How can a person be safe when his life's work is burned up and he suffers loss?
Vs. 13, "but each person's handiwork will be shown for what it is. The Day which dawns in the fire will make it clear and the fire will test the quality of...
Vs. 13, "but each person's handiwork will be shown for what it is. The Day which dawns in the fire will make it clear and the fire will test the quality of...
Think of a newborn baby. That baby cannot eat the food that most people eat. Even young children learn to graduate to a diet that adults eat. It is like that...
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What is Christian rehab? When should a Christian consider going to rehabilitation?
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What should we learn from the life of Joseph?
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How can I find my spiritual calling?
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What does it mean that love never fails?
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What does the Bible say about overcoming grief?
Jesus said, " by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified" Paul said," we are not even to mingle law with grace. Obedience to the law just makes us...
1 Corinthians 3:1 - 4
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How can I find my spiritual calling?
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Who is the head of the church, biblically speaking?
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Should a Christian that lives in America vote for a Muslim president?
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What sort of interfaith ministries are appropriate?
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Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Does God require Sabbath-keeping of Christians?
I just wanted to understand how the "becoming of one flesh" or 'yoking' happens between two persons. Is it when they have sex? Is it when they get legall...
1 Corinthians 6:16
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What is Covenant Theology?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What does the Bible say about contentment?
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one!! So why does the Bible say only the Father knows the hour and the day?
Matthew 24:36
Will this be during the tribulation?
Revelation 13:16 - 18
The key to victory over sin is the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. The Lord sent us the Comforter who guides us to walk in Jesus' footsteps and...
To put the words in our own terms, he was saying 'meaningless' as in it is meaningless to chase after all these worldly things to want all those Worldly...
The biggest difference between Christianity & other religions is the FACT that we worship a living God (Joshua 3:10, Hebrews 3:12). Other religions like...
The biggest difference between Christianity & other religions is the FACT that we worship a living God (Joshua 3:10, Hebrews 3:12). Other religions like...
Fallen man, estranged from God and spiritually dead (Ephesians 2:1), is dead to Christ and destitute of embracing The Christ of God (Luke 9:20; Matthew 16:...
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Should a Christian be a Republican or a Democrat?
Onesimus was a Christian slave based at Colossae. His master was also a believer called Philemon, the man to whom the Letter of Philemon was addressed....
In my opinion the star of Bethlehem was no more than a personal vision of the Magi and not seen by anyone else on earth. The records of the Chinese and other...
Although it is not specifically stated in Colossians, most Biblical commentators seem to regard the Onesimus mentioned in Colossians 4:9 as being the same as...
There is a difference in believing something and faith in something referring to an actual trust. “You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons...
The answer to this question is 'yes' under certain conditions and 'no' under other conditions. It depends upon the spiritual heart condition of the "human"....
It does not matter what we call it; clairvoyant, physic, spiritualist, medium, palm reader, astrologist, tarot card interpreter, and so on. They are all...
The rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar is not biblical. There are some truths, but like all the movies made by Hollywood and private companies, they do not...
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What is the meaning of the Parable of the Mustard Seed?
The more I understand how much God truly loves me, the more my love for Him grows in response. God's love instills a peace and joy in me that I cannot...
Yes, I believe humans are capable of choosing or rejecting Jesus, and I agree with Jennifer's explanation. Romans 10:16-17. Faith comes by hearing, and...
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Is human will capable of choosing or rejecting Jesus?
Ephesians 2:8-9 says we are not saved by our own work, but by faith through grace. In my own experience, l did not choose to have grace. At the time, I...
Is a human will capable of choosing or rejecting Jesus? Yes, in choosing and as the result of "regeneration" - literally meaning a "new birth." The Greek...
"So are the ways of everyone that is greedy of gain": That is, set upon getting riches in an unlawful way, by robberies and murder. His ways will end in the...
Is he mentioned in the Bible other than in Colossians 4?
Colossians 4:9
I believe that the phrase "poor in spirit" is also an important spiritual reality in the process of sanctification. We need to recognize and understand that...
Going back to Genesis will take us through the step-by-step mechanism in the formation/creation of man. "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the...
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What is the difference between the Old Testament vs. New Testament?
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Is hell real? Is hell eternal?
The "daughters of Jerusalem" are mentioned seven times in the Song of Solomon. These persons are obviously female, but who exactly are they? The most likely...
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