when we get ill, if we wait we might get well without prayer. On the other hand never has a prayer...
God clearly demonstrated His love for sinners through the death of Jesus on the cross. He made Him that know no sin to bore the sins of the world. God has...
Verse 44 1. [No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. It is written in the prophets,...
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Why does God hate sinners yet want to save sinners?
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Why does God hate sinners yet want to save sinners?
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Why does God hate sinners yet want to save sinners?
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Is there such a thing as the evil eye?
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How does one handle conflict in a marriage (or any relationship for that matter)?
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How is eternity in hell a fair punishment for sin?
When Jesus died -- He did not go anywhere. He was dead. Cold and dead. 3 days and 3 nights later He arose and had not gone to Paradise -- which the Bible...
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What was the meaning of Jesus walking on water?
This is a daily duty and self-conscience issue that I seem to think about almost on a daily basis. To me, 'walking in the presence of God's Holy Spirit'...
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